

Legal Harmonization on Trade Facilitation

【作者】 李翠

【导师】 邓瑞平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国际法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化的推动,全球经贸联系愈加密切。各种国际性或区域性贸易组织通过展开一系列的诸如双边、多边谈判,使得关税、市场准入等贸易壁垒对国际经贸的影响日益降低。但潜在的“贸易的非效率”作为一种“隐形”的市场准入壁垒日益受到众多国际组织、政府及商界的高度关注。复杂繁琐的通关手续、冗多重复的单证要求、行政部门之间不协调等给国际贸易带来众多的负面影响,促使国际社会关注贸易便利化。世界各国的贸易参与者呼吁政府实施贸易便利化措施进行贸易管理,以高度的透明度,简化进出境贸易手续,协调各种贸易法律法规。由于贸易便利化涉及的范围比较广,各国的贸易便利化水平不一,国际上尚无统一的法律规范予以固化,同时,国内行政监管部门之间法律交织,区域贸易法律规范同多边贸易法律规范之间的冲突,严重阻碍了贸易便利化的进行,迫使国际社会必须对其进行法律协调。如何协调各贸易组织、国家、市场参与者等之间的冲突,制定统一的多边法律体系推进贸易便利化的实施,是推进经济全球化的当务之急。本文主要运用归纳总结的方法,以贸易便利化的定义价值为出发点,分析贸易便利化实施中存在的法律问题,强调贸易便利化法律协调的必要性,然后阐述进行法律协调应遵循的基本原则,最后对协调模式、方式和协调的内容进行归纳总结。全文共分五部分,主要内容如下:第一部分主要阐述贸易便利化法律协调的基本理论问题。通过对贸易便利化概念的界定、理论价值的分析,强调贸易便利化的必要性;剖析贸易便利化的实质以及贸易便利化实践中存在的法律问题,引出贸易便利化法律协调;通过对法律协调的理论分析,强调贸易便利化法律协调的重要性,有助于贸易自由化的实现,促进国际贸易的发展。第二部分介绍了贸易便利化法律协调的原则。法律协调的目的就是为了调整不同法律之间的冲突,由于贸易便利化协调的范围比较广泛,目前尚无统一的法律规范适用,由于法律规范本身的滞后性特点,就需要法律原则对其加以调整。法律协调原则能够弥补法律法规的不足之处,法律协调原则能够比较灵活地处理贸易便利化实施过程中法律法规之间的冲突,加速贸易自由化进程。第三部分是归纳总结国际上目前存在的几种贸易协调模式,其中在重点阐述每一种协调模式时,结合我国进行贸易便利化法律协调的实践;并对几种贸易协调方式进行评价,提出本文对进行贸易便利化法律协调模式的建议。第四部分是总结国内外相关国家进行法律协调的方式,主要有贸易对话、条约确认和机构协调等方式。贸易对话是目前国际上比较通用的方式,条约确认是贸易对话的后续,对话各方通过条约加以确定各方的权利义务;而机构协调目前只是存在区域贸易组织中,进行全球范围内的机构协调需要一个漫长的过程,提出WTO可担当作为协调全球贸易的协调机构重任的建议。第五部分主要介绍贸易便利化法律协调的内容。贸易便利化涉及的范围比较广,相应需要协调的地方也较多。本部分主要从贸易便利化最为关注的海关立法出发,完善整合海关及相关部门间的立法;同时,应当确定WTO协议中关于贸易便利的法律效力,这样在遇到法律冲突时,至少对于WTO成员方来说,可以直接适用WTO协议,避免出现无法可依的局面。在行使管辖权以及法律适用问题上,需要贸易各方进行磋商协调;在无法解决的情况下,可以考虑适用WTO的争端解决机制;最后是对判决或裁定的承认与执行,如外国判决或裁定能得到承认或执行可大大降低诉讼成本,加速实现贸易自由化。

【Abstract】 The promotion of economic globalization, global trade and economic ties even more closely. A variety of international or regional trade organizations, through a series of negotiations such as bilateral and multilateral, declined the tariffs, market access barriers which make impacts on the international trade. But the potential "trade of non-efficiency" as a "invisible" market access barriers has been highly concerned by increasingly number international organizations, governments and the business communities. complicated customs clearance procedures, redundant and duplicated documentation requirements and lacking coordination between the executive branches bring about such a large number of negative effects on the international trade, which prompted the international communities to focus on Trade Facilitation. In the world, All the Countries’ trade participants called on the government to implement trade facilitation measures to manage trade, as highly transparency degree, to simplify entry and exit of trade procedures and harmonize various trade laws and regulations.As the scope of Trade Facilitation relatively broad, as to different leveles of Trade Facilitation in the different countries, and no uniform international legal norms to be cured, meanwhile, laws of domestic administration interwoven, conflicts between the regional trade laws and the multilateral trade legal norms, which seriously impediment trade facilitation to conduct, that forces the international communities to coordinate its legal. How to coordinate the conflicts in the trade organizations, countries, departments, etc. It is imperative to enact uniform multilateral legal system to regulate the different countries’Trade Facilitation measures that could promote economic globalization. This paper mainly used the summary method to analyze, used definition and value of trade facilitation as the starting point, to analyze the legal problems in Trade Facilitation practice and emphasis importance on the Trade Facilitation, After elaborate the legal harmonization should follow the basic principles. Finally, to summary the model, manner and content of the harmonization.The full-text is divided into five parts, the main contents as follows.The first part mainly elaborate the basic theoretical issues of the Trade Facilitation. By definiting the concept and analyzing theoretical value of Trade Facilitation, which purpose is to emphasize the necessity of Trade Facilitation; analyzing the substance of Trade Facilitation and the problems in the practice of Trade Facilitation, brings to legal harmonization on Trade Facilitation. Through analyzing the legal harmonization of theory and emphasizing the importance on Trade Facilitation, which contribute to realize the liberalization of international trade and promote development of international trade.The second part introduces the principles of legal harmonization in Trade Facilitation. Objective of the legal harmonization is to regulate conflicts between different laws, since the scope of the coordination of Trade Facilitation rather broad, there is no uniform legal norms to suit, coupled with the hysteretice characteristic of legal norms themselves, it is necessary to its legal principles adjust to. The principle of legal harmonization can compensate for the inadequacies of laws and reglations.The principle that can be more flexibly address the conflict between the laws and regulations in the process of implementing Trade Facilitation, accelerate the trade liberalization process.The third part is to summary the several existing harmonization model in the world. When comes to elaborate each harmonizatin model combinating the practice of China’s Trade Facilitation and carry out to evalue the harmonization model, then propose the suggestion of harmonization model on the Trade Facilitation to this paper.The fourth Part is to summary relevant national legal harmonizaton manner at home and abroad, which mainly contain trade dialogue, the treaty recognized and institutional harmonization, etc. trade dialogue is the most common manner in the three manneres, the treaty recognized can be said follows up the trade dialogue , the parties may be confirmed rights and obligations of each other by treaty; while at present institutional harmonization only exists in the regional trade organizations, which needs a long process to carry out institutional harmonization in all the world,so this paper regards the WTO can take on the important task as the harmonization agency to harmonize the of global trade.The fifth Part mainly introduces the content of legal harmonization in Trade Facilitation. As to Trade Facilitation involves a broader scope, which needs more places to harmonize.This section mainly from customs legislation which is greatly concerned by Trade Facilitation, to improve and integrate the legislation between the customs and related departments; while, WTO agreements should be established on the legal effect of Trade Facilitation, in the event of encountering conflict of laws, at least for the WTO Members,could directly apply to WTO agreements, avoid of there is no laws to accord to. In defining jurisdiction and applying laws, which needs the each parties to negotiate and harmonize; in the case of unsolving, could consider to applying WTO dispute settlement mechanism; Finally, that is recognition and enforcement of the judgments or decisions, if the foreign judgments or decisions could be recognized and enforced which can significantly decline the litigation costs, accelerate to realize Trade Facilitation.

【关键词】 贸易便利化法律协调立法
【Key words】 Trade Facilitationharmonization of lawslegislation
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】241

