

The Empirical Study of CCTV Spring Festival Gala Language Programs under the Vision of Comunication

【作者】 阎敏

【导师】 傅宁;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国改革开放逐步深入,人民生活一天天走向富足,人们对文化生活的需求逐渐提高的时代背景之下,春晚应运而生。春晚的节目类型分为语言类、歌舞类、曲艺及其它类,其中语言类节目备受关注。然而,进入上世纪90年代,随着市场经济的深入发展,社会文化以及消费社会逐渐转型,媒介技术取得长足进步,受众的艺术鉴赏能力也日益提高。因此,受众对春晚语言类节目的态度产生了一些变化,由新奇喜爱转变为挑剔批判,出现年年期待年年看,年年看又年年骂的现象。本研究拟以央视春晚语言类节目为样本,通过对历年春晚语言类节目进行内容分析,同时剖析受众的收看形态及其对节目的意义解读,并对具体节目进行叙事学文本分析,描绘出各个维度下春晚语言类节目的图景,提出并求证以下问题:历届春晚语言类节目有哪些基本特征?受众对春晚语言类节目持何种态度,为什么?春晚语言类节目应该从哪些角度考虑自身定位,以满足受众的需求?本论文主体分为两个部分。第一部分,对春晚语言类节目进行实证研究。首先,对春晚语言类节目进行量化分析。用内容分析法研究论证春晚语言类节目主题、节目数量、时长、表演者以及所用方言等各方面的基本特征。然后,对受众进行态度研究,该部分采用无结构访谈法,即深度访谈法。通过对访谈内容进行分析,了解受众对春晚语言类节目态度变化情况。最后,笔者从叙事学的角度,对具体的语言节目采用话语分析法进行研究。从意识形态、大众文化等角度出发,通过话语分析得到话语背后隐藏的意识形态、深层次的文化因素以及话语的功能和效果,从而找出节目话语背后的意识形态传播规律,挖掘语言类节目的社会功能和基本定位。第二部分,使用传播学理论阐释实证研究的结果。研究发现,使用与满足理论并不能合理解释春晚语言类节目存在的观众年年期待年年看,年年看又年年骂的现象,相反,在春晚语言类节目这一特殊语境下,该理论可以重新建立一种模式,笔者已在具体论证中总结出一个新的模式图。议程设置理论可以阐释春晚语言类节目建构意识形态的定位,而拟态环境理论也正是春晚语言类节目传递大众文化信息、塑造大众文化形象的理论证明。研究发现,春晚语言类节目在现有的基本定位下,在节目主题、形式、内容和规格上存在具体的问题。如何找准定位,解决目前存在的问题,即本研究的结语部分。结合实证研究结果和理论阐释,最后找寻到的春晚语言类节目的基本定位并非恒定不变的,而是结合当时的社会环境、受众、媒介技术等多方面进行综合考虑,立足受众,并随着时代的变化不断创新,这才是让春晚语言类节目永葆生机的合理定位。

【Abstract】 Under the background that China’s reform and opening up is gradually deepening, people’s lives are becoming more and more prosperous, and people are gradually increasing demand for cultural life, Spring Festival Gala comes into being.The types of Spring Festival Gala programs are divided into language classes, dance classes, folk art, and other categories in which language classes are of special concern. However, Into the 90s last century, with the further development of market economy, the gradual transformation of social culture and consumer society, the media technology has made great progress, and the audience’s appreciation of the arts is also rising. Therefore, the audience for Spring Festival Gala language classes shows the attitude of some changes from novelty into criticism. It leads into the phenomenon of looking forward to and watching every year while watching and cursing every year.This study is intended to show the CCTV Spring Festival Gala language classes as a sample. Through the content analysis for calendar year’s Spring Festival Gala language classes programs and analysis of audience’s viewing patterns and its impact on programs to be read, the narrative text analysis for specific programs and the description upon pictures of Spring Festival Gala show under various dimensions, I try to present and verify the following questions: What are the basic characteristics of the previous Spring Festival Gala language programs? What attitude does the audience take towards the Spring Festival Gala language programs, and why? To meet audience’s needs and position themselves suitably, what points of view should be taken into consideration by the Spring Festival Gala language programs producers?This paper is divided into two parts. Part one, do some empirical research on the Spring Festival Gala language programs. First, make some quantitative analyses for the Spring Festival Gala language programs. Use content analysis to study and verify such basic features of Spring Festival Gala language programs as themes, program number, duration, performers as well as the dialect used in areas. Then, do research on the attitude of audiences. This segment is in unstructured interview method, that is, depth interviews. Through interviews with content analysis, we can understand the changes in attitudes of the audience towards the Spring Festival Gala language programs. Finally, for the specific language programs, learning from a narrative point of view, using discourse analysis research, from the ideology, popular culture point of view, through the discourse analysis to gain the hidden ideology behind the discourses, deep-seated cultural factors as well as the functions and effects of discourses, I want to identify the ideology behind the spread of programming discourse rules and find the social function and basic orientation of the language programs. Part two, use communication theory to explain empirical findings. The study shows that using the theory can not reasonably be interpreted to explain the looking forward to and watching every year while watching and cursing every year phenomenon on the Spring Festival Gala language programs. On the contrary, under the particular context in the Spring Festival Gala language classes, this theory can re-establish a pattern. I summed up a new model diagram in a specific argument. Agenda-setting theory can explain the Spring Festival Gala language programs’positioning of construction of the ideological construct, while the pseudo-environment theory is the theoretical explanations for Spring Festival Gala language programs to pass information on popular culture and shape the image of mass culture.The study shows that Spring Festival Gala language programs get specific problems in the program theme, form, content and specifications in the existing basic definition. How to find their places, to solve the existing problems, that is part of the conclusion of this study. Combining the results of empirical studies and theoretical interpretation, we know that the basic orientation we are looking for is not unchangeable. Based on the audience, it requires a combination of the prevailing social environment, audience, media, technology, and many other comprehensive considerations, and with the constant innovation following the changes of the times, Spring Festival Gala language programs can find a reasonable positioning and maintain their vigor.

  • 【分类号】G222
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】951

