

The Study on the Application of Law in International Product Liability

【作者】 周畅

【导师】 赵生祥;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国际法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国际贸易在经济全球化的推动下成为国民经济的重要组成部分,国际产品责任问题作为国际贸易的一大内容,基于其对公共利益与个人利益的双重关注越来越受到社会重视。但是各国相关实体立法差异较大,在缺乏产品责任统一实体法的情况下,解决国际间产品责任冲突就主要是依靠有关产品责任的冲突规范。本文拟采用比较分析与实证分析的方法,归纳总结国际产品责任法律适用的发展趋势,比较国内外相关立法经验,对比分析各国立法设计,提出完善我国相关立法的建议,找到最切合我国国情的立法设计。文章共分为五个部分:引言部分简要介绍了论文的研究目的,理论意义,相关领域国内外研究现状以及研究方法。第一部分对国际产品责任法律适用问题进行了简单的概述。该部分以三个方面纵向揭示出产品责任法律冲突的实际产生原因。各国法律冲突形式上源于各国对产品责任概念认识的不同,即对产品、缺陷、损害等概念的不同界定。其直接原因则在于不同国家间的利益冲突,宏观上体现为发达国家与发展中或欠发达国家间的利益冲突。而根本原因在于价值取向的不同倾斜,如正义与效益。另外,该部分还介绍了解决国际产品责任法律冲突的两种基本方法,即直接调整方法和间接调整方法,并简要分析了两种方法优劣。第二部分评析了国际产品责任的国际私法统一化运动和国际立法实践。该部分主要介绍了国际私法统一化运动的成果《海牙公约》和《罗马公约II》,以及美国、瑞士等其他典型国家的相关国际私法立法条款。文章着重于评析《海牙公约》和《罗马公约II》,也略微评价了其他国家的立法实践,为后文对比分析总结做好铺垫。第三部分则是综合上述介绍总结出国际产品责任法律适用制度的晚近发展。该部分从三个方面解析了制度发展。首先主要介绍了产品责任归责原则的历史发展过程,再揭示了产品责任法律适用原则从最初的侵权行为地法原则发展到纳入了各种灵活性原则的现代法律适用原则,最后从立法技术层面分析评价了现代技术的发展和优越性。文章最后一部分则主要是研究我国现行立法以及学术界和实务届正在酝酿准备出台的相关立法条款。该部分基于前文的分析,指出我国立法的不足之处,并采用对比的方法评价不同立法设计的优劣势。另外还回答了我国是否应该加入《海牙公约》的问题,并提出能否参与制定区域性产品责任法律适用公约的构想。最后总结前文提出适合我国国情的若干立法建议。

【Abstract】 Under the impetus of the economic globalization,international trade becomes an important component of the national economic.As one of the significant parts of the international trade,international product liability gained more and more social attention which is based on its attention on both public interests and personal interest.But due to the multiplicity of the substantive law,resolving the international product liability conflicts is mainly depending on the related conflict rules in the absence of unified substantive law.This thesis analyzes the trend of the application of law’s development,compare the domestic and international experience in the relevant legislation, analyze the legislation design in different countries by comparison in a comparative and empirical way,through which the author try to make a proposal to perfect the relevant legislation and find the optimal legislation design in China.This thesis is composed of five parts:The introduction briefly introduces the objective of this thesis,the theoretical significance and the research in related fields,as well as research methods at home and abroad.Part one is a brief presentation of the application of international product liability law.this part reveals the actual causes of the product liability conflicts from three aspects.The conflicts of law formally derive from the different understandings of the definitions,for example,the definition of product,defect,damage etc.The direct cause is the conflicts of interet between different countries,which reflected at macro level between developed and developing or less developed countries.The basic reason is the different value orientation,for instance,justice and efficiency.Furthermore,this part also introduces two basic methods to solve the international product liability conflicts,that is,direct adjustment method and indirect adjustment methods,as well as a brief analysis of the two methods.Part two introduces unificationary activities of the international private law of product liabilities and the international legislation in practice.this part mainly present the results of the unificationary activities,that is,"Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability"and"Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations",as well as the related international private law rules about the other typical countries such as the United States,Switzerland.This part mainly analyzes the two conventions,and assesses the legislation of the other countries in practice,in order to pave the way for the following part.Part three concludes the above to make a conclusion about the recent development of the international product liability.This part analyzes the development from three aspects.First of all,it introduces the historical development of the doctrine of liability fixation of product liability.Then it reveals the development of the applicable principles from the initial tort law principle to the flexible modern applicable principles.At last,it analyzes and assesses the development and superiority of modern legislative technology.The last part mainly research the legislation in China and the relevant legislative provisions which academics and practitioners prepare to brew.Also,it points out the inadequacies of our legislation based on the foregoing analysis,and assesses the advantages and disadvantages of different legislative design by comparison.Besides,it answers the question that whether China should accedes to the Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability.And make a proposal that we can participate in the formulation of rules of regional convention on the law applicable to product liability.At last,it makes several legislative proposals that suited to China’s national conditions.

  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】314

