

Research on Layout Optimization of Urban Park in Shijiazhuang City

【作者】 王云

【导师】 孙桂平;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市生活的一些弊端逐渐暴露出来,生活压力不断增大,人们迫切需要接近自然。城市公园作为城市公共资源的重要组成部分,具有重要的生态、休憩、经济和社会文化功能,是居民远离尘嚣、缓解压力的理想场所。因此,城市公园成为政府和居民密切关注的焦点,同时也成为专家学者关注和探讨的热点。目前,国内学者对城市公园的研究主要集中在景观格局、生态效应或是具体公园的规划和设计等方面,且以定性研究为主,缺乏定量化的研究,着眼于城市公园的公平性、空间适宜度和空间合理配置角度的分析和研究尚处于初级阶段。本文在参阅大量国内外相关研究文献的基础上,首先,从宏观上对石家庄市城市公园空间布局特征进行分析,得出石家庄市城市公园的空间布局具有如下特征:①整体上呈聚集型点状分布,且分布具有明显的方向性;②城市公园分布于交通干线周边;③市内各区的公园分布存在明显的空间差异;④公园类型地域上分布不平衡;⑤中心城区可达性高,东、北部地区为服务盲区;⑥空间分布在一定程度上符合中心地理论的特征。其次,从微观上应用空间适宜度函数对石家庄市51个城市公园样本进行空间适宜度评价,得出结论:空间适宜度较好的城市公园有37个,空间适宜度较差的城市公园有14个。最后,探索性地应用了空间配置模型和优化算法相结合的方法对石家庄市城市公园空间布局进行优化。从景观、生态、经济多个角度,利用石家庄市人口密度、地价、水系、道路等强度影响因子,借助Matlab技术平台计算出石家庄市城市公园的坐标定位,经过区位修正,最终得到石家庄市城市公园空间布局优化方案。本文的研究特色和主要创新点为:一是研究角度的创新。本文将宏观研究与微观评价相结合,从两个角度对石家庄市城市公园空间布局进行分析评价,突破了传统的或从整体上考虑其布局特征或单一公园布局是否合理这一局限。宏观上考虑其布局特征以便整体把握其布局状态和分布方向,微观上更为细致地评价每一个城市公园的服务功能与其周边环境的匹配程度,从而能够更加科学、更加合理地优化城市公园空间布局。二是研究方法的创新。本文首次将空间配置模型和数学优化算法应用于城市公园的空间布局优化过程中,突破了传统的定性分析或GIS软件辅助下的优化方法。利用Matlab软件强大的科学计算机数据处理能力和出色的图形处理功能,对城市公园进行科学、合理、精准定位,以得到最优布局方案。此模型的应用不仅为城市公园空间配置、合理定位提供了一种新的方法,而且可以扩展应用到城市基础设施建设的其它领域。

【Abstract】 A number of shortcomings of urban living life were gradually exposed with the accelerating process of urbanization. The life pressure increased unceasingly so that people need to approach nature urgently. As an important component part of urban public sources, urban parks possess many significant functions for ecology, leisure, economy and socio-culture of cities. Furthermore, urban parks provide an ideal place for residents far away from the stresses of modern life and enable them have more pleasure. Therefore, both the government and residents are paying close attention to the development of urban parks; specialists and scholars are concerning and discussing those urban environment matters as well. At present, the landscape pattern, ecological effects and specific park planning are particularly concentrated by domestic scholars. Moreover, most of those researches are a qualitative work and lack of quantitative research. Research focus on the fairness of city parks, space and space suitable for the rational allocation is still in the primary stage.In this paper, based on a large number of domestic and international research literature, first of all, the paper will focus on macroscopic analyses about Shijiazhuang urban park space layout characteristics which had the following characteristics of spatial distribution: (1)As a whole showed accumulation punctual distribution, and the direction of the obvious; (2)City parks located around the main traffic lines; (3) There are obvious spatial differences in each region of the spatial distribution of the park. (4)Geographically unbalance distribution of all kinds of urban parks; (5)The central city accessibility is high, eastern and the northern area could serve the blind spot; (6)The spatial distribution of a certain extent in line with the characteristics of Central Place Theory.Secondly, microscopically, from the application of space-fitness function was applied to evaluate 51 City Park samples of Shijiazhuang City, and concluded that there are 37 city parks which are spatial being suitable and 14 which are spatial being not suitable.Finally, the exploring research applied the method which combines the spatial disposition model with the optimized algorithm to carry on the optimization to the spatial arrangement of Shijiazhuang urban park. From different point of view, such as the landscape, ecologic, economic, at the same time the research uses the strength influence factors which are population density, soil-rent value, river system and path uniform. By virtue of the Technology platform of Matlab, the method could calculates the coordinates of Shijiazhuang city park location. After the amendment, the research obtains the optimization program on Shijiazhuang city park space layout.In this paper, there are two characteristics and main innovations:One is perspective innovation. This paper combines Macro examination and microscopic appraisal, from two perspectives to analyze and evaluate spatial layout of Shijiazhuang urban park, breaks through the traditional limitation from the whole to consider the layout of features or a single park layout whether reasonable. Macroscopically the consideration its layout characteristic so that the whole can grasp its layout condition and the distributed direction microscopically more detailed evaluation the matching degree of each of the service function of a urban park and its surrounding environment. Hence, it can be more scientific and more rational to optimize the layout of city park space.Second, the research method is innovated. For the first time, this paper applied the spatial disposition model and mathematics optimization algorithm in the city park spatial arrangement optimal process. Breaks through the traditional qualitative analysis or GIS optimization method, using Matlab software which has a powerful scientific computer data processing capacity and excellent graphics processing capabilities to locate the city park scientific, rational and precise, so that it could be obtain the optimal arrangement program. The application of this mode not only provided one new method for city park space allocation, reasonable location provides a new approach, but also can be extended to urban infrastructure construction and other fields.


