

Internet Culture Have Influence on China’s Main Current Ideology

【作者】 齐小娟

【导师】 程新英;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电脑和手机等互联网终端的逐步普及,越来越多的人开始使用网络进行学习和工作,人们逐渐受到网络文化的影响,同时我国主流意识形态也受到这种新型文化的影响。本文分析了网络文化的概念及特征和主流意识形态的内涵和功能,阐述了网络文化对我国主流意识形态的机遇和挑战,提出了应对网络文化挑战的路径。文章分四部分:第一部分是明确了网络文化的概念,网络文化是随着信息化技术的发展,以电脑和手机为载体、具有广泛受众群体而衍生出来的全球性、跨越民族界限的各种文化现象的综合,它表现出一种全新的生存方式、思维模式及活动方式。此外还论述了网络文化的特征:具有大众性与平等性、自由性与多元性、开放性与包容性的特征,同时分析了主流意识形态的概念和功能及我国主流意识形态的现状。第二部分论述了网络文化对我国主流意识形态带来了巨大机遇,网络文化成为我国主流意识形态传播的重要领域,网络文化的多媒体特征为我国主流意识形态增强影响力和渗透性提供了重要的传播方式,同时网络文化所蕴含的网络精神促进了我国主流意识形态的建设。第三部分论述了网络文化对我国主流意识形态形成的挑战,网络文化的自由性和多元性对我国主流意识形态主导地位形成了冲击,网络文化的开放性和包容性对我国主流意识形态防御及创新能力形成了挑战,网络文化的大众性和平等性对我国的主流意识形态权威性构成了冲击,国际上的网络文化霸权和文化帝国主义对我国主流意识形态形成的威胁。第四部分探索性地提出了应对网络文化挑战、构建我国主流意识形态的路径。一方面我们要加强主流意识形态的理论阵地建设、构建具有中国特色的网络宣传体系,即加强党对意识形态的领导,坚持马克思主义对网络文化的控制力和导向力,加强网络马克思主义阵地建设,完整地展现马克思主义理论体系,建立、健全网络系统中的宣传主流意识形态的组织体系;另一方面我们要推进理论创新、增强主流意识形态的说服力和引领力,主流意识形态要坚持对网络文化中的多元化社会思潮的引领作用,主流意识形态要从网络文化与社会生活中吸取营养以增强其亲和力和感召力,主流意识形态要不断地进行理论创新,以能够贴近与指导新的现实,主流意识形态要更具包容性及对其他意识形态的整合作用,主流意识形态要借助网络文化以进一步提高其传播力和广泛力的认同。

【Abstract】 With the gradual popularization of the Internet terminals, such as computers and mobiles, more and more people began to use the network to learn and work. People are increasingly subject to the impact of Internet culture, and meanwhile the mainstream ideology in China is also exposed to this new culture. In the thesis, the concept and features of Internet culture and mainstream ideology, and the meaning and function of network culture are analyzed. Then the opportunities and challenges presented for China’s mainstream ideology are explored. And methods that can be adopted todeal with the challenges are presented. The thesis is divided into four parts:The first part is on the concept of Internet culture. Internet culture is the synthesis various phenomenons emerging with the development of information technology, computer and mobile phones as the carrier, with a wide range of audience groups derived from the global nature of the various cultures across national boundaries. It demonstrates a new way of life, thought patterns and approaches. And summarizes the characteristics of network culture: publicity and equality, freedom and diversity, openness and inclusiveness. Meanwhile, the concept and function of the mainstream ideology and the status quo of China’s mainstream ideology are analyzed.In the second part of this thesis, it is proposed that the network culture has brought great opportunities to the mainstream ideology in China. Network culture has become the mainstream ideology of the important areas of communication. Multi-media features of the network culture has provided an important mode of transmission for the mainstream ideology of China’s increased influence and permeability. Meanwhile, a network culture contained in the network has promoted the spirit of the construction of China’s mainstream ideology.The third section deals with challenge posed by the network culture to the mainstream ideology in China. The cultural freedom and diversity of the network shocks the leading position of the mainstream ideology in China. network culture. The open and inclusive nature of the network poses a challenge to the defense and innovation of the mainstream ideology in China. The popularity and equality of networks constitutes a shock to the authority of the mainstream ideology in our country. The cultural hegemony and cultural imperialism of the international network threat the mainstream ideology of China.In the fourth part, the tentative method is proposed toexploratorily respond to the network cultural challenges and to build the path of China’s mainstream ideology. On the one hand, we need to improve the theory of the mainstream ideology and to build a network with Chinese characteristics and propaganda system. Namely, we should strengthen the leadership of the Party’s ideology, adhere to the control and guidance of Marxism to the network culture, strengthen the Marxist position in the network construction of and complete the display of the Marxist theoretical system, and establish and improve the the organization system of the network in the propaganda of the mainstream ideology. On the other hand, we need to promote theoretical innovation, to enhance the persuasiveness and leading edge of the mainstream ideology. Mainstream ideology should adhere to leading role to the pluralistic network culture and should absorb nourishment from the network and social life to enhance their affinity and charisma. It should also constantly carry out theoretical innovation to be able to go near and guide the new reality. It should be more inclusive, and integrate other ideologies. It must rely on network culture to further enhance its strength and widely spread its power recognition.


