

A Study on the Status of Aristocratic Women During the Early Period of Xizhou

【作者】 韩英超

【导师】 白国红;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 殷周之际,是中国历史上政治与文化一大变革时期。西周前期正处在这样一个转型时期,无法规避地进入到社会的过渡阶段。然而,我们注意到,这一时期虽然对殷商时期规章制度在进行变革,但是也保留了许多对殷商时期的因袭,并为后代礼法制度的完善奠定了坚实的基础。在这样特定的历史背景下,对西周前期的贵族妇女地位进行研究就显得尤为重要。在先秦文献中,对西周前期贵族妇女地位多有掩饰,认为她们是服侍周王的宫廷角色。然而,通过更深入地研究表明,她们积极地参与国家社会生活的各个方面,包括政治、经济、军事、祭祀等,这与传统观点截然相反。因此,本文试从王室、公室及其他贵族妇女诸方面进行探讨,运用大量金文资料、辅以文献资料和考古资料,在前辈学者研究成果的基础上对这一时期的贵族妇女地位加以分析探讨。论文主要部分:第一部分:绪论。对西周前期贵族妇女地位的研究成果、研究方法、研究内容等方面进行综述。第二部分:王室妇女地位。通过研究周王后妃在国家社会生活中的活动范围,包括军事、政治、经济、祭祀、燕饗及婚姻等方面,可以看出她们在国家社会生活中发挥非常重要的作用,占有重要的地位,以揭示她们在社会生活中的真实情况。特别是王后能赏赐臣下土地,在“普天之下莫非王土”的西周前期显示了她们拥有相当大的权力,折射出她们崇高的社会地位。第三部分:公室及其他贵族妇女。通过研究公室及其他贵族妇女在国家社会生活中的活动范围,包括政治、经济、祭祀及婚姻等方面,揭示她们在国家社会中具有较高的社会地位。尤其是在西周宗法制度确立,“男权至上”观念形成的西周前期,这些贵族妇女受到周王的赏赐方面,凸显贵族妇女的社会地位。第四部分:结语。对西周前期的贵族妇女地位进行总体概括,笔者认为西周前期贵族妇女拥有非常显赫的社会地位。

【Abstract】 During Zhou and Shang Dynasties,there is a great change of politics and culture in China history. The early period of Xizhou Dynasty is just in this transitional period, and goes into the social transitional stage. However, we note that although rules and regulations of this period were changing all the time, but it also remained much of Shang period and laid a solid foundation for future generation system rites. Under this particular historical background, the study on the status of women nobles during the early period of Xizhou Dynasty is particularly important to us. The pre-Qin Dynasty materials about the position of noble women are rare,and think that they are the role of serving the King of Zhou Dynasty. However, According to more in-depth studies, it shows that they are actively involved in all aspects of the state and society, including politics, economy, military, and worship.This is completely contrary to the traditional view. Therefore, the paper explores from the royal family, public rooms and other aspects of aristocratic women with the use of a large number of inscriptions information, and supplemented by documentary and archaeological information, senior scholars’research to analyze the status of them.The main parts of this paper:First, Introduction. The summary of studies on the status of noble women during the early Xizhou period in research methods, contents and so on.Second, The status of the royal woman. According to the study on the range of social life activities of the Empress of Zhou Dynasty, including military, politics, economy, ritual, banquet and marriages, We can see that they have played a very important role in the country life, and to reveal their real social life situations. In particular, the Queen could reward the subjects lands, this shows that they have obtained considerable power, and got high social status during the early period of Xizhou DynastyThird, The public rooms and other noble women. According to the study on the public rooms and other aristocratic women ranging from social life activities, including politics, economy, sacrifice and marriage, this paper reveals they have high social status in the society. especially in the early period of Xizhou, it had established the patriarchal system and "male supremacy" conception, the rewards from the King reveal the prominent aristocratic women’s social status.Fourth, Conclusion. The summary to the status of the noble women during the early period of Xizhou. The author believes that noble women have a very prominent social position during the early period of Xizhou Dynasty.

【关键词】 西周前期金文贵族妇女
【Key words】 the Early Period of XizhouJin WenNoble Women

