

The Public Welfare Research of Social Sports Instructors

【作者】 靳娟

【导师】 刘志红;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育人文社会, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 社会体育指导员作为全民健身的重要力量,是《全民健身计划纲要》和《全民健身条例》在群众中开展的主要推动者。国家体育总局局长在考察国家级社会体育指导员培训班时指出,目前我国40万社会体育指导员在13亿人口中的比例,和发达国家比起来差距太大,所以我们要壮大社会体育指导员的队伍,要用很大力气抓全民健身这个“基础性短板”。由于我国现阶段社会生产力水平不高,人均占有量少,同时受个人经济收入、生活方式、体育意识、工作环境等很多问题的影响,在我国相当部分的人群对于“健康投资”还不能认同,对于“消费锻炼”还不能主动接受,在这种现实下,《社会体育指导员技术等级制度》(以下简称“《制度》”)下的社会体育指导员其公益性的行为在指导群众健身、积极开展社会体育活动中就发挥了巨大的作用,引导更多的人接触体育、参与体育,体验体育的魅力,并逐渐形成终身体育意识。因此,在社会体育指导员的发展中,公益性社会体育指导员的推动和促进是非常重要的。本文研究的主要内容是分析公益性社会体育指导员的价值,发现价值实现过程中的问题,并为其更好的实现提出建议和途径。在研究方法上,笔者主要运用了文献资料法、访谈法和逻辑分析法。通过查阅大量文献,全面了解《制度》下社会体育指导员的现状,并针对论文需要对社会体育指导员和普通群众进行了访谈,最终结合文献和访谈内容对公益性价值进行了分析,提出了价值实现的优化途径。得出的主要结论:1.分析了公益性社会体育指导员的价值。社会体育指导员的公益性对于个体的价值在于:符合了国人的“东方快乐观”,树立了社会道德榜样,促进了人际关系的改善,将体育变成了“玩具”;对于群体的价值在于:其一是加大了对弱势群体的关注程度,另一点是改善了群体的社会关系;对于经济的价值在于,这种公益性的行为在“政府”和“体育市场”之间起到了调节作用,同时合理的分配了公共体育服务资源;对于政治的价值在于,体现了国家对公民的人文关怀,并且可以促进政治和谐;对于文化的价值在于,面对体育文化的全球化,社会体育指导员是我国体育文化(尤其是民族传统体育文化)的保护着和宣传者。2.给出了促进公益性社会体育指导员价值实现的更优途径,主要包括:加大宣传力度、树立品牌形象、增加健身指导站点、弘扬民族传统文化、完善选拔制度、调整培训模式、注重继续教育、提高工作积极性、制定等级的期限性。总之,在我国现阶段国情下,《制度》下社会体育指导员的公益性对促进我国体育的科学发展观、和谐社会和公共体育服务体系的完善等方面都有着积极的作用。在社会体育指导员对个人直接影响的同时也间接影响了群体和社会经济、政治、文化的发展,而群体和社会的发展完善又相对提高了个人的生活水平,可以使人与社会进入良性循环的状态,最终回归到了“以人为本”的思想。

【Abstract】 Social sports instructor, as an important force of all-people body-building, is the main pusher of<Outline of the Nationwide Body-building Plan> and<All-people Body-building Rule>.The General Administration of Sports bureau chief once pointed out that our country 400,000 social sports instructors in 1.3 billion populations proportion is much less than developed countries. Therefore, we must expand the social sports instructors’ troop and grasp this "foundational short board".Because of the influences of the low social productive forces, the personal economy income, the life style, the sports consciousness, and the working condition, many people can not accept the view of "health investment". Under this kind of reality,<Social Sports Instructor Technical Class System> plays a huge role of instructing people fitness, and guides more people to contact the sports. Therefore, it is very important to impetus the development of social sports instructor.This article studies the public welfare value of the social sports instructor, and discovers the problem of realizing the value. Through the consulting of massive literature, the author thoroughly understand the present situation of the social political instructor, and carry on the analysis of the public welfare value, then propose a more superior realizing way.The main conclusions:1.The value of public welfare social sports instructors was analyzed. The value for the individual was generalized. It was consistent with the oriental concept of happiness of Chinese people. It established a moral example and Improved relationships. The sports were changed into the toy. The value for the Group was generalized. The degree of concern of the vulnerable Group was increased. And social relations of the group were improved. The value for economy was generalized. It played an important role in controlling the government and the sports marketing. Service resources of public sports were distributed rationally. The value for politics was generalized. It reflected the Humanism of China for people, and promoted political harmony. The value for culture was generalized. Social sports instructors protected and propagated the sports culture of China.2.The better approach was given for realization of the value of public welfare social sports instructors.It included the elevation of propaganda, the conformation of the brand,the addition of fitness centers, the elaboration of the traditional culture, the sounding of the selection system, the adjustment of the training mode, the importance of the continuing education, the exaltation of the work motivation, the period of emulating grades.The value of public welfare social sports play an important role in advancing scientific concept of development of sports, Harmonious society, service system of public sports. They affect not only individual, but also the progress of the group, the economy, the politics and, the culture. The developing of the group and the society enhance the living standard of the individual, so the Virtuous circle between people and the society can maintain. Finally, this status reflects "People-oriented" concept.

【关键词】 社会体育指导员公益性价值
【Key words】 social sports instructorspublic welfarevalue

