

The Modernization Reform of the Pahlavi Dynasty Under State-construction Perspective from My Will (1963-1979)

【作者】 李昆

【导师】 赵克仁;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 世界史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 第二次世界大战结束后,现代化大潮冲击着众多发展中国家。发展中国家既面临着国家现代化的挑战,也为实现富国强民的愿望带来了机遇。在这两种趋势的合力作用下,这些国家纷纷走上了现代化改革和建构现代民族国家的征程。面对现代化大潮的冲击和建构现代民族国家的压力,各国做出的回应也有所不同。巴列维王朝统治时期的伊朗,怀着实现现代化和成功建构现代民族国家的强烈愿望在经济、政治、意识形态领域实施了一系列改革,但最终改革功败垂成。究其原因,是国王政权未能处理好发展与稳定、传统与现代、继承与批判等之间的关系。面对现代化大潮的冲击,国王政权进行改革,其初衷是发展经济、增强国力、巩固政权,这是毋庸置疑的。自20世纪六十年代伊朗政府实施了白色革命后,一系列社会经济改革措施相继推出,伊朗社会经历了前所未有的激烈震荡和深刻变化。在这一进程中,改革与保守、发展与稳定、传统与现代、继承与批判的矛盾冲突始终交织其间。能否成功地实现国家建构任务,就在于能否有效地协调处理好这些关系。国王在国家建构过程中,始终存在着重经济、轻政治的倾向。现代化进程包罗万象,不能将其归结为某一领域、某一方面的革新,这一进程包括社会生活的方方面面。由于对现代化的片面理解,直接导致了其在现代化改革中一系列举措失当,终致改革失败。国王政权在现代化改革中缺乏系统完备的理论,使其在改革过程中始终处于混乱状态。在国家建构过程中,他进行世俗化改革的目的,是为了削弱乌里玛的势力,加强对意识形态领域的掌控,弱化伊斯兰教什叶派传统在民众中的影响,但事与愿违,结果是加剧了教俗冲突;有鉴于此,国王在政治上的控制更加严密,以致形成独裁局面,从而对经济体制改革和经济现代化产生了消极影响。此外未能处理好继承传统文化与吸收外来文明之间的关系,上述种种原因全面削弱了国王政权的政治合法性根基和来源。由于深陷这种“建构性困境”使其未能完成现代民族国家建构任务,因此也就无法处理好发展与稳定的关系,不能实现传统与现代的融合了。70年代后期当伊朗经济形势突然恶化,导致各种矛盾日益尖锐,伊斯兰革命的爆发也就无法避免了。国家建构使命未能完成,伊朗现代化改革不成功,最终导致国王政权的倒台。这种现象的确发人深思,国王实施现代化改革的目的是以一场自上而下的改革完成现代国家建构任务,以此来阻止一场自下而上革命的爆发,但最终事与愿违,历史证明这只是他的一厢情愿。由于对现代化的片面理解,致使政治、经济、意识形态无法同步协调发展,也就无法实现国家建构目标。这既是伊朗的“殊相”,也是许多面临国家建构任务的发展中国家的“共相”。

【Abstract】 After World War II, modernization is awash with numerous developing countries. Many countries are facing the challenge of establishing a modern state, they also harbor a strong desire to wealthy and powerful. In the role of these two trends together, these countries have embarked on reform and modernization construction of the modern nation-state journey. The face of the tide of the modernization construction of modern nation-state impact and the pressure of a response to various countries are different.Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran during the reign of a feeling of achievement and success of the modernization construction of the modern nation-state a strong desire in the economic, political and ideological sphere implemented a series of reforms, but reforms fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success. The reason for the Shah regime had failed to deal with development and stability, tradition and modernity, such as inheritance and the relationship between critical. The face of the impact of the tide of modernization, the Shah to reform the regime, its original purpose was to develop the economy, enhance national strength, and consolidate his rule, it is beyond doubt.Since 1960’s to the Iranian Government to implement the white revolution, a series of socio-economic reform measures has been introduced, Iran has experienced an unprecedented intense shock and profound changes. In this process, reform and conservative, development and stability, tradition and modernity, inheritance and criticism during the conflicts and has always been intertwined. Success in attaining the state-construction missions, is that ability to coordinate effectively deal with these relationships.The Shah in state-construction process, there is always focused on economic development while neglecting the political tendencies. All-encompassing process of modernization and can not be attributed to a particular area, a particular aspect of innovation, this process includes all aspects of social life. Because of the modern one-sided understanding, a direct result of its series of initiatives in the modern reform of malpractice and finally failure of the reform. Shah’s regime in the modernization of the complete lack of a systematic theory, it is always in the reform process in a state of confusion. In the state-construction process, his secular purpose of the reform is to weaken the influence of the Ulama to strengthen the ideological control of the area, weakening the Shiite tradition of Islam among the people affected. But it did not, resulted in the intensification of religious-secular conflict; he has increasingly tightened control over the political system, political system and situation of increasingly authoritarian development, which will have even more negative impact to economic system reform and economic modernization. In addition, failure to properly handle the succession of traditional culture and the relationship between the absorption of foreign civilizations, all the above reasons the Shah’s regime weakening the foundation and source of political legitimacy. It is trapped in this kind of "Constructive Dilemma" so that it failed to achieve the task of the modern nation-state construction, and he became unable to handle the relationship between development and stability, can not be achieved fusion of traditional and modern.When 1970’s late sudden deterioration of the economic situation, leading to a variety of contradictions and the emergence of the outbreak of the Islamic revolution will not be able to avoid. Iran’s modernization reforms failed, the state failed to complete the construction of the mission, eventually leading to the fall of the Shah’s regime. This phenomenon is indeed thought-provoking, the Shah is the purpose of implementing a modern top-down reform of the reform of the completion of a modern state-construction missions, in order to prevent the outbreak of a revolution from below. But in the end it did not, history has proven it’s just wishful thinking. Because of the one-sided understanding of modernization, leading to political, economic, ideological, can not be synchronized and coordinated development, construction will not be able to achieve national objectives. This is Iran’s "particulars" of many state-construction tasks facing developing countries, the "universals."

【关键词】 伊朗巴列维王朝国家建构现代化
【Key words】 IranPahlavi DynastyState-constructionModernization
  • 【分类号】K373.5
  • 【下载频次】143

