

The Problems and Solutions of Student Management in the Vocational Colleges in Shi Jia Zhuang City

【作者】 马伟彬

【导师】 刘茗;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 学生是高职院校赖以发展的基础,做好学生管理工作是高职院校维护稳定、提高美誉度、增强竞争力的重要举措。2006年11月16日,教育部颁发的《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》标志着高等职业教育的工作重心由重点抓规模扩张转向重点抓教学质量。《意见》指出:“要高度重视学生的职业道德教育和法制教育,重视培养学生的诚信品质、敬业精神和责任意识、遵纪守法意识,培养出一批高素质的技能性人才。”为实现人才培养目标,高职院校应以学生管理为突破口,增强学生的职业能力,加强实习基地建设,推动高职院校的快速发展。石家庄市作为一个新兴的城市,地处华北平原腹地,是河北省的省会,也是全省的政治、经济、文化和教育中心。目前石家庄市独立设置的高职院校共25所,占河北省的55.5%。在这些高职院校中,既有河北省直属院校、石家庄市属院校、行业所属院校以及民办院校等不同层次和类型学校。从示范性建设的角度看,既有国家示范性高职院校,也有省级示范性高职院校。各个高职院校内部学生管理各有特色,在我国北方地区具有鲜明的代表性。此外,石家庄市的发展离不开各种人才的积极推动,而高职院校作为培养实用性人才的基地,在这方面发挥着重要的作用。学生管理是高职院校生存和发展的基础。学生管理工作直接影响着高职院校培养人才的质量。做好高职院校学生管理不但有利于高职院校培养高素质的实用性人才,而且有利于推动石家庄市的经济发展和城镇化进程。因此,我们应该重视当前高职院校学生管理面临的机遇和挑战,针对学生管理存在的问题进行深入的探究,提出解决问题的有效对策,为不断完善高职院校学生管理体制提供一些有价值的参考。另外,做好石家庄市高职院校学生管理的问题与对策的研究还可以为兄弟省市高职院校学生管理提供一些借鉴和参考,具有重要的实际意义。基于上述的认识,本文主要采用文献法、问卷调查法以及访谈调查法对石家庄市高职院校学生管理的现状进行调查与研究,其目的在于了解高职院校学生管理的现状,并通过对学生管理中存在问题的反思,提出进一步改进的对策。正文分为四个部分:第一部分,绪论。绪论部分主要包括问题的提出、研究目的和意义、相关研究成果综述、相关概念的界定与研究方法。第二部分,高职院校学生管理的现状。本研究从思想政治教育、学习管理、宿舍管理、学生社团管理、校外实习管理、学生就业指导等六个维度对高职院校学生管理的现状进行透析,为下文揭示问题与对策研究奠定基础。第三部分,高职院校学生管理中存在的问题。通过对现状的探析,石家庄市高职院校学生管理存在的主要问题为高职院校对思想政治教育不够重视,课堂教学“教”与“学”的矛盾突出,宿舍安全保障措施不力,宿舍管理急需完善学生社团发展缓慢,受多种因素限制,缺乏与实习单位的沟通,实习效果不佳就业指导不到位,就业指导服务有待提升等。通过对高职院校学生管理中存在问题的揭示,分析问题产生的根源。第四部分,高职院校学生管理的对策。针对目前高职学院学生管理中存在的问题,提出相应的解决对策:包括高职院校应该加强对高职学生思想政治教育的重视;不断创新教学模式,强化学习管理;加快完善宿舍管理机制;多方位推进学生社团健康有序的发展;积极加强与实习单位的沟通,保障实习有效的推进;全方位提升就业指导服务水平。

【Abstract】 Students are the basis of development for the vocational colleges. Thus the management of students is important for the vocational college to maintain stability, enhance its reputation and add competitive power.“Some Opinions on an Overall Improvement of the Teaching Quality in Vocational Colleges”issued by the Ministry of Education on November 16th, 2006 indicates that the focus of higher vocational education changes to teaching quality from previous enrollment expansion. The“Opinions”points out that students’professional ethics education and legal education should be attached great importance to. And the students should be cultivated to have the character of credibility and integrity, to build the professional dedication and responsibility, to develop the consciousness of observing law and discipline. Graduates with special skills and high quality are the goal of vocational education. To achieve this goal, vocational colleges have to put the management of students at the first place, build up students’vocational skills, and strengthen the building of students’practice base. The rapid development of vocational colleges thus can be pushed forward.Shijiazhuang City as a new city, located in the North China Plain, the capital of He bei Province is the province’s political, economic, cultural and educational center. Currently Shijiazhuang Vocational independent set of 25, accounting for 55.5% of Hebei Province. In these vocational institutions, colleges and schools under both in Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang municipal institutions, industry and private institutions of their respective institutions at different levels and types of schools. Model building from the perspective of both the national demonstration vocational colleges, there are provincial demonstration vocational colleges. Within each vocational college have student management features; in north China has a distinct representation. In addition, the Shi jia zhuang city can not develop without the active promotion of all kinds of talent, and vocational colleges as a base for cultivating practical talents, in that play an important role.Vocational student management is the basis for survival and development. Management of a direct impact on students Vocational Training the quality of talent. Management of higher vocational students do not only benefit the practicality of Vocational training high-quality personnel, but also help promote the economic development of Shi jia zhuang City, and urbanization. Therefore, we should attach importance to management of higher vocational colleges face challenges and opportunities for students to conduct in-depth problems in the management of exploration, effective countermeasures to solve problems, to continuously improve the management system of vocational college students to provide some valuable reference. Also, do Shijiazhuang Vocational College Students Management Problems and Countermeasures of the provinces and municipalities can also provide vocational college students manage some reference has important practical significance.Based on the above-mentioned, the thesis employs literature, questionnaire survey, as well as survey through interview these methods to investigate into and research on the current situation of student management in the vocational colleges in Shi jia zhuang. The aim of the thesis is to understand the current situation of student management in vocational colleges and rethink the existing problems in student management, then to suggest countermeasures for further improvement. The main body of this thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is introduction, which includes the putting forward of problems, the aim and significance of the research, the review of related research findings, the definition of related concepts and the research methods. The second part is about the current situation of student management in vocational colleges. In this study, ideological and political education, learning management, hostel management, management of student organizations, extracurricular practice management, employment guidance to the six dimensions of student. An analysis of the current situation is made to build the basis for the research on problems and countermeasures in the following part. The third part exposes the existing problems in student management in vocational colleges. Through the analysis of the present situation of higher vocational college students, shijiazhuang, the main problems existing in the management of for ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges, classroom teaching is teaching and learning, and the contradiction between dorm, security measures to improve students’ dormitory management need slow development of community, is affected by various factors, and limit the internship, poor communication exercitation effect in employment guidance to ascend, employment guidance services etc. By revealing problems, the underlying causes are analyzed. The fourth part discusses the countermeasures of student management directed against the current problems in vocational colleges. Aiming at the vocational college students the problems existing in the management and puts forward corresponding countermeasures, including higher vocational colleges should strengthen ideological and political education of college students. Innovative teaching mode and strengthen management, Improve dormitory management mechanism, Many-side promote the healthy and orderly development of student organizations, Actively strengthening the communication with the internship, ensure the effective practice. Upgrading the employment guidance service level.


