

Explore and Analyse of the Chinese Communist Party’s Nation-building Strategy During Xibaipo Period

【作者】 梁玉玮

【导师】 王玉平;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 西柏坡,中国共产党领导全国人民进行民主革命的最后一个农村指挥所。党中央在这里指挥了规模宏大的大决战,极大地摧毁了国民党军队的军事部署;领导了解放区农民进行彻底地土地改革,从根本上推翻了国民党反动政权的统治;通过华北人民政府的执政实践,为新中国的政权建设做了组织上和理论上的准备并积累了宝贵经验。这些为党中央提出建设新民主主义国家的建国方略奠定了现实基础、社会基础和实践基础。形成于全国革命即将胜利时刻的建国方略,其内容颇丰。政治方面,党坚持创建人民民主专政的新民主主义国家,结合具体历史情况初步试验和探索了新中国的人民代表大会制度、共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度等政治制度。经济方面,党在解放区原有财政金融机构的基础上,筹建成立中国人民银行和发行人民币,统一规范财政金融政策,同时科学地规定国营经济、合作社经济、私人资本主义经济、个体经济和国家资本主义经济等五种经济成分为新民主主义国家的经济构成,从而保证了生产的迅速恢复和社会的安定有序。文化教育方面,在“民族的科学的大众的”新民主主义文化教育方针指导下,党的文化教育工作逐步走向规范化、制度化,同时在教育内容上特别将干部教育和职业教育放在突出位置,起到了帮助新中国成立初期各项工作尽早步入正轨的作用。因此,整个新民主主义国家的建国方略,其在政治、经济、文化方面的制度制定和探索实践成为了新中国大厦的牢固根基。在坚持马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合基础上形成的建国方略,丰富和发展了马克思主义、毛泽东思想,是马克思主义中国化进程中的伟大成果,是中国共产党长期为之追求奋斗的伟大成果。同时,经过时代凝练,建国方略又是西柏坡精神的具体展开和生动体现,它与以“抓住战机、克敌制胜的彻底革命精神”、“开拓进取、科学创新的创业精神”、“严守纪律,发扬民主的团结精神”和“廉洁自律、居安思危的‘赶考’精神”为主要内容的西柏坡精神融为一体,成为中国共产党和中国人民永恒的精神财富。回顾60年的足迹,探究新民主主义国家的建国方略,对指导现今的工作仍具意义。只有立足本国国情,坚持走自己的路,循序渐进、协调发展,和平发展,积极探索“中国模式”,才能屹立于世界的先进国家行列。只有坚持民主协商,发展多党参政,进一步发挥民主党派和人民团体在建设中国特色社会主义中的作用,才能倾听到各方各界的声音,保证人民当家作主。只有坚持廉洁奉公,建设服务政府,保持居安思危的忧患意识,才能经受住时代的考验,永葆党的青春本色,保证党的执政地位。新时期新使命,我们在建设社会主义现代化和实现民族伟大复兴的时代召唤下,应进一步激发爱国爱党热情,缅怀革命先烈,追随他们浴血奋战的革命历程,继承他们的光辉品质,珍惜大好时光,不断学习,不断进步。

【Abstract】 Xibaipo was the last rural command post when the Chinese Communist Party led the people in the democratic revolution. Here, the CCP Central Committee commanded the large-scale great decisive battle and greatly destroyed the Kuomintang army’s military deployment. Here, the CCP Central Committee led the peasants in liberated areas to conduct a thorough land reform, fundamentally eradicated the base of reactionary Kuomintang rule. Still in here, the CCP Central Committee made the organizational and theoretical preparation for the new building of the Chinese government and accumulated valuable experience by the governance practice of the North China People’s Government. These achievements had laid a realistic, social and empirical foundation for the CCP Central Committee to propose the nation-building strategy of the new democratic state.The nation-building strategy, formed in a coming triumphant moment for the national revolution, was concerned with abundant content. In the political place, the Party insisted on to the establishment of the new democratic state with the people democracy dictatorship. The Party initially tried and explored many political system such as people’s congress system of new China, multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party, and regional autonomy system, combining with the specific historical situation. In the economic place, the Party built the People’s Bank of China, issued Renminbi, unified and standardized financial and monetary policy on the base of former financial and monetary institutions in the liberated areas. Meanwhile, the Party regulated scientifically five economic sectors which were state economy, cooperative economy, private capitalist economy, individual economy and state capitalist economy as the economic structure of the new democratic state. These measures ensured the rapid restoration of production and social stability. In the cultural and educational place, the Party’s cultural and educational work gradually standardized and institutionalized under the guidance of democratic culture and education’s principle which was national, scientific and popular. Cadre education and vocational education were put on a prominent location particularly to help all the people steping into the right role as soon as possible. Therefore, the development and exploration in politic, economy, and culture led by the entire democratic nation-building strategy had become a solid foundation for building the new China.The nation- building strategy was formed on the combination of the basic Marxism principles and the concrete practice of China. It enriched and developed Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought. It was a great achievement in the process of Marxism localized in China, and a great achievement that was pursuited by the Chinese Communist Party for so long a time. At the same time, nation-building strategy was concrete expansion and vivid embodiment of Xibaipo spirit. The main contents of Xibaipo spirit were the completely revolutionary spirit of seizing the combat opportunities and conquering enemies, the entrepreneurial spirit of making pioneering efforts and scientific innovation, the unity spirit of maintaining strict discipline and developing democracy, and the spirit of probity, self-discipline and thinking of danger in peace. The nation-building strategy integrated into the Xibaipo spirit and formed a whole which became the eternal spiritual wealth of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people.Recalling Chinese history of the passed 60 years, the exploration of the new democratic state’s nation-building strategy still has significance to guiding the work today. Only base on its national conditions, adhere to its own way, develope gradually, coordinately and peacefully and actively explore the "China model", can China stand in the ranks of advanced countries in the world. Only uphold the democratic consultation, develop multi-party politics, further promote the democratic parties and people’s organizations to play a role in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, can the Party listen to the voices of all walks of life and ensure that people are the masters. Only uphold the integrity, construct and service the government, maintain suffering consciousness of thinking of danger in peace, can the Party live through time, always maintain the party’s youth, and ensure the party’s ruling position.The new era bring the new mission. We undertake a significant task of building socialist modernization and realizing the great rejuvenation. Therefore, we should further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm, cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, follow the revolutionary history of bloody battles, inherit their glorious quality, value the good times, keep learning knowledge and improving ourselves.


