

The Collation and Study of Cheng Gongsui Anthology

【作者】 崔晓蕾

【导师】 杨寄林;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《成公绥集》系西晋辞赋家、文学家成公绥的诗文合集。成公绥(231—273),西晋初期重要的辞赋家、文学家。他不仅以其博涉经传的才学和风格绮丽的辞赋作品,跻身宫廷文人之中,与张华、荀勖等人一同受诏作诗赋,还曾与贾充等人一起参定法律。作为生活在曹魏末年至西晋前期的辞赋家,其诗文作品,一方面承袭了“诗赋欲丽”的诗文风格,另一方面,他提出了“赋者,贵能分赋物理,敷演无方”的辞赋创作理论,并将这一创作理论贯彻到自己的诗文创作中,因此,他的作品题材丰富,将世间万物诉诸笔端,这既是当时文学自觉使然,又在辞赋史上产生了一定的影响。《成公绥集》收录成公绥所作赋、诗、颂、铭、诔、箴、七等著述,最晚结集于唐朝前期,然而,由于其作品题材杂多,且六朝之后的文学家对其评价不高,加上时代久远,传写之难,以及兵灾战乱等原因,致使其著作散佚严重,现仅存一卷,且多为残篇。当代学者,或选其完整之名篇,详加注释、翻译,或利用文献资料,对其家族事迹作以考订,虽各有侧重,但对《成公绥集》进行整理和综合论述研究的成果,仍然很少。有鉴于此,本文试图运用辑佚学、校勘学、注释学等学科的研究知识和研究方法,并结合文艺理论的相关知识,对《成公绥集》进行综合论述研究,做出较为合理的全面评判。本文由两大部分组成:第一部分即《成公绥集》研究。在这部分中,除去绪论和结语,凡四章、十四节,主要从以下几个方面进行探研:一是探求和剖析魏晋末年至西晋初期的政局变动及对当时学术思想和文学士人心理状态的影响,政局之变、学术思想嬗变、文学发展以及文人心态的变化等。凡此都对成公绥的思想产生了一定的影响,并使他形成了自己独特的赋学理论。这一章里还就《钱神论》一文的著作权问题进行探讨。二是从历代书目及现存的古代文献中,考察成公绥诗文著述的存佚和分布情况,并由此揭示出文献中所录《成公绥集》所反映的问题,接着表列历代征引成公绥诗文作品之书。三是紧紧围绕新辑本《成公绥集》所收录的作品,分析、探索它们所蕴含的丰富的思想内容,进一步明确作者的学术思想和赋学思想。四是对成公绥的诗文作品所体现的艺术特色进行分析再分析、再研究。第二部分是在吸取严可均、逯钦立等人的辑佚成果的基础上,遍查各类书、史书、总集、别集、丛书等文献资料,形成新辑本《成公绥集》,计得赋22篇、颂2篇、铭3篇、箴1篇、七体1篇、诔1篇、乐歌2篇、诗4首、杂文3篇、佚句9句,并对新辑本《成公绥集》所收录的各篇诗文作品进行校勘、注释,并为每篇诗文撰写题解,着重点明每篇作品的内容大意和艺术特色,并尽量考察其写作年代及写作背景。附录部分主要是成公绥生平传记以及历代学者对其诗文评论的资料汇编。从史书、总集、别集、丛书等文献资料中搜集、整理并梳理关于成公绥的生平传记以及历代学者对其著述所作评论的资料。

【Abstract】 Cheng Gongsui Anthology is the poetry and prose collection of Cheng Gongsui’s works,and Cheng Gongsui was a famous litterateur in Western Jin Dynasty. Cheng Gongsui (231-273) is an important poet and litterateur in the initial period of Western Jin Dynasty. He not only advanced into the palace writer by abundantly fording the classics and commentaries the style beautiful prose poems work, but also received the imperial edict to make the poetry together with Zhang Hua, Xun Xu etc, and once decided the law together with Jia Chong etc.As a prose poems lived in last years of Wei Dynasty and the earlier period of Western Jin Dynasty, on the one hand, his prose work has inherited the prose style of“Poetry and Fu for Gorgeous”; on the other hand, he proposed the prose poems of creation theory“The rare skill of fu is that it not only divides the matter and the sense, but also explains with an improper method”, and implemented this creation theory in his own prose creation, therefore, the theme of his work is rich.He resorts to the poems of temporals, which was not only the literature’s own initiative at that time, but also had certain influence in the prose poems history.Cheng Gongsui Anthology which was finished in the early Tang Dynasty includes several different types of literature in Cheng Gongsui’s writings,and these types of literature are fu、poetry、song、ming、lei、zhen、qi and so on . However, there is only one extant volume and most of which has already been lost,because his work has so many different themes ,writers after Six Dynasties didn’t praise it highly, the time is remote, it was written difficultly, as well as the disasters of war and chaos caused by war. Contemporary scholar chooses its complete masterpiece, and adds annotation and translation, either does fact examines to its family by using the literature material. Although they had different focus , there were still very few reorganizations and the synthesis researches to Cheng Gongsui Anthology .Taking this into consideration, this article attempts to utilize the knowledge and the research technique of the gathering together of scattered writings, the textual criticism and the commentics, and unify the related knowledge of the literary theory to conduct the synthesis research on Cheng Gongsui Anthology, and made a more reasonable synthesis judgment.This article divides into two major parts:The first part is Cheng Gongsui Anthology studies. In this part, the author mainly studies every four chapter, 14 at the following aspects except the introduction and the conclusion:First, the author considers and analyzes the influence of political situation changing in the last years of Wei Dynasty and the initial period of Western Jin Dynasty and the academic thought and the psychology of B.A. degree person at that time. The political situation changes, the academic thought evolution, the literature development as well as the changes of the writer’s view and so on had certain influence on Cheng Gongsui’s thought and caused him to form himself unique fu’s theory. In this chapter, the author also carries on the discussion on the copyright question of qian shen lun.Second, the author inspected the existing and lost copies and its distributed situation of Cheng Gongsui poems from all previous dynasties booklist and the extant ancient literature, and revealed the question which was reflected from Cheng Gongsui Anthology in the literatur, and then catalogged all the books of Cheng Gongsui prose works, which were citing by previous dynasties.Third, closely regarding the work of new edits which "Cheng Gongsui Collection" includes, the author analyzes and explores the rich ideological content which they contain, and makes the author’s academic ideology and fu’s ideology further clear.Fourth, the author manifests the artistic feature included in Cheng Gongsui’s prose work.The second part is based on absoring the achievement of collenction which comes from Yan Kejun,Lu Qinli and so on. The author searches documentations from all kinds of encyclopedia, historical books, anthology, individual collection of works, series of books and so on,re-forming Cheng Gongsui Anthology,which contains 22 fu、2 song、3 ming、1 zhen、1 qi、1 lei、2 songs、4 poems、3 proses and 9 lost sentences,and do collate and do annotate and write notes for each of them. The author also stresses every works’contents and arts features,and makes a great effort to inspect its writing times and writing background.The appendix contains material compilations of Cheng Gongsui’s biographical data and the material compilations which are the commentary about Cheng Gongsui’s prose work coming from all previous dynasties’scholars . The author collects, arranges and combs about Cheng Gongsui’s biography biography as well as the materials of comments made by all previous dynasties’scholar from literature material which comes from historical books, anthology, individual collection of works, series of books and so on .


