

Research of Chen Hong Shou <su Li Depart with Crying>

【作者】 底雪锐

【导师】 朱兴华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陈洪绶是生活于明清之交的一位杰出画家,其独特的画风所呈现出的深郁凝重而又灵动的绘画面貌,对后世产生了极大的影响,其“高古奇骇”的人物造型,“渊雅静穆”的高古气息,数百年来一直是人们学习和研究的对象。陈洪绶一生绘有大量历史题材的作品,并通过对这些题材进行的不同处理,来寄托画家不同的情感,《苏李泣别图》正是这样的作品。本文通过对历史上苏李题材艺术的考察梳理,分析不同时期不同思想的艺术家对苏李的不同态度,借以了解陈洪绶对这一故事的态度和他热衷于此一题材的原因。文中通过对陈洪绶分别绘制于1635年和1646年的两幅《苏李泣别图》进行重点考察研究后认为,陈的《苏李泣别图》是时代的产物,是画家借历史故事来映射当时的时政,抒怀明志,表达对中心爱国之士的颂扬和对误国叛国之徒的唾弃。但是陈洪绶的《苏李泣别图》绘制的已不再是传统样式中的苏武和李陵的形象,而是经过对苏李形象的主观改造,使之成为可以传达画家思想情感的符号。并且由于时代的差异、思想的变迁,画家对同一题材同样形象地描绘作了不同的艺术处理,表达出完全不同的情感。将人物主观化的造型与线条组织的形式美巧妙结合,达到具象结构与主观造型的完美统一,传达出画家的强烈情感,这是老莲的《苏李泣别图》给我们的印象。通过对两幅《苏李泣别图》的研究,不仅使我们了解了画家从中年到晚年的心路历程,也使我们更深刻地认识了画家对绘画本质的主动把握,和画家为表达胸臆书写情怀而对绘画诸要素进行的主观选择。

【Abstract】 Chen Hong-shou was an outstanging paiter who lived in the changing that ming dynasty into Qing.His drawings that appearanted unique dignified and nimble style has had the enormous influence to the later generation.His pictures has always been regarded as subjects of study and reseach because of their ancient and singular character modeling and elegant solemn and quietflavour for several hundred years. Chen Hong-shou hasthe massive historical thme work all his life,and though different processing which carries on to these themes,reposes the painter different emotion, cis precisely such work.This article try to analysis different manner of different artist to the story of Su-Li in different age through observision and study the arts of Su-Li in order to understanding Chen Hong-shou’s manner to this story and the reason he hankers for this theme.In the article,after the inspection center on the two pictures which separately were drawn in 1635 and 1646.We belive that the pictures of <SU Li Depart With Crying> were the product of that age,and expressed the painter’s inner voice of the central patriotic gentleman’s praise and to injures the country person’s of treason spurning through his commention on the historical story.But Chen Hong-shou’s the pictures of <SU Li Depart With Crying> no longer were drawn up in traditional image styly of Su-wu and Li-ling,but became the emotion mark which could transmit the painter’s thought passing though to Su-Li image subjective transformantion .And as a result of the time different,the thought vicissitude,the painter described similarly vividly to the identical theme has made different artistic processing, expressed the completely different emotion. The character internalization modelling and the line organization’s beauty of form ingenious union, achieved the embodiment structure and the subjective modelling perfect unification, transmits painter’s intense emotion, this is Chen Hong-shou’s the pictures of <SU Li Depart With Crying> give our impression.Though the research to two drawings,we not only understand the painter idear course from the middle age to the old age ,but aiso know the profoundly initiative assurance to the drawing essence and the painter’s subjective choice for the expression feelings writing mood which carried on to the drawing various essential factors.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【下载频次】119

