

Applied Study on the SBS Modified Asphalt in Supper-grade Highways of Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region

【作者】 覃德伟

【导师】 黄维蓉; 周河;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在沥青混凝土路面建设过程中,由于基质沥青性能受原油属性制约,其技术性能不能满足交通增长的需要。沥青改性剂种类多,寻找优异的改性材料和改性方法,是提高沥青路面综合性能的有效途径。本文以广西交通厅科技项目《广西公路沥青路面实体结构技术参数和结构形式合理选定试验研究》为依托,结合广西坛百高速公路沥青路面建设工程,展开SBS改性沥青混合料工程应用研究。本论文通过对各种聚合物改性沥青性能的比较,从中选择出改性效果较优的SBS,并分析其用量对沥青的温度敏感性、高温特性、低温抗裂性、弹性及耐久性的影响,确定了SBS的最佳用量。利用马歇尔法确定混合料的最佳沥青用量。研究了SBS改性沥青和SBS改性沥青混合料的高温性能、低温性能、耐久性能等路用性能。提出控制SBS改性沥青混合料的生产工艺和SBS沥青混合料的运输、摊铺、碾压等施工工艺。本文采用红外光谱(IR),差示扫描量热(DSC)分析等试验手段分析了SBS改性沥青的改性机理。在此基础上,结合坛百高速公路实体工程,分析了SBS改性沥青混凝土路面的经济效益和社会效益,为SBS改性沥青混合料更好地在广西地区推广应用提供依据。

【Abstract】 This thesis takes research item of Guangxi as to rely on the experiments that the performance of SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene)modified asphalt is influenced by the grade and source of base asphalt and the structure and content of modifier. According to Technical Specifications for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavement, The paper is based on the asphalt pavement’s design and construction of the Tan-Bai freeway according to the project location、condition、road grade、structure and otherfactors, analyzes the application of the SBS modified asphalt mixture.The present paper through to each kind of polymer modified asphalt performance comparison, chooses modified effect more superior SBS. And analyzes the influence of amount of SBS on the temperature sensitivity、performance under high temperature、anti-crack ability under low temperature、elasticity、anti-aging ability of substrate asphalt is studied, determined the SBS best amount used. The aggregate gradation of mixture is determined by Marshall Stability experiments, and has determined the best asphalt amount used. Analyzes the SBS modified asphalt’s performance、and the performance evaluating indicator、the SBS modified asphalt’s character and its application performance; control the SBS technology and the mixture’s transportation、spreading and rolling technology.This paper analyses SBS modified asphalt that improves quality in application of radices and asphalt mixture. It also analyses the mechanism of SBS modified asphalt. The paper try out much measure, such as IR, DSC and fluorescence micrography technique. In this foundation, According to the expressway project of nantan to baise to used the SBS modified asphalt the road surface economic efficiency and the social efficiency have carried on the analysis, was the SBS modified bituminous mixture provides the basis well in the Guangxi are promotion application.


