

Experimental Study on the Temperatue of Concrere I-beam

【作者】 高玉洁

【导师】 向中富;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对混凝土工字梁进行了一系列的试验研究与分析,包括工字梁温度场和温度效应、温度反复作用对工字梁受力变形性能的影响。通过人工控温的方法对工字梁模型进行了温度场及其效应的试验研究。根据实测数据,得到工字梁模型截面温差分布函数,采用有限元软件进行温度场仿真分析,对得到的分布函数进行了验证。根据实测温度场数据建立有限元分析模型,对温度效应进行分析,然后将实测温度效应数据与分析结果进行了比较,两者的变化趋势一致,表明工字梁温度效应试验的方法正确可信。通过人工控制重复升温的方法对工字梁模型进行温差反复作用试验,对实测数据进行了分析,得出了在排除自重作用的情况下,工字梁顶板重复升、降温使工字梁发生了侧向变形,并找出了其中的变化规律,找出了工字梁发生侧向变形的原因。

【Abstract】 In this paper, I carried out a series of research and analysis,including the beam temperature field, temperature effects and the repeated sunshine temperature in the role of the deformation performance of I-beam.Take the research of temperature field and temperature effect on I-beam through artificially temperature increasing. According to the site collected temperature data, the paper brings forward the characters of the temperature field in I-beam, and the fitting gradient of I-beam that is the Chinese railway standard. According to the measured temperature field in the data set up finite element analysis model, analysis of temperature effects, and then the measured effect of temperature data and compared the results of the analysis, the two trends have been confirmed with a larger horizontal I-beam and vertical tensile stress . Model of the largest cross-section temperature and the temperature coefficient with the time change, by controlling the heating time and heating power can effectively simulate the real circumstances of the concrete I-beam and the effect of the temperature field. Through finite element analysis to explore the physical properties of the material on the hot I-beam temperature fields and effects.Take the repeated action in the temperature difference on I-beam through artificially repeated temperature increasing. The experiment also tests the vary of deflection of I-beam with its dead weight and under prestressing force, the result of which is: the repeated action of temperature increasing can disharmonize the bottom strain of I-beam, which may lead to the downwarping of I-beam; the changing temperature has no obvious influence on the flexivity of simply-supported I-beam.

【关键词】 工字梁温度效应试验研究
【Key words】 I-beam girderTemperature effectExperimental study

