

The Rock Slope of River Port Stability and Support Simulation Analysis in Mountain Area

【作者】 王全

【导师】 周世良;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 山区港口岩质边坡由于河水的大幅度升降而导致边坡地下水产生流动,并形成了一定的落差。在渗流场的影响下,岩质边坡的应力场也随之发生变化。使得岩质边坡不断的受到流固耦合作用的影响。因此,分析流固耦合对岩质边坡的影响,对于完善岩质边坡的稳定性理论具有重要意义,并可以在实际工程中提供一定的理论指导。岩质边坡在开挖过程中,开挖产生的卸荷效应造成岩质边坡的应力重分布,会对岩质边坡的稳定性产生一定的影响。因此在开挖过程中有必要对边坡的稳定性进行分析,并对稳定性较差的边坡采取一定的措施进行支护。本文的主要内容如下:1、对目前渗流分析的两种主要数值模拟方法(极限平衡法和有限元法)进行了详细的分析。根据港区边坡稳定性分析的特点,对分析模型进行了理论推导,建立了适合的数学模型;对现行的边坡稳定分析的极限强度法和有限元强度折减法进行了比较分析,推导出了应用于耦合分析的计算方法,并且给出了计算过程中的参数选取准则。2、结合重庆市长寿大件运输码头的具体水文地质条件,进行了数值模拟计算分析。计算模型根据现场地质勘探得到的数据建立,通过分析得出随着水位变动幅度的增加,岸坡滑体逐渐向纵深发展,并且产生的位移也越来越大。3、回水变动区内外的边坡滑体的滑动趋势不同,在回水变动区内,边坡滑动区内的滑体产生的位移都是从峰值逐渐减小到0。而回水变动区外,边坡滑体会从峰值突变为0。4、对岩质边坡进行分级开挖,并在开挖过程中采取开挖一级、支护一级的方式进行支护。运用强度折减法对开挖过程进行全面的仿真模拟,全面地反映了岩质边坡在边开挖边支护的过程中的位移变化规律,安全系数变化规律。为以后的工程实际提供指导。

【Abstract】 The rock slope of mountain river port marked by the seepage . the sharp movements of river level can cause the groundwater flow slope ,which formed a certain gap. Under the influence of the seepage field, stress field of rock slope also will change. Those factors makes the rock slope under continuous fluid-solid coupling effects. Therefore, the analysis of fluid-structure interaction effects on the rock slope is important to improve the stability of rock slope theory, and can in practical engineering to provide a theoretical guide. During the excavationof rock slope, excavation unloading produced rock slope caused by stress redistribution, the stability of rock slope will be some impact. Therefore, during the excavation it is necessary to analyze slope stability, and poor slope stability measures should be taken by some support.The main contents are as follows:1, The paper give a detailed analysis about the current flow of the two main simulation methods (limit equilibrium method and the finite element method) . According to the characteristics of slope stability analysis port on the analysis model were derived, the suitable mathematical model was established; on the existing slope stability analysis and finite element ultimate strength strength reduction was compared, the calculation of coupling analysis was deduced, and the calculation of the parameters of the process of selection criteria was given .2, The paper combined with large transport terminal in Changshou the specific hydrogeological conditions, the numerical simulation was analysed. Computing model was based on data obtained from field geological exploration, the conclusion was obtained by analyzing the rate of change with the increase of water level, which slope sliding body gradually developing in depth, and resulting displacement is also growing.3,The sliding trend of landslide slope was different changes in within and outside backwater areas, slippery slope slip region can produce a displacement is gradually decreased from the peak to 0. The backwater areas of change, the slope slide from the peak experience of mutation to 0.4, Describes the slope engineering involved in the anchor bolt of the classification and supporting design methods. Excavate the rock slope step by step, and excavate one step then support this step, Use strength reduction of the excavation process of a comprehensive simulation and fully reflects the rock slope at the edge of the excavation process while retaining the displacement variation of safety factor variation


