

The Reports of Unexpected Events and Structuring Guiding Public Opinion on the Harmonious Society

【作者】 曹宝华

【导师】 李红秀;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 突发事件具有事发突然、后果严重、影响广泛等特点,随着时代的进步和科技的发展,突发事件越来越受到政府、媒体和大众的普遍重视。成功的突发事件报道不但可以加强我国民主法治建设,促进公平正义感的产生,而且有助于展现社会各阶层的诚信友爱,达到构建和谐社会的目的。政府相关部门利用新闻媒体做好突发事件的新闻传播,能为中国赢得良好的国际国内舆论环境,为构建和谐社会舆论引导工作增光添色。政府的舆论引导水平不仅表现在日常生活中,更应该体现在突发事件爆发的特殊时刻。在信息传播越来越迅捷的当今社会,新闻媒体在突发事件过程中的舆论引导就显得至关重要。舆论引导是构建和谐社会的有机组成部分,新闻媒体是舆论引导的重要手段。中国要构建的和谐社会是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会,和谐社会的舆论引导工作也应该以这几方面为目标,而突发事件是影响和谐社会建设的重要因素之一。因此,各级政府正确应对突发事件,新闻媒体加强对突发事件报道的舆论引导,各级政府加强对新闻舆论和大众舆论的引导是中国构建和谐社会的有效方式。新闻媒体在社会发生突发事件的过程中,必须按照构建和谐社会的要求来做好舆论引导工作。无论在自然灾害突发事件报道、事故灾难突发事件报道,还是公共卫生事件报道和社会安全事件报道,都要坚持民主法治原则,尽力维护安定有序的社会局面。近几年来,中国新闻媒体在突发事件报道中积累了不少经验,在舆论引导上发挥了重要作用,有效地促进了和谐社会的建设。不过,中国应对突发事件的制度还不够完善,新闻媒体的报道还处于摸索阶段,政府的舆论引导方式有待进一步完善。因此,在具体实践中,媒体对各种突发事件的报道还存在着一定的局限性,对舆论引导与构建和谐社会之间的关系的认识还有待加强。

【Abstract】 Because the unexpected events have such key elements as conflict, effectiveness and importance, etc,they are concerned by the government, mass media and normal persons with the development of science and technology. A successful report of unexpected events can reflect the country is how democratic and lawful. It can accelerate the sense of fairness and justice to come into being .It can show honesty and love among people in society and achieve the aim of making the society stable. The government giving reports of unexpected events successfully by news media can win good public opinion all over the world for China, which can make good for structuring guiding public opinion on the socialist harmonious society. The ability of guiding public opinion for a government is not only in peace time but also when the unexpected events happen. Today the information is disseminating faster and faster, so it is more and more important for news media to guide public opinion during the process of dealing with unexpected events.Guiding public opinion is one part of structuring harmonious society while mass media is an important method of guiding public opinion. The society which Chinese people are seeking is democratic and lawful; fair and just; honest and friendly; vigor; stable and ordered; human beings and nature can get along with each other harmoniously in the society. But the ways of giving unexpected events also influence the society seriously. So the government must deal with unexpected events correctly and mass media must pay more attention to guiding public opinion, which is good for structuring harmonious society. Mass media must guide public opinion well according to structuring harmonious society when unexpected events happen. Reports of nature disasters, accidents, public hygiene and public order all should persist in the principle of democracy and law, safeguard the situation of society stable and ordered. The mass media in China has accumulated lots of experience in unexpected events reporting and made effects on guiding public opinion, which accelerated structuring socialist harmonious society. But the institution of making unexpected events reports in China is not very perfect even today. Mass media is at the stage of trying to find out regularities of reporting unexpected events. The mass media has many limitations in reporting unexpected events in practice usually. They should improve the knowledge of relationship between guiding public opinion and structuring harmonious society.


