

Tunnel and Underground Engineering Principles of Health Assessment

【作者】 段怀志

【导师】 陈洪凯; 肖文;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 隧道在交通运输方面具有改善线路,缩短里程和行车时间、提高运营效益等方面的优势,目前我国已成为世界上隧道和地下工程最多,最复杂、今后发展最快的国家之一。随着我国隧道和地下工程的快速发展,相应的工程病害问题日益凸显。早期修建的隧道经常出现隧道拱顶开裂、边墙开裂、衬砌损坏、隧道渗漏水、隧道冻害、围岩大变形、混凝土强度低、隧道内空气污染等病害。因此,隧道的健康问题变得日益突出。论文从隧道与地下工程健康综合诊断的具体特点出发,结合实际工程需要,在制定诊断指标体系和诊断指标的原则基础上,对于影响隧道与地下工程健康的因素进行了充分的分析,最终确定了渗漏水状况、衬砌裂损状况、地压变异状况、空气污染状况四个诊断指标及11个诊断子指标系统,构成了较为完备的隧道与地下工程健康诊断指标系统。结合各层诊断指标和最终诊断目标,从相应规范、已有方法、实践经验、医学上对健康的划分等多方面因素考虑出发,对隧道与地下工程综合诊断结构体系中的健康评价集进行了设计,将隧道与地下工程的营运状况共分为健康、亚健康、病害和病危四个等级。运用层次分析法对隧道和地下工程健康状况综合评价指标进行了权重确定,并构建出隧道和地下工程健康的模糊综合评价模型。选取重庆市“向阳”隧道作为实证研究对象,应用本文提出的模糊综合评价模型,对隧道健康状况进行综合评价。用相似模型试验,结合实际工程实例,研究了隧道支护结构衬砌减薄状态下,在竖直应力作用下围岩与支护结构破坏规律与极限承载能力,得出了隧道支护结构在相应的结构状态下健康状态的阶段判据。判据承载力曲线呈现明显的“S”型或反“S”型,可以划分为承载力缓慢褪化阶段、快速褪化阶段和褪化完成阶段,相对应的阶段可以划分为隧道结构的健康等级与级别,为隧道支护结构的健康判断提供了判断依据与方法。

【Abstract】 Tunnel in transportation by its own has improved circuit, shorten the time and improve the traffic mileage and the advantages of the operation efficiency, China has become the world tunnel and underground engineering, the most complex and future development of the fastest. Along with our country tunnel and underground engineering of rapid development, the corresponding engineering disease problem increasingly prominent. Early in the tunnel construction often appear in the tunnel vaults craze, side-wall craze, lining damage, tunnel, frost, rock tunnel seepage deformation, concrete strength, low tunnel air pollution, etc. Therefore, the tunnel health problem becoming more and more outstanding.From the tunnel and underground engineering health integrated diagnosis of specific characteristics, based on an actual project, in diagnosis of index system on the basis of the principle of diagnostic indices for tunnel and underground engineering influence factors on the health of the full analysis, finally determines the seepage status, lining crack damage status, pressure variation status, air pollution situation of four diagnostic indices and 11 diagnosis, constitute the son index system of the comparatively complete tunnel and underground engineering health diagnosis index system. With each layer and the final diagnosis were from the corresponding standard, goals, methods and practice experience, existing medical health factors into consideration of tunnel and underground engineering comprehensive diagnosis of health assessment system of structure design, will set of tunnel and underground engineering operating conditions is divided into health, health and disease and dying four levels.Using analytic hierarchy process to tunnel and underground engineering health status of the comprehensive evaluation index weight, and construct tunnel and underground engineering health of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. Selecting chongqing "xiangyang" tunnel as empirical research object, this paper applied fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for urban tunnel operation, management situation assessment.Use a similar model test, the practical engineering examples, the tunnel lining thinned supporting structure in the vertical stress condition, under the action of surrounding rock and supporting structure damage and load-bearing capacity, the tunnel supporting structure in the corresponding structures under the condition of phase criterion. The obvious criteria capacity curve "S" or the "S" shape, which can be divided into phases, the bearing capacity of slow fading fast fading of the stage and faded, corresponding completed phase can be divided into phases of tunnel structure and level, health level of tunnel supporting structure provides a judgment according to health judgment.


