

Comparison on the Path of Sino-us Higher Education Massification Under the Different Culture View

【作者】 徐艳秋

【导师】 王剑波;

【作者基本信息】 山东经济学院 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国自1999年实行扩招政策以来,逐步实现了高等教育大众化。大众化对我国高等教育产生了巨大影响,同时也带来巨大的争议。很多学者从不同视角对高等教育大众化理论的发源地—美国的高等教育进行研究,以期从中得到启示与借鉴,为我国高等教育大众化的健康发展做出理论上的帮助。文化对一国高等教育发展的潜在影响是深远的,尤其是凝结了价值观、社会心理、思维习惯和行为方式的高等教育文化观念,不仅左右着人们对高等教育领域各种问题的看法与评价,比如高等教育质量观、对毕业率的看法、对教育多样化的接受程度等等,而且很大程度上决定着高等教育问题的决策和行动,如对高等教育模式的选择、对教育质量保障与评估方式的取舍等等。中美两国文化上存在很大差异,文化上的差异不仅导致两国高等教育不同的观念和体制,而且导致两国高等教育大众化的实施、进程以及产生的结果各不相同。从分析中美高等教育大众化不同的路径出发,对各自的动因、结果、问题进行比较分析,做出文化性的解释,基于文化视角提出对策措施,这对于已经进入大众化阶段、正在对大众化问题进行反思、对教育中长期发展进行规划的中国高等教育,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文主体分为四章:第一章是绪论,简单介绍了为什么要对中美高等教育大众化的路径进行文化视角下的比较解释,研究的意义在于深化人们对自身问题的认识,为解决高等教育大众化中的许多问题提供新的视角,从文化上做出具有深层意义的思考。第二章对一些模糊的概念做出了梳理界定,并分析比较了中美两国不同的高等教育大众化路径。第三章主要对高等教育大众化进程中出现的问题做出了的文化性的解析。问题主要涉及人们对高校的选择、高校学生的毕业率、高等教育质量与高校趋同化等方面。第四章从文化角度提出对策,主要涉及两方面,一是高等教育观念转变,二是高等教育文化的世俗化转向。

【Abstract】 Since our government implemented the expansion policy in 1999, the higher education has been coming into the process of massification. The massification has not only brought a tremendous impact on higher education but also a huge controversy. Many scholars have constructed serious researches on the higher education of America, which is the origin country of the theory of higher education massification, from different views. They want to derive inspirations and references from the study and make a theoretical help for the healthy development of our country’s higher education.The potential influence of one country’s culture on the development of higher education is very deep, especially the higher education culture idea which integrates the value, the social psychology, the mind habit and the behavior style. It is not only influences the people’s view and evaluation to the various issues in higher education field, such as the quality idea of higher education, the view to graduation rate and the acceptance level to the education diversification and so on, but also determines the higher education question’s decision-making and actions in a large extent, such as the choice to the higher education mode, the accept and reject to the higher education quality assurance and assessment and so on. There are great differences in the culture between China and America. The differences have not only caused the different higher education idea and manage system but also led the implementation and the vary of process and the result of higher education massification in these two countries. Starting from the analysis to the different higher education massification between China and America, through a comparative analysis of themselves motivation, the results and the problems, the essay makes a cultural explanation and proposes the countermeasures from the cultural perspective. All of these will have an important theoretical and practical significance to the Chinese higher education which is in the stage of“massification”and taking reconsideration and planning the education’s long-term development.The paper is divided into four parts. Part one is the introduction which briefly introduces the reason of the comparative interpretation to the higher education massification between China and America under the cultural perspective. The significance of the study is to deepen people’s sense of questions and offer a new perspective for the solution to many questions in the massification so as to make a deep level consideration from the culture. Part two mainly makes definition for some confused concepts and compares the different paths of higher education massification between China and America. Part three mainly presents a cultural interpretation to the questions in the process of higher education massification. The questions mainly related to the people’s choice of high school, the graduation rate, the quality and assimilation of higher education, etc. Part four proposes the two countermeasures from the cultural prospective, one refers to the idea transforming and the other refers to the higher education culture’s secularization changing.


