

A Study on Rhythms in Women in Love

【作者】 陈婧晋

【导师】 刘爱英;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大卫.赫伯特.劳伦斯是20世纪英国著名作家,被誉为英国的文坛凤凰。劳伦斯艺术领域涉及小说﹑诗歌﹑戏剧﹑小品文及文学评论,而小说是其艺术成就的集大成者。劳伦斯在小说中向世人深刻揭露了现代社会及工业制度剥夺人性的残忍行径,并通过对性及自然环境的描写来倡导人类本能的回归。他对性的态度及描述在评论界引起了轩然大波,很多作品遭禁,而他本身也被看作是一个浪费了天分的黄色小说作家。在劳伦斯逝世后,随着一些评论家为其正名以及对其作品重新审视,其成就慢慢得到了认可。如今,劳伦斯是公认的具有远见卓识的思想家以及现代主义文学的重要代表。《恋爱中的女人》是劳伦斯最杰出的作品。在这部小说中,劳伦斯谴责了工业制度的腐败性并为人类拯救指明了一条出路。厄休拉和古娟是一对姐妹,分别爱上了伯金和杰拉德。他们的恋情本质迥异,结局也不同。归根结底,这是由两段恋情的节奏不同所造成的。伯金和厄休拉的恋情富有创造性,在冲突和调和中有节奏地发展;古娟和杰拉德的恋情则不同,他们有的更多的是冲突而甚少有调和的情况。劳伦斯认为,生命的意义在于其节奏,在于男女间关系不断的反复变化。他笔下的人物关系部分或完全对应自然节奏。伯金和厄休拉的恋情类似自然节奏,存在永恒的吸引力和阻力。杰拉德和古娟的恋情则只包含了两者永恒的对抗,因而他们的节奏是不完整的。在小说中,四人亲密无间并试图互相影响。不同节奏的恋情或人物之间的互动实则是两种节奏的较量,而文章的结尾并没有暗示任何一方的绝对胜利。劳伦斯的这种安排可谓独具匠心,他使得文章整体都具有了自然的节奏,体现了自然中创造力和毁灭力的此消彼长,和谐共存。本文除前言和结论,一共有三个章节。第一章通过研究小说内重复出现的意象和富有节奏感的运动,揭示了小说主要人物具有的不同生命节奏。第二章重点讨论了不同恋情在意象组合和艰难对话中体现的不同节奏。第三章旨在通过研究不同恋情在不同阶段的表现来探讨整部小说的节奏形式。通过借鉴爱德华.基洛兰.布朗先生研究小说节奏的方法来研究《恋爱中的女人》,本文认为劳伦斯通过并置两种节奏不同结局不同的恋情,既谴责了工业制度对人的毁灭性打击,也指出了一条拯救的道路。

【Abstract】 David Herbert Richards Lawrence (1885-1930) was a renowned English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist and literary critic, honored as the phoenix of English literature. Lawrence’s novels embody the essence of his intelligence and talents. His novels represent his extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization, and in the novels, Lawrence expresses his yearning for the restoration of natural human instincts through depicting sexual scenes and natural environment. His lavish description of sexual love was harshly criticized, and at his death, he owned the reputation of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. After years of restudy, Lawrence is now valued by many as a visionary thinker and significant representative of modernism in English Literature.Women in Love is Lawrence’s finest achievement, and in it he denounces the corruptive industrialism and points out an outlet. Ursula and Gudrun, the sisters, fall in love with two different kinds of persons, Birkin and Gerald. Their respective relationships vary in the aspects of nature and results. The reason for the differences lies in their rhythms. Birkin and Ursula’s relationship is constructive, with a to-and-fro rhythm while Gerald and Gudrun’s relationship is destructive, with only tension involved. Lawrence saw the meaning of life in its rhythm—the endlessly changing to-and-fro relationship between man and woman. The relationship between his characters is part of and correspondent to the rhythmic flow of natural life. Birkin and Ursula’s love resembles the rhythmic flow of natural life, with constant alternation of attraction and repulsion. Gerald and Gudrun’s love, however, only involves the confrontation of one another, and thus their rhythm is not complete. The four major characters are intimate with one another, and they try to influence one another. Their interactions represent the struggle between the two kinds of rhythms, yet the novel ends without an overwhelming victory on either of them. This arrangement is reasonable, for it implies the rhythm of nature. Apart from the introduction and the conclusion, the thesis contains three chapters: Chapter one focuses on revealing characters’natures and life rhythms, which are reflected in repetitive images and rhythmic actions. Chapter two discusses the different rhythmic relationships mainly in image patterns and characters’difficult conversations. The last chapter is devoted to bring to light the overall rhythm of the novel by a detailed study of the relationships at different phases. Perceived from the approaches E. K. Brown applies in his analysis of rhythm in fiction, the thesis contends that it is by juxtaposition of different rhythmic relationships that Lawrence denounces industrialism and finds out an approach for salvation.

【关键词】 节奏重复意象艰难对话并置
【Key words】 rhythmrepetitive imagesdifficult conversationjuxtaposition
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】148

