

Study on Prohibition of Business Strife System in Trade Secrets Protection

【作者】 韩楚

【导师】 李祖明;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 经济法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 如果说专利制度极大推动了工业时代的经济发展,那么在信息时代掌握了信息便掌握了市场先机,商业秘密是企业进行市场竞争的一种强有力武器。商业秘密越来越成为企业立足的必要条件,保护商业秘密成为企业经营管理必不可少的一环。人力资源作为企业资源中最活跃的部分,已成为影响企业发展的具有决定意义的因素。劳动力市场的完善,企业竞争日益激烈,使人才的流动愈加频繁和普遍。由此也加大了企业商业秘密被泄露的风险。竞业禁止是保护商业秘密的有效手段,具有比商业秘密的传统保护方式更大的优势,约定竞业禁止针对可能发生的侵害采取了事先的、主动的措施,达到防患于未然的效果。竞业禁止涉及到商业秘密权利人的经济利益、雇员的劳动权、就业权、公平的市场竞争秩序多方面的关系,其实质是通过法律制度对相互冲突的各方利益进行平衡,即在商业秘密权利人的利益、雇员的利益与社会公共利益之间寻求一个平衡点。竞业禁止就是调和这多种利益的有效手段。信息与人才的结合使得商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止制度这一问题更具有研究价值。本文第一章概述了商业秘密的内涵、外延、历史发展、特征及理论基础,运用比较分析和历史分析的研究方法介绍了国外和我国商业秘密保护的法律现状,并引出商业秘密的保护与人才流动之间的重要关系。近年大量案例证实了人才流动频繁的同时由此也加大了企业商业秘密被泄露的风险。竞业禁止与商业秘密的保护有密切的联系。第二章分析了竞业禁止制度中的基本理论问题,竞业禁止制度的概念、分类、历史发展及理论基础。对竞业禁止协议的研究是竞业禁止制度中重要的组成部分。法律在允许约定竞业禁止存在的同时必须对其加以合理限制,以求得用人单位商业秘密权与劳动者劳动权的平衡。第三章论述了我国竞业禁止制度的立法现状与完善,我国对竞业禁止的法律规定散见于部分法律、部门法规、地方性法规之中,法律规定分散且操作性不强,列举了我国法定竞业禁止和约定竞业禁止法律规定的不足,并通过法律实证分析提出了完善我国竞业禁止制度的若干建议,如适当扩大法定竞业禁止义务主体的范围,明晰法定竞业义务的范围,完善对归入权行使的法律规定,完善对约定竞业禁止的范围、地域、时间限制、经济补偿方面的规定,平衡“法定”与“约定”之间的关系,更好地体现劳动法对劳动者倾斜保护、扶弱抑强的立法精神。最后是结论部分,概括了全文的主要内容,竞业禁止是商业秘密保护的一种有效方式,具有比商业秘密的传统保护方式更大的优势,竞业禁止涉及到商业秘密权利人的经济利益、雇员的劳动权、就业权、以及社会公共利益多方面的关系,竞业禁止就是平衡协调多种利益有效手段。所以我国应当完善竞业禁止制度以更有效地保护商业秘密。

【Abstract】 We could say that the patent system greatly promoted the economy development in the industrial age, then in the information age the one who seize the information will take the market opportunities, trade secret is a kind of powerful weapon for the enterprises in the market competition. Trade secrets become more and more necessary for enterprise management. Human resources have become a decisive factor of enterprise development, as the most active part of kinds of enterprise resources. With improvement of the labor market and increasingly intense competition, the flow of talent becomes more frequent and prevalent. It also intensifies the risk of trade secrets from being let out. Prohibition of business strife is a sort of effective means to protect trade secrets than the traditional one. Prohibition of business strife relates to the economic interests of obligees of trade secrets, labor rights and employment rights of employees, fair competition in the market economy. The essence of prohibition of business strife is balancing the conflicting interests of all parties through the legal system. Prohibition of business strife could reconcile these interests is an effective way. The combination of information and talent make the study on prohibition of business strife in the protection of commercial secrets more valuable.In this paper, ChapterⅠintroduces the connotation and denotation, historical development, theoretical basis of the trade secrets, analyzes and compares the legal status quo of trade secret protection of foreign and our country, and leads to important relationship between the protection of trade secrets and the flow of talent. The frequent flow of talent intensifies the risk of trade secrets from being let out at the same time. There is close relationship between prohibition of business strife and trade secret protection.ChapterⅡanalyzes the basic theoretical issues of prohibition of business strife system, eg. concept, classification, historical development and theoretical basis. Research on prohibition of business strife agreements is an important part of prohibition of business strife system. Prohibition of business strife agreement must be reasonably restricted by law, in order to achieve balance between the rights of trade secret of employers and the labor rights of employees.ChapterⅢdiscusses the legislative status quo and improvement of prohibition of business strife system of our country. The legal provisions of the prohibition of business strife in our country are too dispersive to practice, scattered in the law, department regulations, and local regulations. Then specialize the shortcomings of legal prohibition of business strife and prohibition of business strife agreement, then make corresponding recommendations, such as, expanding the scope of obligor of legal prohibition of business strife appropriately, clarifying the scope of obligations, perfecting the legal provisions to exercise the right to bring the profit into the company, and improving provisions about the scope, geography and time restriction, economic compensation of the prohibition of business strife agreement.Last but not least are the conclusions of the paper. Summarize the general idea of the paper. Prohibition of business strife is a sort of effective means to protect trade secrets than the traditional one. Prohibition of business strife relates to economic interests of the obligees of trade secrets, labor rights and employment rights of employees, fair competition in the market economy. Prohibition of business strife could balance and reconcile these interests is an effective way. Therefore we should not only strengthen the protection of trade secrets, but also improve the prohibition of business strife system in the course of trade secrets protection in order to protect trade secrets more effectively.

【关键词】 商业秘密竞业禁止
【Key words】 trade secretsprohibition of business strife
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】544

