

Study on Administrative Accountability

【作者】 曹强

【导师】 王成栋;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 我国政府提出建设法治国家的时间并不太久,法治的一个当然之意就是任何人、组织包括国家都应该为自己的行为负责任,打造责任政府已成为不可逆转的时代潮流。行政问责制的建立对责任政府的最终实现具有十分重要的意义,近年来我国在行政问责领域内的实践是丰富的,但至今仍不能说我国已经有了健全的行政问责制度,原因之一恐怕就是行政问责的程序规定不够完善。我国各地在行政问责程序方面的规定参差不齐,在某种程度上导致了我国行政问责的实践效果并不如人意。对行政问责的程序展开研究以使之日臻完善,便是笔者通过作出此文所要达到的直接目的。本文以阐述行政问责制度的理论原理为基础,对问责制度的内涵尤其是行政问责的程序价值及其基本原则进行分析论述,在对发生的典型行政问责案例进行归纳总结的基础上,概括出我国行政问责目前程序方面存在的主要问题,最后对我国行政问责应当遵循的程序展开具体设计,以最终实现完善行政问责制、构建法治国家的目标。遵循以上的脉络,本文共分为以下五个部分:引言:打造责任政府是我国政府提出的努力目标,发生在2008和2009年的多个重大行政问责事件说明我国的行政问责正在朝着常态化的方向发展。但应当认识到只有依据一定的规范性的程序去运行行政问责实践,才能发挥出行政问责制度的应有的作用。问责事件的频繁发生,在某种程度上说明了我国的行政问责制在程序保障方面存在着严重的缺失,并且这种缺失客观上影响了我国行政问责制度的发展。第一部分,行政问责的概念与内涵。通过对问责内涵的分析和对国内多位学者对行政问责所下定义的介绍,笔者着重对行政问责的概念进行了较为全面的界定,即“行政问责是法定主体依照法定程序对政府机关及其公务人员未能合法合理地履行其所承担的公共职能的情形进行监督的一种事后责任追究机制。”之后,笔者通过对行政问责主体、客体、内容、程序、后果、救济的界定,完成了对行政问责基本内涵的分析。这部分是本文行文立论的前提和基础。第二部分,行政问责程序的价值与基本原则。程序是行政问责制度中的一个重要的组成部分。笔者将行政问责的程序价值概况为实现正义、实现效率和保障人权,将程序法定、有效参与和效率这三个原则确立为行政问责程序的基本原则,同时明确了虽然在行政问责的实体规范还不是十分明确的今天,理论界对程序的关注还是十分必要的。第三部分,我国行政问责的实践与存在的问题——以程序为分析重点。我国的行政问责已在政策层面、立法层面展开了比较丰富的实践,但行政问责在制度化的进程中仍然是集中于地方性或者部门性试验模式,并没有形成全国统一适用的行政问责规范程序和制度模型,其在理念层面和制度设计层面和实践层面均存在一定的问题,这些问题的存在也正是需要对我国的行政问责加以完善的直接原因所在。第四部分,行政问责的基本程序设计。笔者将行政问责的基本程序界定为事前程序、事中程序和事后程序。事前程序是针对行政问责的启动和受理程序进行研究,事中程序是针对行政问责的调查、审理、作出结论程序进行研究,事后程序是针对行政问责的执行和救济程序进行研究。结语:鉴于情景需要的急迫性和制度及程序的不成熟性,我国的行政问责制尚处于一个理论探索和经验积累的过程。行政问责制的建立完善是一个复杂的社会过程,需要在整体结构和制度设计上进行周全的考虑。笔者强调在重视对行政问责制度进行完善的同时必须重视对体制漏洞的填补,以规范行政行为、提高行政效率,进而最终构建一个真正的责任政府、实现法治。

【Abstract】 The time when China’s party and the government put forward the rule of law isn’t very long. The rule of law, of course, means that anyone, including national organizations should be responsible for their actions, the Government has the responsibility to create an irreversible trend of the times. The establishment of the administrative accountability has great significance for eventual realization of the Government’s responsibility. Since the accountability of the SARS crisis, China’s administrative accountability is rich in practice. However, we still can not say that China has adopted a sound administrative accountability system, one of the reasons is that the administrative accountability procedures are not perfect. Procedure is the essence of the rule of law -- "visible justice". It can be said that our country in various parts of the administrative accountability procedures varied, which to some extent led to the unsatisfactory results of administrative accountability of our practice. The article to achieve a direct purpose of writing this paper is to explore the accountability process in order to study so that it will continue to improve it.Founded upon the theoretical principles of administrative accountability, this essay expounds the concept of administrative accountability, especially the value of administrative procedures and its basic principles and summarizes the major problems abounding in China’s administrative prodedures for accountability grounded upon the analyses of some representative administrative accountability cases. Finally, the author provides a specific design for China’s administrative prodedures, which aims to enhance administrative accountabiliy and build a country ruling by law.Guided by this thought, this article is divided into five parts:Introduction: It is a goal proposed by Chinese Government to construct a government with responsibility. It can be infered from the multiple fierce events of administrative accountability that our country’s system of administrative accountability is striving towards a normalized direction. Nevertheless it should be understood that only if administrative accountability is practised in accordance with certain normative procedures, can administrative accountability exert its corresponding strength. The frequent occurrence of the events of administrative accountability also indicates that the scarcity of the system of administrative accountability in the aspect of procedure guarantee has objectively influenced the development of our country’s system or administrative accountability.Part One, an overview of administrative accountability. By introducing the connotation of accountability and analysis of a number of national scholars on the theory of executive accountability, the author focuses on the concept of executive accountability for more comprehensive definition. Then, the author has completed analysis on connotation of administrative accountability through defining the subject, object, content, procedures, consequences of administrative accountability.Part Two, values and basic principles of the administrative accountability. The values of the administrative accountability procedure are achieving justice, achieving efficiency, guaranteeing human rights. Procedural value of the administrative accountability procedure is an independent part of the entity laws and regulations. Meanwhile it also identifies that although the current entity regulations are not very clear, it’s very essential that the theory circle be concerned about the procedure. After careful consideration, the author ultimately establishes the law-set procedure, effective involvement, and efficiency as the basic three principles of the administrative accountability procedure.Part Three, the practice of China’s administrative accountability system and its relevant problems---based on the analysis of procedures. China’s administrative accountability has been extensively practised on both policy and legislation layers. However, administrative accountability in the course of institutionalization still manifists itself as local trial models or department trial models and nationally unified and applicable administrative accountability procedures and institutional models have not been established and some problems still exist on concept layer and institutional design layer, which directly contribute to the demand for the improvement of China’s administrative accountability.Part Four, the design on the basic principles of administrative accountability. The procedures concludes three parts: the previous procedures, in-progress events and the executive program of expost fact events. The previous explores the start of accountability for administrative and processing procedures.The in-progress events analyses the administrative accountability of the investigation, trial proceedings.And the executive program of expost fact events analyses the implementation of administrative accountability procedures from three aspects.Conclusion: In consideration of the urgency of the situation and the immaturity of the system and proceures, China’s administrative accountability is still at the stage of theory exploration and experience accumulation. It is a complex social process to establish and promote administrative accountability and comprehensive consideration should be given to the overall structure and the institution design.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【下载频次】321

