

Research on Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Natun Formation of Beizhong Subsag

【作者】 李红英

【导师】 张明学; 朱德丰;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文综合运用层序地层学原理和方法、地震学、地质学和测井学等理论,以落实油藏构造特征、沉积特征、储层特征,平面展布特征及其油水关系为主线,搞清该区块南屯组油藏地层层序特征、油水分布关系、油藏类型及其分布规律等情况为目的。通过大量基础工作,以现有的三维地震、钻井、测井、试油等资料为基础,以复杂断陷盆地油气藏成藏理论为指导,应用4项关键技术,即断陷盆地三维地震精细解释技术;层序地层学分析技术;沉积微相识别技术;储层评价及反演预测技术,取得了六项成果认识:(1)南屯组一段暗色泥岩为贝中次凹的主要烃源岩,属于中等-好生油岩,这套优质烃源岩是形成贝中次凹满洼含油的物质基础。(2)贝中次凹为受东西两侧控陷断层控制的双断型凹陷,不同的构造单元对油气具有不同控制作用,形成不同类型油藏,早期形成并且继承性发育的西部断阶带及中部低凸起带是油气有利的聚集区带。(3)应用层序地层学原理和方法对南屯组划分为2个三级层序,5个体系域;南一段低位体系域扇(辫状河)三角洲的内前缘水下分流河道砂体广泛分布,是主力的含油层系,水进体系域及高位体系域湖相范围分布较广的泥岩,即是该区的主力烃源岩层。(4)南一段低位体系域砂体单层厚度较大,层数较多,受多物源控制砂体错叠连片,广泛分布,为岩性油藏的形成提供了有利的条件。(5)南屯组具有较好的储集条件,其岩性普遍含凝灰质,易于溶蚀,次生溶蚀孔隙比较发育,同时凝灰质在成岩演化过程中生成大量的粘土矿物和硅化物结晶体,形成包壳可保护原生孔隙。(6)贝中次凹南屯组油藏垂向上具有2套成藏组合;油藏平面上具有分带性的特点。本论文系统总结了富油小凹陷的油气分布规律,其研究思路和方法对于其他类似地区的勘探具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The prime line of this thesis is clarifying structure character, sedimentary character, reservoir character, plane distribution and oil/water relationship. In this thesis, the sequence characters of the stratum, oil/water distribution relationship, reservoir types and distribution regularities of Nantun Formation are figured out, by sequence stratigraphy theory and method, seismology, geology, logging theory and so on. In this thesis, four critical technologies, including accurate 3D seismic interpretation technology of faulted basin, analytic technique of the sequence stratigraphy, recognition technique of the sedimentary microfaciesand, reservoir valuation and inversion forecasting techniques are used. Based on the available 3D seismics, well drilling, well logging, well testing data and so on and as the guide of the reservoir-forming theory of complicated faulted basin. there are six fruits and understandings, which enriched the regular recognition of the reservoir distribution in complicated faulted basin. The fruits and understandings are as follows:(1) the dark clay of Nantun 1 Member is the main hydrocarbon source rocks, which are middle to good level oil source rock in Beizhong sub sag and are also the material base of making the whole Beizhong sub sag bear oil; (2) Beizhong sub sag is a kind of duplex fault sag controlled by East and West faults, deferent structural units have different control of the oil and gas and the formation of different types of reservoir, and the favorable accumulation regions of oil and gas are early formed and inherited developed step-fault zone in west and embossed zone in center; (3) using sequence stratigraphy theory and method, Nantun formation is subdivided into two third sequences and five system tracts, underwater distributary channel sand of inner frontier of fan delta in low system tract of Nantun formation widely spread which are the main oil bearing formation, and the widespread clay of transgressive systems tract and high system tract of latchstring facies are the main hydrocarbon source rocks; (4) in low systems tract of Nantun 1 Member, there developed lot of sand zones, every single zone of which is thick, overlying and widespread, and provides advantages for the formation of lithologic oil pool; (5) for the tuffaceous lithologic characters, easy denuded, secondary pore developed, lot of clay mineral and silicide crystallization forming from the tuffaceous in the diagenetic evolution process and protectingthe primary pore, the saving conditions in Nantun formation are better; (6) there developed two set of play in vertical of Nantun formation in Beizhong sub sag, and on plane, the reservoir is zoned. The oil-gas distribution regulars of the rich-oil sag are system summed, the research clue and method of which will play an important part in the exploratory work in the similar area


