

Study on the Geological Reserves and Development Potential of the Saling Oil Formation in Sazhong Development Area

【作者】 孙国红

【导师】 付广; 刘传平;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 萨零组油层作为大庆长垣中部含油组合最上部的油层,自油田开发以来,一直作为非主力油层看待,没有进行深入系统的研究。同时虽然大量生产井均钻遇萨零组,但取心资料较少,钻井环境(泥浆密度、泥浆电阻率等)变化较大,测井系列复杂,使得有效厚度解释精度难以提高,进而影响对储层的评价。为落实萨零组油层储量,挖掘油田潜力,有必要开展萨中开发区萨零组油层地质储量及开发潜力研究来丰富和完善陆相油田开发理论。论文以萨中开发区为对象,应用岩心、试油、测井等资料,采用综合研究描述方法,对萨零组油层构造、储层连通状况进行了全面、系统的研究及评价。分析萨零组油层的岩性、物性、含油性与电性的关系,研制有效厚度物性标准和电性标准;建立测井计算有效孔隙度、原始含水饱和度模型,对有效孔隙度、原始含油饱和度等参数进行合理取值,同时为了解决萨零组储层的低含油级别岩心且含油性不连续、常规取样难以反映实际岩心含油特征的问题,采用了密集取样与常规取样对比,提出了偏差系数校正方法,应用到有效孔隙度、原始含油饱和度的计算中,使有效孔隙度、原始含油饱和度的取值更准确。综合地质和测井参数两方面的研究成果,应用容积法计算萨零组油层的地质储量,并对其开发潜力进行评价,为萨零组油层下步开发部署工作提供可靠依据。

【Abstract】 SaLing reservoir of Daqing placanticline middle oil as the top of the reservoir, since the oil field development has been viewed as a non-major reservoirs, there is no in-depth system. Although a large number of producing wells were also drilled SaLing group, but less information coring drilling environment (mud density, mud resistivity and so on) changed greatly, logging family complex, making accurate interpretation difficult to raise the effective thickness and thus affect reservoir evaluation. To implement Saling oil reserves, mining oil potential, it is necessary to carry out Sazhong SaLing potential oil reserves in research and development to enrich and improve the theory of continental oil field development.The paper take Sazhong in the development zone as an object, using the core sample, tests a newly drilled oil well, material and so on oil well logging, uses the synthetic study description method, to SaLing the oil layer structure, the reservoir connection condition has conducted comprehensive, system’s research and the appraisal. Analyzes SaLing the oil layer the lithological character, the nature, oiliness and the electrical relations, the development effective thickness natural standard and the electrical standard; The establishment oil well logging computation effective porosity, the primitive water saturation model, to effective parameters and so on porosity, primitive oil saturation carries on the reasonable value, simultaneously to solve SaLing the reservoir low oiliness rank core sample and oiliness, the routine sampling reflected with difficulty not continuously the actual core sample oiliness characteristic the question, has used the close sampling and the routine sampling contrast, proposed the deviation factor adjustment method, applies the effective porosity, in the primitive oil saturation computation, causes the effective porosity, the primitive oil saturation value to be more accurate. Comprehensive geological and the oil well logging parameter two aspect’s research results, the application volumetric method calculates SaLing the oil layer the geological reserve, and carries on the appraisal to its development potential, the oil layer the step development deployment work provides the reliable basis for SaLing.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】93

