

Research on High-temperature(240℃ ) Water-base Drilling Fluid in Daqing Oilfield

【作者】 吴迪

【导师】 孙玉学;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气井工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,随着深井钻井技术的不断发展,钻井方案的制定需要考虑更深更热的储层,而深井钻井液的抗高温性能是保持钻井液其它性能的基础。高温可以导致粘土及各种处理剂发生变化,引起各组分间发生化学及物理化学作用,直接破坏钻井液的性能,影响钻井工程的安全进行。因此,研制新型抗高温钻井液势在必行。本文针对大庆油田庆深气田深部储层特点,研究了抗高温钻井液作用机理,通过处理剂优选实验,确定了新型抗高温钻井液主要处理剂,确定了抗高温钻井液的初始配方,并考虑以抗高温钻井液体系高温流变稳定性和滤失量控制为重点,通过实验对钻井液初始配方进行优化调整,最终优选出一套抗高温240℃的有机硅抗高温钻井液体系。对体系老化前后的性能进行对比评价,实验结果表明:体系具有良好的高温流变稳定性、失水造壁性、抑制性以及较好的抗污染能力。由于深井钻井中温度、压力对钻井液密度的影响已经不能忽略,因此钻井液密度也不再是一个常数。在确定有机硅体系配方之后,本文针对高温高压对有机硅钻井液密度的影响展开研究,建立了高温高压钻井液密度、流变参数以及当量循环密度预测模型。该模型为压力管理钻井技术提供了理论依据,对于合理控制井下压力,预防复杂事故的发生具有指导意义。

【Abstract】 For now, deeper and hotter reservoirs are considered in well drilling design with the continuous development of deep well drilling technology. High temperature stability of deep well drilling fluid is an important basis for the other performances of the drilling fluid. Due to high temperature, the changes of clay and treating chemicals take place,which lead to physical and chemical changes between the components of drilling fluid. It destructs properties of drilling fluid and impacts on the safty of drilling work. Consequently, it is necessary to conduct a new study on high-temperature drilling fluid.Based on the characters of deep reservoirs in Qingshen gas field, this paper studied on the Mechanisms of high-temperature drilling fluids.By optimized experiments, main treating chemicals and initial formula of new high-temperature drilling fluid were obtained.By experiments, focusing on HPHT rheological stability and filter loss performance, initial formula was perfected and adjusted.Finally, a new set of drilling fluid system which can resist high tempreture (240℃) was determined. Properties of new drilling fluid system before and after thermal aging were tested. The experimental results show that the new products can resist high temperature, alcium and salt, and they also have good rheological properties and the HTHP filter loss performance.It can not ignored that high temperature and pressure deeply affected the mud density.which made the mud density no long a constant.After new high-temperature drilling fluid were determined, the paper conducted a study on the effects of high temperature and pressure on mud density. Prediction Model of quiescent density, rheological parameter and equivalent circulating density of the new drilling fluid system.The models provided theoretic foundation of pressure management technology and have directive significance for downhole pressure control and complicated accident prevention.


