

Study on the Frontier Wall of the Area Inhabited by the Miao People in Western Hunan Province in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 彭春芳

【导师】 刘祥学; 邓永飞;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 湘西苗疆地处湘、鄂、渝、黔边区,此地山高水险,峰峦叠障,道路崎岖、交通闭塞。自秦汉以来,湘西苗疆一直游离在中央政府的直接管辖之外,而被视为“化外”之地。直至明清,随着对西南边疆的开发,湘西苗疆逐渐由“化外”变为“化内”。正是伴随着明清王朝对苗疆的开辟,使得此地苗民起义不断。有明一代的276年间,发生的苗民起义就达30多次。因出于将湘西苗疆纳入到政府直接管辖的目的,故在面对苗疆苗民的“叛乱”时,明廷总以大兵压境,对其进行镇压。但总是“旋剿旋叛”,明政府疲于奔命,却无法消除苗疆的“苗乱”。于是明政府不得已将“征苗”转为“防苗”。宣德五年,苗民再次“叛乱”,时任总兵官的肖授,为求一劳永逸,在西起贵州松桃县,东到湘西吉首市一线,环绕苗疆修筑了24堡,在苗疆“生苗”区构筑了一道严密防线。但这道防线未能有效阻止苗疆“苗乱”。嘉靖三十一年,明王朝在镇压苗民起义之后,特设三藩总督,并开府沅州,由张岳任总督镇抚。于是张岳罢屯设哨,在苗疆更设13哨。这样,明政府内以三藩总督、辰沅道,以及参将,三位一体构成对苗疆生苗区的军事行动指挥中心和后方依托,外借十三哨的坚壁清野,将苗疆置于其严密的军事防御体系内。但因堡哨间距太大,仍无法承担起消除“苗乱”的重任,由此终于成就了万历年间,蔡复一在湘西苗疆修筑边墙,此为明代湘西苗疆之“边墙”。之后天启年间对它加以增修,最终完成了明代的苗疆边墙。明代边墙在崇祯“寇乱”“踏为平地”,不复存在,这宣告了明王朝在湘西苗疆防苗策略的彻底失败。入清以后,苗民起义仍时有发生,其中以乾嘉苗民起义为苗疆历史的转折点。起义历时两年多,清政府以七省十八万大兵平息了这场起义。惨重的代价让清廷对苗疆重新思考,并反思历来治理苗疆的得失,由此引发了以傅鼐为首的湘西苗疆流官群体,在苗疆的重修边墙。边墙的修筑为清政府治理苗疆提供了新的平台,苗疆由此迎来了新的历史。本文试图通过对明清两代不同历史时期湘西苗疆边墙的兴起、修筑、废弃的发展历程作一梳理,同时也探讨了在不同社会历史背景下,湘西苗疆边墙的“筑”、“废”折射出的湘西苗疆在明清数百年间社会变迁的某些重要侧面。本文以边墙为个案研究,对边墙问题在特定时期、特定地域的发生、表现、演变、影响及其与地域社会的互动关系进行了一定程度的剖析,这将有助于更好地把握湘西苗疆的社会特点和历史发展脉络。

【Abstract】 The Miao Territory in werstern Hunan lies in the border of Hunan,Hubei,Sichuan and Guizhou provinces.The area has fierce natural conditions and poor transtportation system.From Qin dynasty,the Miao Territory was congsidered as an“original territory”by the government.Untill the Ming and Qing dynasties, accompanying with the development of the southwest borderland of China, the Miao Territory transformed gradually from“original territory”to“developed territory”.From Ming dynasty the Miao People of the Miao Territory rebelled constantly.In 276 years domination of the Ming dynasty,the Miao People rebelled over 30 times.Because the Ming Government wanted to rule the Miao Territory derectly,towords the Miao People rebellions the Ming Government often repressed by force ,but it didn’t work.So the Ming Government had to change the“ruling”strategy to“defending”strategy.In the 5th year of the reign of Emperor Xuande, the command of the army Xiao Shou built 24 blockhouses from the Songtao country of Guizhou province to the Jishou town of Hunan province,in order to defend the Miao people’s rebellions.But it didn’t work either.In the 31st year of the reign of Emperor Jajing, after supressing the Miao People’s rebellion, the Ming government incorporated the new Yuanzhou county and set the Governor of Tri—States,the Governor Zhang Yue changed the 24 blockhouses into 13 sentries.So the Ming gorvernment wanted to resort the Trinity Military Defending system inner by the Governor of Tri—States,the Prefecture Command for Patrol of Chenzhou and Yuanzhou county and the Canjiang,and 13sentries defending work outside,put the Miao Territory into the rigorous military defending system.Like the blockhouses,the sentries couldn’t eliminate the rebellions of the Miao People.So in the years of the reign of Emperor Wanli,Cai Fuyi built a“Boundary Wall”in the Miao Territory.It is the beginning of building the Miao Territory“Boundary Wall”.In the years of the reign of Emperor Tianqi,the officals added it and completed the Miao Territory“Boundary Wall”of the Ming dynasty .But the Miao Territory“Boundary Wall”was destroyed compeletly in the end of the reign of Emperor Chongzhen.It annouced the failure of the strategy which defended the Miao people by the Ming dynasty.In the Qing dynasty,the rebellions of the Miao People broke out from now and then.In those rebellions,the Miao Rebellion in Qianlong and Jiaqing Periods is the turning point of the Miao Territory.The Miao Rebellion in Qianlong and Jiaqing Periods lasted over two years,the Qing Government calmed down the rebellion ,but cost great money and labors.After the war,the government the Miao Territory reflected the gain and loss in aspect of the management of the Miao Territory,then initiated the local officals by Fu Nai as the leader to rebuild the Miao Territory“Boundary Wall”. The Miao Territory“Boundary Wall”provided a new platform for the local and the central government to manage the Miao Territory ,so the Miao Territory welcomed in its new historic period.The article attended to comb the course of beginning,development and abandonment of the Miao Territory“Boundary Wall”,and studied under the different social and historic setting to reflect some important aspects of social changing during the several hundred years of the Ming and Qing dynasties.The article study the case of“Boundary Wall”and analized the“Boundary Wall”problem which in the certain period and region,including“Boundary Wall”occurrence,performance,evolution and influence in some degree, which helps to grasp the geographical social features and historical development vein of this area.


