

The Investigation of Present Situation of Urban Physical Examination in Guangxi

【作者】 王兆锋

【导师】 刘伟春;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 体育中考作为我国教育体制下的一个现象存在了三十年之久,对于体育中考的作用和意义、利与弊一直是学校、家长、学生和社会共同关注的问题之一。从目前广西体育中考的发展以及对学校体育的影响、对学生身心健康的发展看,有积极的作用,也存在着不少问题,与实施体育中考的目的还有一定距离。本文以广西城市体育中考为研究对象,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等研究方法,对广西城市体育中考现状以及存在的问题进行深入的分析研究。研究结果表明:(1)广西城市体育中考经历了三个重要阶段,起步阶段(2001—2002)、中断阶段(2003—2005)、恢复阶段(2006—至今);体育中考覆盖面大,有90%的广西城市初中学生参加体育中考;(2)三市市区体育中考评分标准无显著性差异,能反映学生体质状况,设置较科学,但仍需进一步完善,如单项评分标准的设定;(3)体育中考项目设置没有统一的标准,基本上遵循了初中生体质发育特点来设置,其中南宁市区项目设置多样,能够以学生为本,兼顾学生兴趣和学生体质的提高;(4)各市监督组织机制较为完善,社会认同度较高,但仍存在人为操作因素大的问题;(5)影响广西城市体育中考的因素有:决策部门的重视程度;体育中考的评分标准、项目设置、监督组织机制;学校体育开展状况;现行考试制度。(6)促进广西城市体育中考发展的几点建议:加强学校决策部门对体育中考的重视程度;统筹项目之间评分标准,科学设定单项评分标准;科学设定体育中考项目,统筹提高学生体质和满足学生体育锻炼兴趣之间的关系;规范体育中考的监督机制,减少人为操作机率;提高相关人群对体育中考的正确认识;加强对学校体育的监管力度;规范学校体育建设,优化教学资源;提高学生健身意识,树立正确的体育观和体育价值观;营造良好的学校体育环境和良好的学校健身氛围

【Abstract】 Under the educational system in our country, the physical examination as one kind of phenomenon has existed for nearly thirty years and its impact,significance,advantages,disadvantages have been received much concerns among schools, parents, students and society. From the perspective of the development and its effects on the development of students’physical and psychological health, the physical examination indeed has positive effect,but also has many problems, and there is still a certain distance to the purpose of implementing the physical examination. In this paper, the urban physical examination in Guangxi will be the subjects, and several research methods such as documentary, questionnaire, Interview method, logical analysis, mathematical statistics method will be carried out to make a deep analysis on the investigation of urban physical examination in Guangxi.The results indicate that: (1) the urban physical examination in Guangxi has undergone three important stages: starting stage (2001-2002), suspending stage(2003-2005), and recovery stage (2006-nowadays). the physical examination in Guangxi has a larger coverage, and 90% of students have participated into the physical examination; (2) the assessment standards of scores in physical examination can reflect students’physical health, but there are still some problems on the aspects of the lack of overall consideration and no scientific criteria on the single assessment; (3) there isn’t achieved the agreed standard in the setting items in the physical examination, and basically setting these items in accordance with the characteristics of the junior students’growth development, the items in Nanning are various in the setup,paying more attention to the student-oriented and take students’interests and improvement in constitution into consideration; (4) municipal supervision mechanism develop better and social identify is relatively high, but there is still existing the artificial operational problem;(5) the factors affecting the physcial examination are as follows: the degree of attentions among decision-making departments, assessment standards for physical examination, items setup, monitoring-organization mechanism, the current states for the development of physcial examination,current test system;(6) there are some suggestions for improving the urban physical examination: enhancing school decision-making departments on physical examination; considering the assessment standard among the all the items and setting up the single assessment scientifically; setting up the scientific test items, balancing the relationship between the students’body constitution and their interests in the exercising; regulating the monitoring mechanism in the physical examination, reducing the rate of human operation;improving the correct recognition to the physical examination among relevant crowds; enhancing the degrees of monitoring in physcial examination; regulating the school sports construction and optimize the teaching resources; improving students’ fitness consciousness and promoting the students’ interest and individual development, cultivating students’ good fitness habits and setting up the correct view of sports and sports value; creating a good school enviroment and good school sports fitness atmosphere.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】696

