

Research of the Song Dynasty Kickball Development

【作者】 牛苗苗

【导师】 梁柱平;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 蹴鞠又名踏鞠,是我国古代的一种“足球”游戏。中国蹴鞠起源较早,据西汉学者刘向研究,出现在五千年前的黄帝时代;蹴鞠经历了战国、两汉、魏晋南北朝的流传和演变,到唐宋时期达到鼎盛。到了宋代,蹴鞠成为了一种带有浓厚商业气息的的体育活动,更成为了一种普及性很强的社会娱乐活动,得到了上至帝王,下至庶民、士兵,甚至妇女的喜爱。在城市中,出现了以表演蹴鞠为主的职业球手,他们或在朝廷宴会上表演,或在瓦舍勾栏中卖艺,使蹴鞠不仅可以自娱,而且可以观赏,而且蹴鞠的制作技术以及规模形式在宋代也得到了较大的改进和提高。宋代蹴鞠的发展是建立在宋代商品经济发展的基础之上的,因此带有浓厚的商业气息。本课题以宋代蹴鞠的发展演变为背景,深入分析了宋代的商品经济对蹴鞠运动发展的影响。文章力图运用马克思主义唯物史观进行指导研究,特别强调在运用体育学科理论的同时,引入社会学、历史学等学科的理论。在资料运用上,力求挖掘和占有第一手资料,包括文献档案、时人论述、报刊资料等。全文共分为四个部分。第一部分简要介绍蹴鞠的起源、演变与发展简况。文章分别论述了蹴鞠起源的不同见解、蹴鞠名称的演变和蹴鞠从战国历经两汉、隋唐至两宋的发展过程,以及两宋到明清时期蹴鞠逐渐走向衰落的过程。第二部分主要论述了在宋代商品经济影响下蹴鞠的发展,这是文章的主体之一。这一部分论述了宋代文化及经济高度发展的状况;然后就宋代商品经济发展对蹴鞠发展的影响做了论述:城市格局的变化为开展大众化的蹴鞠奠定了群众基础;其次,坊廓户的出现,有利于蹴鞠的普及与交流;第三,瓦舍的兴起为蹴鞠商业化形成提供了一个平台。第三部分主要论述了宋代商品经济发展对蹴鞠创新方面的影响。这是文章的主体部分。宋代出现了蹴鞠行会组织,最具代表性的就是齐云社,又叫圆社。其次,蹴鞠运动在技术上也有不少改善,特点是越来越规范。在踢法上增加了不少方式和方法。第三,蹴鞠的制作工艺也越来越精细。第四,宋代还出现了许多有关蹴鞠的文学记载。最后,宋代女子蹴鞠在一定程度上也有新的发展。第四部分主要论述了在商品经济影响下,宋代蹴鞠出现了异化性的发展,这也是文章的主体部分。宋代的蹴鞠多强调个人技术而忽略了集体配合;这一时期,蹴鞠军事作用减少,娱乐成分增多;而且宋代采用了单球门比赛,降低了蹴鞠比赛的趣味性。此时,尽管蹴鞠运动仍有发展,但其衰落迹象却不可避免地日益显现出来。文章最后一部分对全文做了总结。

【Abstract】 Cuju, also known as Taju, is a kind of ancient Chinese“football”game. Cuju has quite a long history in China. according to the research of Liu Xiang, a scholar of western Han Dynasty, it originated from the Yellow Emperor five thousand years ago; through the spread and evolution in the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty, the Wei and Jin Dynasties as well as in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Cuju reached its peak during the Tang and Song Dynasties. To the Song Dynasty, Cuju became a commercialized sport, a highly popular social entertainment activity, and it was also popurlar from the king to the common people, soldiers, and even women. In cities, professional Cuju players appeared , who performed in court banquet, or amusement places. Therefore, Cuju was not only self-amused, but also amused others. The production technology and scale of Cuju were greatly developed and improved in Song Dynasty. Cuju development in Song Dynasty was based on the development of commodity economy.Therefore, it was much commercialized. The study is set in the development of Cuju in Song Dynasty, and it deeply analyzes the influence of commodity economy in Song Dynasty on the development of Cuju.The article seeks to do research under the guide of Marxist Historical Materialism. With particular emphasis on the theory of physical education, it adopts the theories of sociology, history, and other subjects. On the data used in the paper, first-hand information has the priority to be collected and used, including documents and archives, the discussion at that time, and the press information.Paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the origin of Cuju, evolution and profiles of development. Article discusses the different views on the origin, name evolution of Cuju and the development process of it during the Warring States Period and Han, Sui and Tang to Song Dynasty, and the wane process of it during Song and the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The second part discusses the development of Cuju under the influence of commodity economy of Song Dynasty, which is one of the main part of this article. This section discusses the culture and advanced economic development of Song Dynasty; then the influence of Song commodity economy development to the development of Cuju is discussed: First, the changes of the city pattern laid the mass foundation for mading Cuju popular. Second,the appearance of non-agricultural residents were in favor of the spread and exchange of Cuju. Third, the rise of entertainment places provided a platform for the formation of the commercialization of Cuju.The third part discusses the influence of the commodity economy development of Song Dynasty on Cuju innovation. This is the main part of the article. First, guild organizations of Cuju in Song Dynasty were emerged, the most representative one is Qi Yun Club, also known as Circle Club. Second, there were many improvements in technology, and it became more and more standard. A lot of ways and means in the style of playing Cuju were added. Third, the production technics of Cuju became more and more exquisite. Fourth, there were many literary records about Cuju in Song Dynasty. Finally, to some extent, women’s Cuju had a new development.The fourth part discusses the alienation of Cuju in Song Dynasty under the influence of commodity economy, which is also the main part of the article. Cuju in Song Dynasty emphasized individual skill more than teamwork; During this period, the military role of Cuju reduced, entertainment components increased; and single goal competition was adopted in Song Dynasty which reduced the interest of Cuju. At this time, although there were some development about Cuju, the decaying signs of it became increasingly apparent inevitably. And the last part is the summary of the paper.

【关键词】 蹴鞠经济
【Key words】 Cujueconomy

