

Study on Legal Problems of Trade inj Services of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf Sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area

【作者】 邓莹莹

【导师】 杨丽艳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 区域经济一体化勃兴、服务贸易异军突起,这是二战后、特别是“后乌拉圭时代”国际贸易不同发展维度上的重要特征。一方面,区域经济一体化组织(集、团)数量急剧增加;另一方面,近几十年来,服务贸易作为一个崭新的国际贸易领域和产业进步的标志引起了各国的普遍关注。在泛北部湾次区域经济合作中,各国也重视服务贸易的发展,因为发展服务贸易,将有利于区域内各国服务贸易的互利互补,增强竞争力,扩大服务贸易出口,深化和加强各国服务部门的合作,推动各国服务业的发展。泛北部湾次区域经济合作区服务贸易的发展需要法律制度作保障,法律的缺失将阻碍区域服务贸易的发展,由于泛北部湾次区域经济合作区包含在中国——东盟自由贸易区内,是中国——东盟自由贸易区框架下的次区域,因此泛北部湾次区域经济合作区的服务贸易规则可以在很多方面沿用中国、东盟签订的服务贸易协议,无需单独构建泛北部湾次区域合作国际经济区服务贸易规则。但是《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》并不是十全十美,还存在缺陷,而且泛北部湾次区域经济合作区存在自身的特点,所以泛北部湾次区域合作国际经济区的服务贸易规则也不是完全地适用《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》,而是在遵守WTO、GATS和《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》的相关规定的同时,还要结合泛北部湾各国的特点、经济发展水平和承受能力,对《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》进行适当的补充和修改后的适用,还可以通过进一步谈判协议增加比《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》条款更为先行和优惠,更加符合次区域情况的条款,以利于泛北部湾各国率先实现服务贸易自由化。本文通过对泛北部湾次区域经济合作区服务贸易的一些主要原则和制度进行分析研究,认为对于《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》中服务原产地规则的一些用语不清问题,应进一步加以解释,有必要在《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》中订立服务原产地的一般规则,而不是分散地规定在《中国——东盟服务贸易协议》的一些条款中,同时对海运服务的原产地规则应作更详细的规定。由于泛北部湾次区域经济合作区各国是中国——东盟自由贸易区内经济发展较好的国家,因此泛北部湾次区域服务贸易开放程度可以比中国东盟自由贸易区服务贸易开放程度高一些,但泛北部湾各国都是发展中国家,对市场准入规则的制定既要注意一般性的条件,又要根据国情灵活地加以考虑。关于泛北部湾次区域经济合作区进行海运合作,可以借鉴欧盟海运服务法律政策,鼓励、支持泛北部湾各国海运业开展科技研发,制定完善的海运市场管理法,提高泛北部湾海运企业的国际竞争力,促进泛北部湾海运服务贸易发展。对于泛北部湾次区域经济合作区各国的旅游合作,应签署次区域旅游合作协议和规章,制定旅游合作的实施细则,进一步开放和简化旅游者进出境手续和签证互通,以促进北部湾次区域旅游服务贸易自由化的发展进程。总而言之,对发展泛北部湾次区域经济合作区服务贸易应有效利用WTO给予发展中国家成员的特殊优惠待遇,研究、吸收其他区域组织在服务贸易规则方面的经验,发展和完善泛北部湾服务贸易自由化规则相配套的机制,以利于泛北部湾次区域经济合作区服务贸易的自由化。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the territorial economic incorporation and trade in services are becoming more noticeable, on one hand, the number of Regional economic integration organizations increase dramatically; on the other hand, in recent decades, many countries note and take into account the trade in services as a new area of international trade. Every country of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area emphasis on the development of trade in services, because the development of trade in services can help countries to enhance competitiveness, expand trade in services exports, promoting the development of both services.The develoment of Trade in Services of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area needs of the legal system for protection, the lack of law would hinder the development of regional trade in services, As the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area is included in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, is the sub-regional of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. The many rules of Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area’ service trade can be adopted the China-ASEAN《Service Trade Agreement)),without establish separate rules of Trade in Services of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area. But the China-ASEAN《Service Trade Agreement》is not perfect, it has defects,and the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area has own characteristics.Therefore, the services trade rules of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf Sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area are not completely applicable to the China-ASEAN《Service Trade Agreement》, should Compliance with the rules of WTO, GATS and the China-ASEAN《Service Trade Agreement》,and combining the characteristics of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area, economic development levels, to supplement and amend the China-ASEAN《Service Trade Agreement》Through study some trade in services’rules of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area, the thesis think needing signed the service of rules of origin for the China-ASEAN《Service Trade Agreement》,and the rules of origin of maritime services requirements should be more detailed. As the countries of Pan-Tonkin Gulf Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation zone are better to the country’s China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, services trade openness of Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area can open higher than the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. But the Pan-Beibu-Gulf countries are developing countries, the formulation of rules on market access not only to pay attention to the general conditions, but also the flexibility to be considered under the circumstances. maritime cooperation of Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area can draw on EU law and policy shipping services, Encourage and support they set out maritime market management method to improve the Pan-Beibu-Gulf shipping company’s international competitiveness, and promote pan-Gulf Shipping Trade Development. Tourism Cooperation of Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area, Should be signed by sub-regional tourism cooperation agreement and regulations, Formulate development the implementation details of tourism cooperation, Opening up and simplifying entry and exit procedures for tourists and exchange visas in order to promote the northern Gulf sub-regional tourism development process of liberalization of trade in services. All in all, the development of Pan-Beibu-Gulf’s Trade in Services, need using the WTO members of special and differential treatment for developing countries, Study, absorption of other regional organizations in the experience of trade in services rules, Development and improvement the Pan-Beibu-Gulf’s rule of services trade liberalization, Improve Our country’ the rule of Trade in Services, then promote the liberalization Trade in Services of the Pan-Beibu-Gulf sub-Region Economic Cooperation Area.


