

The Ecological Security Evaluation of Longsheng Tourist Destination

【作者】 骆香庭

【导师】 马艺芳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 经济的发展推动了整个社会和人类的进步,人们在享受自己创造的物质与精神财富的同时,也给地球带来了各种环境问题和生态危机。近年来,生态安全的研究成了国内外关注的焦点。目前旅游业已成为全球经济发展势头最强劲和规模最大产业之一,但旅游业给旅游地带来的巨大利益背后也不可避免的带来了很多负面影响。旅游地的生态安全问题也引起了人们的广泛关注。本文运用了生态安全相关基础理论、旅游地生态安全相关理论以及评价方法,基于生态足迹模型构建的旅游地生态安全评价模型,以龙胜旅游地为研究对象,介绍了旅游生态足迹的分类、计算方法。本文对2007年龙胜旅游地进行了旅游生态足迹测算,计算出2007年龙胜旅游地的人均旅游生态足迹以及人均旅游用地承载力,并以此为依据来评价龙胜旅游地生态安全状况。本研究对龙胜旅游地可持续发展具有十分重要的理论意义与实践意义。论文分为五个章节。第一章阐述选题的研究背景,研究目的意义。分析了生态安全的国内外研究现状、论文的研究框架与研究方法。第二章概述生态安全概念、内涵特点以及与可持续发展理论的关系。概述旅游地生态安全的相关理论与评价方法。第三章主要阐述基于生态足迹模型构建的旅游生态安全评价模型。根据生态足迹模型的指标把旅游地分为旅游餐饮、旅游住宿、旅游交通、旅游游览、旅游娱乐、旅游购物六个指标体系。分别对其定义及相关公式的计算进行了概述。第四章把龙胜旅游地作为实证研究,分别计算其人均旅游生态足迹与人均旅游用地承载力,比较二者的比值来评价龙胜旅游地的安全状态。并给了相关建议。第五章主要阐述了本文的研究结果、创新之处以及论文存在的不足。本文主要研究结果有:1、2007年龙胜旅游地旅游者的人均旅游生态足迹为0.026127hm2,人均旅游用地承载力为0.305481 hm2。2、2007年龙胜旅游地是生态盈余的状态,生态盈余为0.279354 hm2。3、2007年龙胜旅游地生态安全度处于较安全状态,其值为0.085527。4、2007年龙胜旅游地的人均旅游生态足迹中,旅游交通生态足迹最大,占76%,其次为旅游餐饮足迹,占19%。最后指出了旅游生态足迹计算中存在的相关问题,以及展望对以后进一步的探讨研究。

【Abstract】 The development of economy made progress to the society and humanity. People brought kinds of environmental problems and ecological crisis to the Earth while they are enjoying the material and spiritual wealth created by themselves. Recent years, ecological security research became the focal point in many countries. Now tourism has become one of the most powerful economic development momentum and the largest industries in the world. But behind the enormous benefits from tourism, it has also inevitably brought back a lot of negative impact. Ecological security problems in tourist destinations has also aroused people’s attention. This article has mainly studied the basic theory related to ecological security, correlation theories and assessment methods of ecological security in tourist destinations. Then introduction of classification and the method of calculation for touristic ecological footprint based on appraisal model of ecological security in tourist destinations constructed by ecological footprint models studied by predecessors. According to the appraisal model of ecological security in tourist destinations, touristic ecological footprint method is used to analyze Longsheng in 2007. Calculates the touristic ecological footprint and the average touristic land capacity in 2007 in Longsheng. Then evaluates the ecological security condition in Longsheng from the ratio between them. This research has an extremely important academic and practical significance to the sustainable development in Longsheng.This article divides into five chapters. The first chapter elaborates the background and significance of the selected topic. Analyzes the research situation, article frame, and research techniques of ecological security in the world. The second chapter summarizes the relations of ecological security concept, connotation characteristic and sustainable development theory. Theories and assessment methods on ecological security. The third chapter mainly elaborates touristic ecological security appraisal model based on ecological footprint model construction. According to the ecological footprint model, six target systems were clarified as the traveling dining, the traveling lodgings, the traveling transportation, the traveling tour, the traveling entertainment and the traveling shopping. Separately has carried on the outline to its definition and the correlation formula calculation. The fourth chapter takes Longsheng for the research,calculates its average touristic ecological footprint and the average traveling supporting capacity. Appraises Longsheng compared with the two ratio to travel destination secure state,And has given the correlation suggestion. The fifth chapter mainly elaborates findings, innovations and insufficiencies of this article.This article main findings have:1. In 2007 in Longsheng, the average touristic ecological footprint of tourists is 0.026127hm2,The average touristic supporting capacity is 0.305481 hm2.2. In 2007 in Longsheng, tourism is in ecology surplus condition,The ecology surplus are 0.279354 hm2.3. In 2007 in Longsheng, touristic ecological security to be at the good secure state, its value is 0.085527.4. In 2007 in Longsheng, the average touristic ecological footprint, the traveling transportation ecological footprint is biggest,accounts for 76%, next for the traveling dining trail, accounts for 19%.Finally it pointed out problems exist in the touristic ecological footprint calculation, as well as forecast to later further discussion research.

  • 【分类号】F592.7;F205
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】420
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