

Research on Protection of the Weak Interest in Legal Application of International Contracts

【作者】 卫荣辉

【导师】 李艳梅;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 国际法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化,国际经贸交往频繁的时代背景下,国际合同也成倍增加。国际合同中的弱方当事人的权益保护问题也日益受到重视。纵观许多国家国际私法关于涉外合同的立法,大都对国际合同中的消费合同、雇佣合同、保险合同等合同中的弱方当事人给予立法上的倾斜保护,这已成为国际私法立法的新潮流趋势,而相比之下我国涉外合同立法对国际合同中的弱者保护存在着很大的缺陷,对此需要加以重视和完善。本文通过对国外国际私法关于国际合同中弱者利益保护立法现状的对比分析,希望通过借鉴国外先进立法经验,对我国涉外合同中弱者保护问题提出相关完善建议,以期对我国涉外合同立法有所裨益。本文首先采用对比分析的方法,通过对相关国家的国际私法立法和国际公约中对国际合同中的弱者的保护性规定进行对比分析,比较它们之间的不同得出其优点和存在的不足,然后归纳得出当前国际立法对弱者保护的立法趋势。其次,运用理论联系实际的方法,对我国涉外合同中弱者利益保护的缺失的现状及其原因进行分析。最后,针对我国涉外合同立法存在的问题,提出相关的完善建议。国际私法中的弱者保护成为近年来学者新的研究热点,学者们从许多方面进行研究也取得了相当的成果,但学者对国际合同中的弱者保护的研究相对较少,一些对国际合同中的弱者研究基本上散见于对国际私法中弱者保护问题的整体、宏观讨论之中,在具体论述国际私法价值取向转变、保护弱者利益原则、公共秩序保留制度、强制性规则、冲突规范立法等方面的弱者保护问题时,对国际合同中的弱者利益保护进行简单提及。另外,虽有学者对国际合同中的消费合同、劳动合同的法律适用中的弱者利益保护进行专门论述,但多局限于消费合同与劳动合同两个方面,很少有对整个国际合同中的弱者利益保护进行深入而系统的研究。本文针对我国涉外合同立法中对弱者保护的缺失现状,对整个国际合同领域内的弱者保护问题进行系统的研究,对典型的国际合同,如消费合同、雇佣合同、保险合同和技术转让合同中的弱者保护问题进行深入的分析,具有一定的创新性。文章通过对国际合同领域中国内外立法对弱者保护的理论、立法实践的对比分析,对我国涉外合同领域的弱者保护问题在基本制度、原则层面和典型具体合同立法方面,提出确立保护弱者利益原则,对意思自治原则进行限制;在具体条款设计中,坚持以保护性多边冲突规范为主,配之以相关强制性规定作为基本模式,将“保护弱者的法”作为首要系属公式,对我国涉外合同中消费、雇佣、保险和技术转让合同进行具体条文设计,实现保护弱者、维护合同公正的目的。论文一共分为三章,主要内容如下:引言部分主要介绍国际合同中弱者利益保护的研究现状,简单指出我国涉外合同领域中对弱者利益保护的立法缺陷以及本文写作的目的和意义。第一章是关于国际合同领域中弱者保护问题的概述。分别简单对国际私法中的弱者以及国际合同的弱者的定义和特征进行介绍分析,概述国际私法中保护弱者利益原则并对国际合同中对弱者利益保护的重要性、必要性进行分析论述。第二章对国际合同法律适用中弱者保护的模式、适用规则和对存在弱方当事人的典型国际合同的国外和国际立法实践进行介绍分析。首先,对国际合同法律适用的基本原则进行介绍。其次,通过以美国、瑞士和《罗马公约》的立法为典型代表,对国际合同法律适用中保护弱者的模式进行分析,得出当前在国际合同中对弱者进行保护的一般法律适用规则。然后分别对国外立法中的国际消费合同、雇佣合同、保险合同、技术转让合同法律适用对弱者保护的规定进行介绍,并对各国相关立法进行对比,就其优点和不足进行分析归纳,得出当前最新的立法趋势和可借鉴的经验。第三章针对我国涉外合同中弱者利益保护规定的不足提出相关完善建议。首先介绍我国现行涉外合同立法对弱者利益保护规定缺失的现状和不足,并对其原因进行剖析。然后,在借鉴国外先进经验基础上,对我国涉外合同立法的基本原则制度层面提出确立保护弱者利益原则,对意思自治原则进行必要限制,在涉外合同冲突规范立法设计中采用保护性多边冲突规则为主强制性规则为辅的冲突规则模式,并将“保护弱者的法”作为首要系属公式,等几点建议。最后,在此基础上对我国涉外合同中存在弱方当事人的典型合同的条文设计提出一些具体建议。

【Abstract】 In the context of economic globalization, international economic and trade exchanges become frequency, international contracts also increased manifold. The problem of protect the weak-side parties in international contracts gaining more importance. Taking a panoramic view of concerning foreign contracts of private international law legislation in many countries, to give preferential protection legislation for the weak party in consumer contracts, employment contracts, insurance contracts and other contracts, which has become the new trend of trends in private international law legislation. As compared to China’s concerning foreign contracts legislation on international contracts, there is a big defect in the interests of protecting the weak, which need to be focusing on perfecting. In this paper, to comparative analysis of the status of the legislation of foreign private international law on international contracts to protect the interests of the weak, hopes to learn some advanced experiences from foreign legislation,to give some related proposal to benefit China’s concerning foreign contracts legislation. First of all, this article using comparative analysis method, through introduce the provisions to protect the weak of relevant national legislation and international conventions, comparative analysis of the differences between them, come to their advantages and weaknesses, then summed up the current trend of protects the weak in international legislation. Secondly, used the method of integrating theory with practice, to inspect in the absence of the weak interest protection in China’s concerning foreign contracts, according to the defects analyze of the reasons.At last, made sound recommendations for its defects.At present, the problem of protecting the weak in private international law become the new hot research spot, a number of scholars from aspects to research it, have made considerable progress. But small number of scholars research on the weak protection of international contracts.Most of research on protection of the weak in international contracts scattered in the macro discussion on protection of weak in private international law, give protection of the weak interest in international contracts a simple mention when specific discussion of protect the weak in changes value orientation of private international law, principle of potect weak interest, public order reservation system, mandatory rules, conflict rules legislative.Furthermore, although some scholars study on protection of the weak interest in legal application of consumer contracts and labor contracts, but only limited to consumer contracts and labor contracts, there is little in-depth and systematic research on protection of the weak interest in international contracts. This paper, for concerning foreign contracts status of the legislative in China to make a systematic study on protection of the weak interest in international contracts, make a in-depth analysis on protect weak-side parties in the typical international contracts, such as consumer contracts, employment contracts, insurance contracts and technology transfer contracts, has certain innovative. Articles comparative analysis of the protection of the weak theory and legislative practice in the field of international contracts in the domestic and international legislation, suggest adhere to the principles of protect weak interest in concerning foreign contracts of China, limit the principles of autonomy necessary,in the basic system principles and typical dimensions of a specific contract legislation. In specific terms of design, to establish the model which based on protective rules multilateral conflict rules supplement the mandatory provision,put "protecting the weak law "As the primary classification inquiry formula, give the specific provisions of contracts designed to international consumer contracts, international employment contracts, international insurance contracts and international technology transfer contracts, achieve the purpose of protection of the weak, maintaining fair of contract.Accordingly, the thesis is divided into three chapters, the main contents are as follows:Introduction briefly introduces the status of research on protection of the weak interest in international contracts and pointed out defects that protection of the weak interest in China’s concerning foreign contracts legislation, as well as the purpose and significance of this paper.The first chapter is a summarized about the protection of the weak in international contracts. Below introduce weak definition and characteristics in the private international law and international contracts, an overview of the principles of protecting the weak in private international law. Then, paper discussing the importance and necessity for protecting the weak interests in international contracts.Chapter two introduce the mode of protection the weak, applicable law rules of the international contracts, practice and theory on the typical international contracts which existence of weak party in foreign and international legislation. First of all, introduce the general principles of legal application of international contracts. Secondly, by the legislation of the United States, Switzerland and the "Rome Convention" as a typical representative analysis mode of protect the weak the International Contract, the conclusion that present general law applicable rules in international contracts to protect the weak. Then, paper respectively explain foreign legislation on the protection of the weak provisions about international consumer contracts, employment contracts, insurance contracts, technology transfer, and to compare countries on its strengths and weaknesses, reached the current legislative trends and learn some advanced experiences.Chapter three is targeted at provisions deficiency of protecting the weak in China’s concerning foreign contracts legislation to put forward the relevant comprehensive proposals. Firstly, introduced the defects in China’s current concerning foreign contracts legislation to protect the interests of the weak and analyzed its causes. Then, drawing on advanced experiences from foreign countries, give a few recommendations from:on the basis of the legislation of China’s concerning foreign contracts for establish the principles of protect weak interest as basic principles, limit the principles of autonomy, to establish the model which based on protective rules multilateral conflict rules supplement the mandatory provision, and put "protecting the weak law "As the primary classification inquiry formula in designed to regulate the conflict rules. At last, put forward some specific recommendations on typical contracts with weaker party.


