

Research on Monody in Pre-song Dynasty

【作者】 周如月

【导师】 莫道才;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要探讨先秦至隋唐五代悼亡诗的发展流变状况以及对这一诗歌题材作综合深入的研究,本文由绪论及四章十八小节构成,正文约七万多字,全文约十万字。绪论主要是做了一些基础性的研究工作。首先,对悼亡诗一词的历史来源进行了考证,对悼亡诗的正体和变体给予了较为科学的界定,对悼亡诗与其它祭悼诗歌的关系予以细致辨析。并对研究悼亡诗的文学价值与文化价值作了一定的阐述。前三章是对悼亡诗在中国古代自先秦至隋唐五代这一时间段的发展背景、创作流传作深入的研究和探讨,共分为三章十四小节。首先,帝王的躬亲力行为后代悼亡诗的出现奠定了思想基础,并开启了悼亡题材的端绪。魏晋南北朝这一时期是在社会“以悲为美”的整体文风下出现了“名篇定章”之作,这时期的悼亡诗在一个高起点的引领下慢慢进入平稳发展期。隋唐五代则是名篇迭出的时期,韦应物、元稹、李商隐、李煜等这样的大诗人以细腻情感笔触夫妻之间的真情,使悼亡诗显示出无以伦比的哀婉美。本文的研究从先秦的《诗经》着手,首先对三首富有争议的“悼亡诗”进行深入的背景挖掘和诗意研究,以期确定其是否是中国古代悼亡诗的源头。经过论证,虽然排除了《诗经》中的三首诗是悼亡诗的源头之说,但是《诗经》注重细节和主观感受性的艺术形式对后世的悼亡文学起着极其巨大的作用。到了秦汉,随着中央集权的专制独裁政体的建立,儒家思想统治的加强,除了做为独裁者的君主可以随心所欲以外,包括上层阶级在内的个人所受的精神束缚还是较为严格的,所以帝王的随心创作和喜好为后世的悼亡文学创作提供了契机。汉末魏晋南北朝时期,人的觉醒开始了,文学也开始进入了自觉的时代。自汉武帝的《李夫人歌》为文学艺术提供了新的表现题材后,悼亡诗在晋代的潘岳这里得到了完美的展现。当时时代的特殊背景和诗人有意识地创作使得悼亡诗的艺术形式日趋成熟,悼亡诗的内容也脱离了口语化并填入了夫妻之间真挚感情的内涵。但从潘岳以后悼亡诗的创作却趋于平淡,作品慢慢进入套式。尽管如此,其也为唐五代的悼亡诗的名章倍出打下了坚实的基础。隋唐时期结束了中国长期的分裂状态,形成了一统天下的局面。尤其是唐代的经济繁荣、国力昌盛、思想开放、南北文化、中外文化交流活跃,各种各样的艺术都在这个时候得到了空前的发展。作为唐代艺术形式的顶尖代表,唐诗散发着青春的活力和永久的魅力。在这种大形势下,悼亡诗的发展也显示出其经久不衰的动力。特别是韦应物、元稹、李商隐、李煜等杰出诗人涉足这一题材,更使得悼亡诗名篇频出,在质量上将悼亡诗推向了发展的顶峰时期。经过前三章对先秦至唐五代悼亡诗的梳理和分析之后,第四章主要是将悼亡诗做总体的观感和研究,主要解读“悼亡”的背景和探讨悼亡诗的艺术风格及影响。如对诗人的经历与悼亡诗的创作之间关系的探讨,诗文相配下“悼亡”所显现出的两大主题的总结,以及“悼亡”的文化背景及其对婚姻价值的新发现等等。最后从宋前悼亡诗的艺术特色和悼亡诗的思想家只能和美学价值两个方面全面总结悼亡诗的艺术特色和影响。

【Abstract】 This paper is mainly about the research on the development of monody in the pre-Qin to the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, and further study was put into this subject comprehensively. This paper is composed by the introduction and four chapters which includes 18 sections.The text of this paper is more than seventy thousand words, about one hundred thousands words in total.Introduction is mainly about some basic researches.First, the historical origin of the word monody was verified, and the more scientific definition of monody was given to its standard form and variant form. The relationship between monody and other funeral poetry was considerately analyzed. Then the literary value and cultural value of monody was expounded.The first three chapters is mainly about the background of monody’development and the research and discussion of its creation circulation in ancient China from the Qin to the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties period. It includes 14 sections which divided into three chapters.First, the behavior of emperor laid the ideological foundation for emergence of poetry in the future generations, and opened a new era of monody. In Wei,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, "famous article as benchmark" emerged while the overall style was "Tragic as beauty" in that period. This slowly leaded monody stepping into the stable development period after the peak starting point. There were lots of famous monody in Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties period, Wei Yingwu, Yuan Zhen, Li Shang-yin, Li Yu and other great poets wrote such delicate strokes between husband and wife with love and emotion, so that monody showed unparalleled beauty.This study started from "Book of Songs" in the Pre-Qin Dynasty’s.Firstly, the three most controversial "monody" were researched in depth about the background and quality of them, to make sure if they are the origin of ancient monody in china. After certification, the three poems in "The Book of Songs" were the origin of monody was excluded, but the art form of "The Book of Songs" which paid attention to detail and sensitivity of subjective had a great impact to monody in the future generations. In the Qin and Han dynasties, with the centralized autocratic system of government established and the strengthening of the rule of Confucianism, in addition to the emperor as a dictator could be other than arbitrary, including the upper classes people suffered a lot in the spirit of the individual or the more stringent constraints, so that emperor’s free creation and preferences offered an opportunity for the future generations.Late Han Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, the people’s awakening began, literature had also begun to enter a conscious era. Since the Emperor Wu of western Han Dynasty’s "Mrs.Lee Song," provide a new performance theme for literature and art, the monody wrote by Pan showed a perfect revealation. At that time, the art form of monody were becoming more and more mature because of the special background of the times and poets who made a conscious creation, and the content of monody was also separated from colloquial form but filled in the sincere affection between husband and wife. However, after Pan the creation of monody had tended to ordinary and slowly fell into the stereotype.Nevertheless, they laid a solid foundation for the emergence of great poems in Tang and Five Dynasties.Sui and Tang dynasties ended China’s long-standing division condition, forming a unified country situation. In particular, the Tang Dynasty’s economic prosperity, national flourishing, open-minded and the North-South culture, Sino-foreign cultural exchange actively, a variety of arts form had been an unprecedented development at that time. As a top representative of Tang Dynasty’ art forms, Tang poetry exuded youthful energy and permanent charm.Under such a big situation, the development of monody also demonstrated its enduring charming. In particular, Wei Yingwu, Yuan Zhen, Li Shang-yin, Li Yu and other distinguished poets involved in this area, they made lots of famous monody, and pushed the quality of monody into the peak of development.After the first three chapters of combing and analysis, the fourth chapter is mainly about overall impression and research of monody. The background, art style and impact of monody were mainly focused. Such as discussing the relationship between the poet’s experience and monody creation, the summary of the two main themes of monody, and new discoveries of the cultural background and its impact on marriage and etc.Finally, art features and impact of monody in pre-Song dynasty were comprehensively summarized from two aspects of pre-Song poets and aesthetic values.


