

The Question Research for Elementary School and Middle School Teachers’ Continuing Education

【作者】 彭丽玲

【导师】 卢宁;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会的发展和知识经济时代的到来,人们对知识的需求也愈来愈迫切。在终身教育理念的影响下,继续教育作为人们获得知识,提高能力的有效途径,受到了人们的普遍欢迎,尤其是作为知识传播和生产的教师队伍,更是需要继续教育。在基础教育课程改革不断深入的背景下,新的教学理念和教学方法对中小学教师的素质提出了更高的要求,中小学教师进行继续教育是教师获得知识和切实提升教师队伍素质的有效手段,同时也是当今师资队伍建设中的重中之重。因此,建设一支高质量的师资队伍,是全面推进素质教育和新课标的基本保证,当前,国内对中小学教师继续教育的开展进行了不少研究,但具体系统地研究某省、市的中小学教师继续教育的开展情况并不多见,而且已有研究多数是比较零散的经验总结,缺乏从理论高度进行整体的思考。因此,以湖南省涟源市中小学教师继续教育活动为背景,以涟源市的几所学校为具体研究对象,系统地研究中小学教师继续教育的开展不但具有重要的理论参考价值,而且具有重要的现实意义。自1999年全面实施中小学教师继续教育以来,中小学教师继续教育取得了令人瞩目的成绩。然而笔者经过对涟源市中小学教师继续教育的状况的问卷调查以及与部分中小学教师、校长的访谈,发现目前该市中小学教师的继续教育存在不少突出问题,如学校和教师自身重视程度不够,培训质量和培训效果不甚理想,培训内容空泛,缺乏针对性,教师继续教育经费投入明显不足等。针对涟源市中小学教师继续教育的现状及存在的问题,并结合当地的实际情况,借鉴别人的成功经验和自己的培训实践,笔者采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈法,数据统计等研究方法和手段,有针对性的提出了相应的对策和思考。论文主要分五个部分:第一部分:该部分主要分析了中小学教师继续教育选题缘由、研究目的与研究意义,概括了中小学教师继续教育目前相关研究的成果及存在不足。该部分即是本文的导言。第二部分:首先对中小学教师、教师教育、继续教育、中小学教师继续教育作了概念界定,阐述了中小学教师继续教育的相关理论,重点分析了新时期中小学教师继续教育的意义。第三部分:通过问卷调查与访谈相结合的方式对湖南省涟源市中小学教师继续教育情况进行了客观、深入的分析,从而得出中小学教师继续教育状况有待改善的结论。第四部分:通过上文对中小学教师的问卷调查,对部分领导和教师的访谈,归纳总结出湖南省涟源市中小学教师继续教育虽然取得了一定的成就,但也存在着以下问题:部分教师和领导对教师继续教育缺乏全面、深刻的认识;培训基地建设滞后,功能不完善,培训质量得不到保障;中小学教师继续教育时间安排缺乏合理性,工学矛盾突出;教师培训课程设置针对性和教学内容实用性不强;教师继续教育费用短缺,教师个人承担费用的比例过高;作为教师继续教育主要途径的校本培训效果不理想。第五部分:根据涟源市中小学教师继续教育开展的实际情况和存在问题,并借鉴国内外教师继续教育的实践经验,笔者对涟源市中小学教师继续教育状况提出了相应的分析对策。包括:教育行政部门、学校领导、教师要充分认识中小学教师继续教育的重要性和必要性;加强教师继续教育基地的建设,完善基地各项机能,确保教师培训质量;合理安排时间,解决参训教师工学矛盾突出问题;合理设置课程内容,增强课程的针对性和实效性;加大对中小学教师特别是农村教师继续教育的经费投入;制定合理的培训规划,建立激励机制,大力开展校本培训。最后为结语部分,包括反思本研究存在的不足之处并提出后续需要关注和深入探讨的问题。本文综合运用教育学、管理学、心理学等学科理论探讨了中小学教师继续教育问题,丰富了教师继续教育理论,为教育行政部门、学校领导以及从事教师培训工作机构的组织和教育教学工作者提供了重要的参考。

【Abstract】 With developing of society and approaching of knowledge economic age, people want to get knowledge as soon as possible. Under the concept of life-time education, continuing education becomes more and more popular as an effective way for people to learn knowledge and improve abilities, especially teachers. At the background of pushing basic education reform, the new concepts of education and teaching methods request higher abilities for teachers who work for elementary school and middle school. Continuing education is an effective way to improve teachers’quality and gain knowledge for elementary school and middle school. Also, it is very important for us to build a high qualified teacher team today. To create a high qualified teacher team is the foundation of pushing quality education and archiving the goal of new curriculum. At present, a lot of research on elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education has been conducted at home.But few people make a systematic research on certain province or county region. The findings are generalized experience, lack the theoretical level. Consequently, it has important value to make a systematic research on elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education from both reality and theory, taking the elementary school and middle school of Lianyuan county, Hunan as background and several elementary school and middle school of Lianyuan as concrete object of study.We made great achievements that the implementation of teachers’continuing education for elementary school and middle school, since 1999.However after a current elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education comprehensive survey and part of teachers’ interview at Lianyuan, we discovered some salient problems, such as, the schools and teachers didn’t pay too much attention, quality and effect about training can’t keep satisfactory, contents of training are boring and useless, budget for teachers’continuing education isn’t enough and so on. Based on current Lianyan elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education status and referenced my professional trading and other peoples successful experiences, we try to find a correct strategies. In this process, we tried to use multiply-way to find these strategies, such as, evaluation, interview, statistics and so on.The paper is divided into five parts:PartⅠ: This part mainly analyzed the reason, purpose and meaning of topic choose and concluded some relative research fruits and its inadequacies for elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education.This part is the introduction.PartⅡ: first of all, defined the related-concept of primary and secondary school teachers, teacher education, continuing education, elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education, illustrated some relative theories about elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education, mainly analyzed the significance of teachers’continuing education in new era.PartⅢ: Understanding the situation of development of elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education through the combination of questionnaire and interview, analyzed the situation of elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education to be improved at Lianyuan county, Hunan.PartⅣ: Through the questionnaire of teachers in primary and secondary school, interviews of some leaders and teachers, The research concluded and summarized that although the elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education at lianyuan County, Hunan has got some achievements, there are still some problems, as following some teachers and leaders are lack of a comprehensive and profound understanding of teacher continuing education; the construction of the training base lag behind, Training quality can not be guaranteed; unreasonable time arrangement of elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education, the prominent contradiction of study and work of teachers; the focus of curriculum setting and the adaptability of course content is not good; the teachers’continuing education funds are short, teachers personal commitment to the proportion are of high cost.The school-based teacher training as a mainly approach for teacher continuing education which the implementation effect is not ideal.PartⅤ: According to the reality and the existent problems in elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education, in Lianyuan County, Hunan.Tutor discusses the corresponding countermeasures to elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education in Lianyuan County by means of the related theories and valuable results both at home and abroad. including fully understanding the importance and necessity of elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education, Strengthening the teacher’s continuing education training base construction; Perfect each function of the training to ensure the quality of teacher training; solving the outstanding problems of the training time arrangement and the conflict of work and study; set a reasonable curriculum content and enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the course; formulate the reasonable training plan, establish the incentive mechanism, carry out the school-based teacher training. Enlarge the fund’s investment for primary and secondary school teachers, particular for the teacher continuing education in rural areas.Finally, in addition to the conclusion, the author points out that some shortcomings in the thesis should be reflected and some questions needs to be paid attention to and explored in future.This paper used theory of education, management, psychology to explore the question for elementary school and middle school teachers’continuing education, happiness.It enriched the theory of teachers’continuing education, and also provided a good reference to department of education, eaders, acher training organization and education workers.


