

The Study on the Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits on the Trust Between High School Teachers and Students

【作者】 胡纯芳

【导师】 邓健;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在师生交往中,师生信任是师生关系的核心,良好的师生信任是建立和谐师生关系的基础,不仅能激发师生的内部潜力,同时也是学校组织信任中最核心最重要的一环,是学校发展的基础和保证,对学校有重要的影响。本研究通过对湖南株洲市、广西贵港市、湖南高沙镇、广西北流四地的四所中学的112名高中教师和605名高中生的问卷调查,得出以下结论:(1)高中教师的情绪智力总体上处于中等偏上水平,情绪促进得分最高,在其情绪智力中起着主导作用,而情绪觉察的得分最低。高中教师的情绪智力受性别和学校所在地区等背景因素的影响,主要表现为:女高中教师在情绪智力的情绪调控、情绪促进和情绪理解维度上和总情绪智力上均显著高于男高中教师;城市高中教师在情绪智力的情绪调控、情绪觉察、情绪理解维度上和总情绪智力上均显著高于乡镇高中教师。(2)高中教师的人格特质中情绪性(神经质)得分最高,内外向人格特质得分最低。高中教师的人格特质受学校所在地区的影响,主要表现为:城市教师在人格特质内外向上的得分显著高于乡镇教师。(3)高中教师的师生信任处于中等水平,对学生的情感信任在高中教师师生信任中起着主导作用,而能力信任作用最弱。高中教师的师生信任受学校所在地区的影响,主要表现为:城市高中教师对学生的人品信任、能力信任、知识信任维度和总信任上均显著高于乡镇高中教师。(4)高中教师人格特质的典型外向与师生信任的能力信任和知识信任有显著的正相关,高中教师的典型外向能够一定程度预测能力信任和知识信任水平。(5)高中生的情绪智力处于中等偏上水平,高中生的情绪促进得分最高,在其情绪智力中起着主导作用,而情绪觉察的得分最低;对教师的知识信任在高中生师生信任中起着主导作用,而能力信任作用最弱。高中生的情绪智力水平受性别、是否班干部、学校所在地区和是否独生子女等背景因素的影响,主要表现为:女生情绪智力的情绪觉察和总情绪智力上显著高于男生;班干部在情绪智力的情绪调控、情绪觉察、情绪促进维度和总情绪智力均显著高于非班干部的学生;乡镇学生在情绪智力的情绪觉察、情绪促进、情绪理解维度、总情绪智力均显著高于城市学生;非独生子女在情绪智力的情绪觉察、情绪理解和总情绪智力上均显著高于独生子女。(6)高中生人格特质中的情绪性(神经质)得分最高,精神质得分最低。高中生的人格特质受到性别、年级、是否担任班干部和城乡因素的影响,主要表现为:男生在内外向特质上的得分显著高于女生,女生在情绪性和精神质的得分显著高于男生;高三年级的学生在精神质维度上的得分显著高于,高一和高二年级的学生,但高一和高二年级的学生的得分没有显著差异;学生干部在内外向特质的得分显著高于非学生干部;城市高中生在精神质特质上的得分显著高于乡镇高中生。(7)高中生的师生信任总体上处于中等水平。人品信任在中学生师生信任中起着主导作用,而知识信任作用最弱。高中生师生信任受到年级、是否学生干部和城乡因素的影响,主要表现为:高一、高二年级的学生在人品信任、能力信任、知识信任、情感信任维度和总信任上均显著高于高三的学生,但高一和高二学生的得分没有显著差异;学生干部在师生信任的情感信任、能力信任上均显著高于非学生干部;城市的高中生在能力信任、知识信任和总信任上均显著高于乡镇高中生。(8)高中生的情绪智力与师生信任四个因子都有显著的相关,情绪调控与人品信任、情感信任、能力信任、知识信任和总信任呈现极其显著的正相关,情绪觉察与人品信任呈现显著的正相关;情绪促进、情绪理解和总情绪智力与师生信任各个维度和总维度呈现极其显著的正相关。情绪智力对师生信任的预测方面,对高中生对教师人品信任预测力最强的是总情绪智力,其次是情绪觉察;对高中生对教师情感信任预测力最强的是情绪理解,其次是情绪觉察;对高中生对教师能力信任预测力最强的是情绪调控;对高中生对教师知识信任预测力最强的是情绪调控,其次是情绪觉察;对高中生对教师总信任预测力最强的是情绪调控,其次是情绪觉察。(9)高中生情绪中间型与师生信任有显著的负相关。对师生信任的预测方面,情绪中间型不能够很好的预测师生信任。(10)总体上看,高中教师和高中生的师生信任都处于中等水平,高中教师的情绪智力对其师生信任没有显著的预测作用,人格特质与师生信任之间有显著的预测作用,高中生的情绪智力对其师生信任的有一定的预测作用,而高中生的人格特质对其师生信任没有明显的预测作用。最后,本文对研究结果进行了分析,并且从教师和学校的角度对提高高中师生的情绪智力、师生信任和健全其人格特质的提出了一些建议和策略。

【Abstract】 In the teacher-student interactions, teacher-student trust in teacher-student relationship is very import.A good teacher-student trust is the basis for the establishment of harmonious relations between teachers and students, teachers and students can not only stimulate the internal potential, but also can be the most important core part of a school organization trust.It has an important influence on foundation and guarantee of the school.This research surveyed about six hundred and five teachers, one hundred twelve students from four middle schools:Zhuzhou high School in Hunan, Guangxi Guigang School which come from Hunan Province, Gaosha High School in Hunnan, Beiliu High School in Guangxi.It drew the following conclusions:(1) The emotional intelligence of High school teachers in general are middle level, emotional promotion is the highest scores in their emotional intelligence plays a leading role, while the lowest score of emotional awareness. High school teachers of emotional intelligence are effected by gender and school location factors such as background, mainly as follows: female high school teachers in the emotional intelligence of emotional control, emotional understanding to promote and emotional dimensions and emotional intelligence on the total were significantly higher than male high school teachers; city high school teacher in the emotional intelligence of emotional control, emotional awareness, emotional understanding, and total emotional intelligence dimensions were significantly higher than on rural high school teachers.(2)The scores of High school teachers in the emotional personality (neuroticism) are the highest, lowest score inside and outside the personality. High school teacher personality traits are influenced by the school district, mainly as follows: the city inside and outside the upward teachers in personality scores were significantly higher than rural teachers.(3) Trust between high school teachers and students is at a medium level, emotional trust of students trust teachers and students in high school teachers play a leading role, while the ability to trust the weakest. Trust in senior high school teachers and students is affected by the school district, mainly as follows: urban high school teachers of students trust character, competence trust, knowledge, trust and total confidence in both dimensions were significantly higher than the township high school teachers.(4)High school teachers’typically outgoing personality and ability and knowledge of students trust play a significant positive correlation, a typical export-oriented high school teachers can predict a certain degree of trust and confidence in the level of knowledge.(5)High school students on emotional intelligence are in the middle level, high school students in the mood for the highest scores in their emotional intelligence plays a leading role, while the lowest score of emotional awareness; on the knowledge of teachers in high school students and teachers trust plays a leading role, while the ability to trust the weakest. High school level of emotional intelligence is affected by gender, class cadres, school district and whether the child and other background factors, mainly as follows: female emotional intelligence emotional intelligence emotional awareness and the total is significantly higher than boys; class cadre of emotional intelligence control, emotional awareness, emotional intelligence to promote emotional dimension and the total was significantly higher than non-class cadre of students; township students in emotional intelligence, emotional awareness, emotional facilitation, emotional understanding of the dimension, the total emotional intelligence was significantly higher than urban students; non-child emotional intelligence, emotional awareness, emotional understanding and emotional intelligence on the total were significantly higher than the child.(6) Scores of high school students in the emotional personality (neuroticism) are the highest, lowest quality spirit. Personality traits were affected by high school students of gender, grade, class cadres, and urban and rural areas as factors, mainly as follows: boys, including outgoing traits scores were significantly higher than girls, girls in the emotional and spiritual quality scores were significantly higher than boys ; twelfth grade students in the spiritual dimensions of quality scores were significantly higher than the high one, and senior grade students, but high and one and senior grade students, no significant difference; student leaders, including outgoing traits scores were significantly higher than non-student leaders; urban high school students in the spiritual quality of character on the high school students scored significantly higher than rural.(7)Trust of high school students toward teachers are at a medium level in general. Trust in teachers and students in secondary character plays a leading role in the trust, and trust in the weakest of knowledge. High school students and teachers trust is influenced by grade, student leaders and urban-rural factors, mainly as follows: the high one, senior grade students in character trust, competence trust, knowledge, trust, emotional trust and general trust dimension were significantly higher on in the Middle School students, but I and sophomore students with high scores were not significantly different; student cadres in student feelings of trust, competence trust both significantly higher than non-student leaders; the city’s high school students in the ability to trust, knowledge, trust and total trust in the township high school students were significantly higher.(8)High school teachers and students’emotional intelligence and trust of the four factors are significantly related to mood regulation and character trust, emotional trust, competence trust, knowledge, trust and total confidence showed extremely significant positive correlation, emotional awareness and the people Commodities Trust is significant positive correlation; mood for, emotional understanding and emotional intelligence and teacher of total trust and total dimensions of the various dimensions showed an extremely significant positive correlation. Emotional intelligence of the students confidence in projections, the trust character of the high school students to teachers is the strongest predictor of total emotional intelligence, followed by emotional awareness; on the high school teacher confidence predict the strongest emotion is emotion understanding, followed by emotional awareness; on the ability of high school students to teachers is the most trusted predict emotional regulation; on teacher knowledge and confidence in senior high school students predict the strongest emotional regulation, followed by emotional awareness; on the high school teachers predict the total trust strongest emotional regulation, followed by emotional awareness.(9)High school students’middle emotional has a significant negative correlation to the trust which students toward to teachers. Prediction on the teacher-student trust, emotional intermediate students and teachers can not predict a good trust. (10) In general, high school teachers and the trust between high school students and teachers are in middle level and high school teachers, students and teachers trust their emotional intelligence is not a significant predictor of personality traits and trust between students and teachers a significant predictor of , high school students and teachers trust their emotional intelligence have a certain prediction while high school students on their personality traits did not significantly predict trust.Finally, this article analyzed the outcomes, put forward a few suggestions of improving high school teachers and students on emotional intelligence, trust and integrity of teachers and students personality .

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】630

