

On the Negative Transfer of Mother Language in English Majors’ Speaking Performance

【作者】 蒋志豪

【导师】 李晓;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国学生在学习外语的过程中,由于受到母语的影响,常常引起语用错误从而阻碍目的语的习得,这种现象被称作母语的负迁移。从20世纪50年代至今,母语负迁移对外语学习的影响一直是语言学家们关注的焦点。与此同时,二语习得领域新的理论模式如错误分析,对比分析,中介语等从不同侧面给予母语负迁移以新的指导。从以往的研究中可以发现,对母语负迁移的研究大多致力于其对外语写作的影响,从口语的角度探讨母语负迁移问题并不多见。本文在总结以往研究的基础上,结合口语自身的特点,现场收录学生口语语料并转录为文字材料,以此研究母语负迁移在学生英语口语学习各个层面的具体体现。作者着重使用对比分析和错误分析的方法,旨在发现由母语负迁移所造成的英语口语表达错误,并在此基础上提出解决之道,帮助学生降低这些错误的发生率。论文以广西师范大学外国语学院英语专业一,二年级学生为研究对象,采用实证研究的模式。研究者随机抽取班级进行随堂听课并详细收录学生课堂上的口语材料,然后依据相关理论对所得材料进行整理分析。研究结果如下:1)母语负迁移错误在学生口语所犯错误总数中占有很大的比例,其广泛存在于学生口头表达的各个层面,这充分说明母语负迁移是学生英语口语学习中的一种不可避免的现象。2)母语负迁移错误在词汇,句法,形态和文化方面呈递减分布,其中词汇错误所占比重最大,词汇错误是学生口语学习中最容易出错的部分。3)在词汇错误中,实词错误所占比重最大,达到了73%。4)在句法错误方面,“冗余”错误总数排在第一位,学生口语表达中很容易犯“冗余”错误。5)虽然母语负迁移错误在文化方面所占比重最小,但若将其归入划分的子层面中,其所占比例反而最大。从搜集到的资料中不难发现,很多学生由于不了解汉英语言文化差异导致其口语表达中常常出现负迁移错误。在对研究材料分析的基础上,作者探讨了母语负迁移产生的原因以及在英语口语和教学中减少及克服母语负迁移的方法,旨在使英语教师从中得到启示,促进英语口语的教学。最后,作者提出研究设计和分析中的不足之处以及对后续研究的建议和展望。

【Abstract】 In learning a foreign language, a learner’s mother tongue will inevitably hinder his learning or even lead to the pragmatic errors. This phenomenon is called negative transfer in linguistic research. Since 1950s, the research on negative transfer of mother tongue has been the central issue of linguists and researchers. In the meantime, many new theories such as Error Analysis, Contrastive Analysis and Interlanguage have provided guidance for them. But the majority of the previous researches focus on the relationship between L1 transfer and language writing, and little attention has been paid to the aspect of foreign language speaking.Inspired by the early researches, this study tries to probe into the problem of how negative transfer of mother tongue influence students’oral English. The author collects Chinese students’verbal data in their English speaking performance and analyzes them by transcribing them into written form. Errors analysis (EA) and contrastive analysis (CA) are mainly adopted to detect the distribution of negative transfer errors in order to help students reduce the influence of negative transfer errors.This research sets its subjects on the freshmen and sophomores majoring in English in the College of Foreign Studies in Guangxi Normal University and makes an empirical study on the negative transfer of mother language in the students’English speaking performance. The present author attends the oral classes and observes the oral performance of the subjects. Finally, the verbal data are recorded and transcribed into written form, followed by error analysis within the framework of relevant theories. The results of this research are presented below.1) L1 transfer errors take a dominant part in speech errors and they take place in each type and subtype both linguistically and culturally. The fact gives the evidence that negative transfer is an inevitable phenomenon in students’oral English learning.2) Of the four dimensions in linguistic categories, errors in lexis, syntax, morphology and cultures rank in descending order, among which lexical errors are the most prominent, indicating that this is the greatest problem for students in their English speaking.3) Among the lexical errors, errors of content words take the most proportion, accounting for 73% of all lexical errors. 4) Concerning the syntactic errors, redundancy errors are ranked at the first place and it is believed that students are apt to commit the redundancy errors in the syntactical level.5) Although errors in culture only rank the bottom in the four dimensions in linguistic categories, they are ranked at the top in all the subtypes in linguistic categories. The samples collected in the research show that students always confuse with the differences between Chinese and English cultures and it is difficult to erase the errors in cultures.Potential sources of the errors are discussed after data analysis. Pedagogical implications, limitations of the present research and suggestions for further research are also provided at the end of this thesis.


