

The Study on the Main Factors Affecting the Training of Physics Professionals of Xinjiang Minorities

【作者】 刘冉

【导师】 王建伟;

【作者基本信息】 喀什师范学院 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 少数民族专业本科人才的培养是高等教育中十分重要的研究课题,分析与优化专业人才培养模式是提高人才质量的重要内容。本文立足新疆,以喀什师范学院物理系民族理科学生“113”培养模式(下文简称“113”模式)为例,主要研究了影响新疆少数民族物理专业人才培养主要因素。论文主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)简述了新疆少数民族高等教育的基本状况;介绍了新疆高校在民族学生教育方面的突出特点。(2)研究了新疆高校在民族物理教育方面存在的问题,主要在学生的素质、教师的素质、学习习惯和学习方法、教学过程、实践教学、汉语教学上较为明显。(3)从教育学原理出发,以民族教育学、社会教育学的相关理论为依托,严格遵循党对教育的指导方针,对影响新疆少数民族物理专业人才培养的主要因素进行调查研究。(4)在灰色系统理论数学模型建构的定量评定下对“113”模式教学质量进行灰色关联分析,研究了教师的素质、汉语水平、学生数理化基础、学生学习习惯和学习方法、教学管理及教学质量监控体系、教学条件、物理专业的特点等影响新疆少数民族物理专业人才培养主要因素关联度。结果表明:在7个影响因素中教师因素在首位,其次是学生汉语水平和物理专业的专业特殊性,学生学习习惯和学习方法、教学管理及教学质量监控体系、教学条件相对较低。(5)通过对新疆高校在民族物理教育方面存在的问题分析和定量评定,提出了民族物理专业学生培养过程中,提高新疆少数民族物理专业人才培养质量的对策。研究表明,要加强基础教育,汉语学习从幼儿园、小学抓起,完善高考制度逐步提高民族学生入学成绩;要逐步建设一支合格的教师队伍,提升教师的教学理念、技能、方法等专业素质;要不断加强和改革少数民族物理专业教育教学;以监促管,提高教育教学质量;优化课程结构,加强学科建设,规范教学环节;加强预科和本科阶段教育教学,以巩固和提高民族学生的汉语水平和专业水平。

【Abstract】 Minority professionals training is a very important research in higher education. Analysis and optimize the professional training mode is an important part of improving the quality of talents. Based in Xinjiang, take Kashgar Teachers College Department of minority Physics students“113”training mode for example(simple to“113”Mode infra ) ,this paper studies the main factors of minority Physics professional training in Xinjiang. The main contents are following:(1)Outline the basic conditions of higher education about the minorities in Xinjiang;introduce the outstanding features of the students in Xinjiang Higher education.(2)Study the national physical education problems in the Xinjiang universities, the students quality, teacher quality, learning habits and learning methods,teaching process,practice teaching,Chinese teaching are obvious.(3)Starting from the principle of education, relying on the national education and social pedagogy theories, strictly following the Party’s guiding policy of education, the paper investigate and study the main influence factors on the Physics minority professional training.(4)Through the quantitative evaluation of the gray system theory in mathematical modeling about the quality of“113”mode,study the correlation of factors about minority Physics professionals in Xinjiang , which are among the quality of teachers, Chinese language level,students’Mathe,Physics and Chemistry level, students’study habits and learning methods,teaching management and quality control system,teaching conditions,the characteristics of physics and others. The results showed that: in the 7 factors , the teacher factor is in the first place, followed by the students Chinese level and the particularity of Physics; students study habits and learning methods, teaching management and quality control system, teaching conditions are relatively low.(5)Through the analysis to the problems of minority professional education in Sinkiang and the quantitative evaluation, specify the countermeasures to improve the physical minority professional training quality, in the education processing of the minority Physics students. Research shows that we should to strengthen basic education, improve the examination system to improve the performance of minority enrollment; to improve teacher’s skills, methods and professional qualities;to continuously strengthen and reform of minority education in teaching Physics ;to improve education teaching quality evaluation system by monitor and promote management;to optimize the course structure,enhance their curricula,standardize the teaching link;to strengthen the preparatory and undergraduate education and teaching, to strengthen and enhance the level Chinese and professional standards of minority students.


