

On the Philosophic Theory of Taijiquan

【作者】 崔黎明

【导师】 洪浩;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 太极作为中国传统文化的一个哲学范畴,自其产生、发展至形成完整的体系,一直影响着中国人的思维方式和行为规范。太极拳“理根太极”,以其“中国传统文化全息映照”的美誉独步拳坛,风靡世界。在其三百多年的发展历程中,太极拳吸收融入了中国传统文化的几乎全部精髓,形成了独具特色,展现自然生命精神的人体文化。本文从文化学及哲学的视角,采用文献法、专家访谈法及辩证唯物主义的历史与逻辑相统一的方法,对太极哲理与太极拳的关系进行了全面的阐述,剖析了太极拳内在的发展因素,以使人们更加全面、深入领悟它的哲理内涵,促进太极拳的可持续发展和生命质量的提高,同时,本研究对于构建太极拳的理论体系有一定帮助。太极拳以太极学说为理论基础,充分吸收了宋明理学的理论成果,特别是周敦颐的《太极图说》与太极图的五层结构理论,兼收并蓄道家的养生思想融合于《易经》的核心价值理念之中,体现出儒家以“仁”为本的伦理道德观与“和谐”为用的人生价值观。太极拳缓慢、柔和、轻灵圆活的运动特点来源于对太极之象、数、理的比附;在练习原则和方法上要求顺应人体阴阳的变化规律,体现出“一动无有不动、一静无有不静”的太极整体观,追求内外合一、形神合一达到人与自然的和合。太极拳推手以一种和谐的身心体验和感受践行了以人为本、仁义当先的伦理道德内涵,把武术技击性与传统伦理思想有机融合在一起,使之超越了攻防技击的具体含义,对于健身、防身、提高人格修养大有裨益。练气,重意,调心构成了太极拳功法的三层次内容。太极拳象其形、取其意、用其理,是太极哲理与拳术运动完美结合的典范,堪称“哲拳”、“理学拳”。太极哲理不仅在形而下的方面指导和完善着太极拳的技术体系和运动体系,还从形而上的道德层面对人精神的升华和生命的意义给予思考和启示,体现出生生不已的自然生命精神与和谐的价值理念。

【Abstract】 Taijiquan is a philosophic category of Chinese traditional culture. Its emergence, development, and formation of an integrated system have been influencing Chinese thinking pattern and behavior. Taijiquan is created on the base of“Taiji”. As a reflection of Chinese traditional culture, Taijiquan sweeps the world and becomes unrivaled in the boxing field. For more than three hundred years of development, Taijiquan almost absorbs all the essence of Chinese traditional culture and develops into a unique human culture which demonstrates the living spirit of nature.This paper examines the developing factors of Taijiquan from the prospect of culturology and philosophy. Based on the theory of culturology, this study adopts documentation, expert interviewing, and the unity of history and logic in the dialectical materialism, coming to the conclusion that deep-seated cultural foundation is the inner impetus to the prosperity of Taijiquan, whose thoughts, theory, and technique originate from Taiji”s Philosophic Theory. This study also helps enrich the theory of Taijiquan and makes some contribution to the construction of the theory system.With the base of Taiji theory, Taijiquan fully absorbs the philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, especially Zhou Dunyi”s Tai Ji Tu Shuo and“five-element”theory of Taiji Tu. It blends Taoism Regimen Philosophy into the core value of Yi Jing and demonstrates the teachings of Confucius and the idea of Harmony.Taijiquan is slow, soft, and light. These features originate from Taiji’s Xiang, Shu, and Li. In principle, one should adapt to the natural law of Yin-yang, reflecting the holistic view of“slight situation as a whole”, reaching a combination of inside and outside, the body and the spirit, and the unity of human and nature. As a harmonious experience of body and mind, Taijiquan is a practice of human-based, kindness-first moral value. It blends the fighting nature of Wushu with traditional ethics, making it a movement not only helpful for attack and defense, but for health, self protection, and character. The practice of Qi, the emphasis of Yi, and the adjustment of Xin constitute three levels of Taijiquan practice. It is found that Taijiquan, with its unique Xing, Yi, and Li, set a good example for the perfect combination of Taiji Philosophic Theory and Boxing movement, deserving the name of“boxing of philosophy”. Taiji Philosophic Theory not only provides guidance for the technique and movement system of Taijiquan, but gives implication to the sublimation of human spirit and the meaning of life, reflecting the never-ending living spirit of nature and the idea of harmony.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

