

Design and Implementation of Short-circuit Current Calculation System Based on Depth-first Search

【作者】 马旭晖

【导师】 乔保军;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 短路是船舶电力系统常见且对电力系统破坏最严重的故障之一。短路故障发生后可能引起火灾,损坏电源设备,造成全系统不能工作。短路电流计算是进行电力系统分析必不可少的手段,电气设备和载流导体的选择,继电保护、自动化装置的整定和限制短路电流措施的选择等都需要进行短路电流计算。传统的短路电流计算软件大都是以面向功能来进行设计的,存在着人机界面不友好,维护不方便,计算能力差等缺点。近年来,随着计算机技术的发展、电力系统建模的实现为解决现代电力系统更加复杂的电力系统的工程计算提供了可能,基于深度优先遍历算法的短路电流计算算法能够提供电力系统图形和算法的结合,为解决类似复杂问题提供了途径。本文以此为契机,以电力系统图形建模为指导思想,针对现有电力系统短路电流计算能力差,系统界面不友好等不足,提出了基于深度优先遍历的短路电流计算的思想。本文的主要工作如下:1、针对电力系统建模的需要,采用面向电力系统物理设备建模的方法,建立相应的图形模型。运用.NET GDI+图形程序设计技术和面向对象编程技术,实现具有图形编辑功能的电力系统建模平台。2、针对海上设施短路电流计算的特点和方法,设计出能够满足复杂电力系统的短路电流计算算法,建立减少电力系统阻抗计算复杂度的计算模型,并依据该算法实现系统短路电流计算。3、通过图形和数据的一体化设计,缩短了计算时程序读取图元参数数据的时间,提高计算效率。4、综合运用面向对象程序设计、电力系统图形建模和图形遍历算法的思想,设计出集图形编辑,参数输入,数据完整性检查、快速计算等功能为一体的短路电流计算系统。

【Abstract】 Short-Circuit is the one of common and the most severely fault on the ship power system. After short-circuit, the fault may cause fire, damage to power supplies, causing the whole system can not work. Short-circuit current calculation is an indispensable tool for power system analysis, the choice of electrical equipment and current-carrying conductor, relay protection, the choice of automation devices and the measures of limiting the short-circuit current and so on, They all need the short-circuit current calculation . The traditional short-circuit current calculation software is mostly designed for function-oriented and it is unfriendly, maintenance inconvenient, poor computing capacity shortcomings. In recent years, with the development of computer technology, power system modeling cause the possible of solving more complex power system engineering calculations, based on depth-first traversal algorithm to short-circuit current calculation algorithm is able to provide the combination of graphics and algorithms on electric power system for solving complex problems.To take this opportunity, This thesis with power system graphical modeling as the guiding ideology , in allusion to poor calculation ability and unfriendly interface, put forward the based on depth-first search of the short-circuit current calculation algorithm.This thesis follows the completion of major work:1) The need of power system modeling, using methods of the power system physical devices-oriented for modeling, building the corresponding graph model. Using“.NET GDI+”graphics program design techniques and object-oriented programming techniques to achieve a graphical editing capabilities of the power system modeling platform.2) for the characteristics of short-circuit current calculation algorithms and methods, designed to algorithm meeting the complex power system short-circuit current calculation, and established the calculation model to reduce the computational complexity of the power system impedance, and based on the algorithm for system short-circuit current calculation.3) Through the integration of graphics and data, shorten the time of reading the meta-parameter data and improved the computing efficiency.4) The system’s implementation, this integrated use of object-oriented programming, graphical modeling and graphics power system traversal algorithm ideas, design a set of graphic editing, parameter input, data integrity checks, quick calculation and other functions as one of the short-circuit current computing systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

