

A Contrastive Analysis of Attitudinal Resources between Disaster News and Political News

【作者】 樊小敏

【导师】 麻保金;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 评价理论脱胎于韩礼德的系统功能语法的分析模式,是在对功能语法中人际意义的研究中发展起来的,主要以词汇为其体现形式。评价理论关注的是说话人如何在语篇中建立自己的态度和立场。作为主要的解释人际交往话语语义的一个资源,评价自身包括:态度,介入和级差。态度系统作为评价系统的核心,包括情感、判断和鉴赏三个子系统。随着评价理论的不断发展,评价理论逐渐被应用到不同的语篇分析中。本文主要从评价理论的态度系统的角度探讨了英语灾难性新闻语篇和英语政治新闻语篇,研究在英语灾难性新闻语篇和英语政治新闻语篇中作者更倾向于使用何种态度资源来表达,以及英语灾难性新闻语篇和英语政治新闻语篇之间的异同。本文主要分析的语料:英语灾难性新闻选自《中国日报》;英语政治新闻选自《美国之音》。论文以此为语料探讨分析了评价理论中的态度资源的分布,分析比较了英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻较偏好态度资源中的哪种子系统。论文运用了定量和定性分析的方法。定量分析的目的在于了解态度系统的子系统在英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻各自中的分布情况;而定性分析的目的在于对各个资源予以相应合理的解释。本文由五章构成。第一章是论文的引言。第二章是文献综述,介绍了新闻的定义、特点以及新闻可以作为语篇分析的原因,同时又介绍了英语新闻的研究以及评价理论应用情况。第三章是理论框架,介绍了评价理论的三个子系统,其中详细介绍了态度系统。第四章是对本文选取语料的分析,论文作者尽可能精确地统计分析了态度资源在英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻中的分布情况,并给出了详尽阐释。通过数据统计,总结出了英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻的相似之处以及不同之处。第五章,总结了本文的主要发现研究结果,同时也说明了本文的局限所在,并且提出了对评价理论作进一步研究的一点建议。本文假设:态度系统的子系统在英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻的分布是大有差异.灾难性新闻偏好于使用欣赏,而政治新闻偏好于使用判断。灾难性新闻中作者更侧重于使用消极态度来报道新闻,而政治新闻则正好相反,偏重于用积极态度报道新闻。数据分析显示态度资源的分布情况如下:⑴情感语言在英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻的态度资源所占比重都是最少的,分别是14.5%和11%;⑵英语灾难性新闻欣赏性语言的比重在态度资源占65.5%,这说明英语灾难性新闻偏好使用欣赏性语言;其中消极性词语占41.9%,积极性词语占23.6%,这暗示着在欣赏性语言中作者更侧重于使用消极性词语。而英语政治新闻判断性语言在态度资源占49.3%,其中积极性词语占31.5%,这说明作者在偏好使用判断性语言时更侧重于积极性词语;⑶英语灾难性新闻判断性语言在态度资源中比重位居第二,20%,其中消极性词语占18.2%;而英语政治新闻欣赏性词语在态度资源比重居态度资源第二,39.7%,其中积极性词语占32.4%。也就是说英语灾难性新闻作者偏爱于用消极性的判断性语言表达自己的情感;政治新闻对人类行为和客观世界描述时,作者偏爱用积极性的欣赏性语言;最后一点是在英语灾难性新闻中消极态度占76.2%,而积极态度占23.8%;而在英语政治新闻中积极态度占77.8%,远远高于消极态度的22.2%。这说明在英语灾难性新闻中作者偏好于使用消极性态度语言报道新闻,以引起受众对灾难造成的后果的痛恨和无奈以及对受害人的同情;而在英语政治新闻中作者偏好使用积极性态度语言报道新闻。本文运用评价理论尝试性地探讨了英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻的态度资源。论文的意义在于,其研究结果不仅能帮助读者快速掌握英语灾难性新闻和英语政治新闻的核心,并且而且能帮助读者了解两者差异的客观实在,拓宽了评价理论在语篇分析中的应用,为其他语篇中评价资源研究提供了一个范例。

【Abstract】 Appraisal Theory, which is the new development of Systemic Functional Linguistics, develops out of interpersonal function within Halliday’s systemic functional grammar and is mainly about lexis. It is concerned with how the speaker establishes his/her attitude in the discourse/text. As one of the semantic resources, Appraisal Theory consists of Attitude, Engagement and Graduation. Attitude system, which is the key of Appraisal Theory, is made up of three subcategories: Affect, Judgment and Appreciation.With the development of Appraisal Theory, it is gradually applied into different discourse analysis. This thesis studies disaster news and political news from the perspective of Attitude system in Appraisal Theory, trying to explore the distribution and preference of attitudinal resources and the differences and similarities between disaster news and political news.The data are: disaster news is from China Daily and political news from VOA. Based on the data, the thesis tentatively explores the distribution of attitudinal resources in the framework of Appraisal. We can know which kind of attitudinal resources are favored in disaster news and political news by making a contrastive analysis. We can know the distribution of Affect; Judgment and Appreciation both in disaster news and political news by quantitative analysis; and by qualitative analysis, further explanations are given respectively.The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is the introduction. Chapter Two is a brief literature review of the studies of news and the applications of Appraisal Theory, in addition, the definition of news, the characteristics of news and the reason of news as discourse are illustrated. Chapter Three is the theoretical framework of Appraisal Theory, whose three subsystems, especially Attitude system are explained in detail. Chapter Four is about the analysis of the data. The analysis of the distribution of attitudinal resources in disaster news and political news are listed as precisely as possible with the accurate explanations accordingly. We know that through the analysis of the statistics the differences and similarities between disaster news and political news. Chapter Five is the conclusion, in which the main findings, the limitations of the research and the implications on further development of Appraisal are given.The hypotheses of the thesis are: there are great differences about the distribution of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation in disaster news and political news. Disaster news prefers Appreciation, while political news prefers Judgment. The news writers favor negative attitude in disaster news, but in political news is positive attitude.The tentative research findings of attitudinal resources are as follows: First, both the distribution of Affect of the total attitudinal resources in disaster news and political news are the least, 14.5% and 11% respectively. Second, disaster news is far in favor of Appreciation, 65.5% of the total attitudinal resources, in which Negative Appreciation takes 41.9%, more than Positive Appreciation, that is to say, the news writers like to use much more Negative Appreciation. But political news is inclined to Judgment, 49.3% of the total attitudinal resources, especially Positive Judgment, which makes up 31.5%. Third, in disaster news Judgment takes the second position of the distribution of attitudinal resources, accounting for 20%, of which Negative Judgment takes 18.2%; whereas in political news Appreciation stands the second, taking 39.7% of the total attitudinal resources, of which Positive takes 31.5%. This means that disaster news has a preference of Negative Judgment to convey the author’s feeling; political news intends to use Positive Appreciation towards human behavior and the objective world. Fourth, Negative Attitude 76.2% in disaster news is attached with more importance than Positive Attitude 23%, which indicates that disaster news favors Negative Attitude to report, catching the attention of the hearer’s sympathy for the suffered and hatred for the disaster. But Positive Attitude 77.8% is the key in political news, which signifies that Positive Attitude is preferred.Based on Appraisal Theory, the thesis makes a tentative comparison of attitudinal resources between disaster news and political news. The results of the research can not only help the readers to grasp the main idea of disaster news and political news quickly, but also strengthen the application of Appraisal Theory in discourse analysis through the contrastive analysis between disaster news and political news and the conclusion of the differences and similarities of them. The research of the thesis provides a method for other discourses’evaluative resources study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】586

