

An Analysis of the Sino-japanese War Previous Ten Years Ta Kung Pao and Thenorthwest Development

【作者】 位娜

【导师】 郭常英;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近代以来,西北地区受到了国人的广泛关注,广大有识之士纷纷建言,强烈呼吁开发大西北,并提出了许多开发主张和意见,这些主张和意见汇成了一股强大的思想潮流,推动着政府颁布并实施了一系列开发西北和建设西北的政策措施。南京国民政府成立之初就确定把开发西北、建设西北作为要务之一,以此为契机,宣传开发西北的各种杂志相继创刊,各种报纸也加大对西北开发建设的报道,在理论界、舆论界的推动下,中国掀起了开发西北的热潮。20世纪20-30年代,在开发西北的过程中,《大公报》成为西北建设的主要倡导者、鼓动者及实践的督导者,是开发西北的重要新闻舆论媒体。文章试图以抗战前《大公报》所刊关于开发西北的言论为中心,透过媒体传播与政府作为的视角,作一考察和分析,以了解《大公报》开发西北的建言有何种特色,其对南京国民政府开发西北政策之制定的影响如何,寻求新闻媒体与政府作为在开发西北过程中的互动关系,从而加深对南京国民政府开发西北的理解与认识。全文共分为三部分:第一部分:《大公报》西北开发报道的嬗变(1928~1932)。主要是讨论了《大公报》在这一时期报道的中心由移民垦殖西北到救济西北的转变及其原因。第二部分:开发西北高潮中《大公报》对西北开发的报道(1932~1937)。介绍了在全国掀起开发西北高潮的时候,《大公报》对为什么开发西北、怎样开发西北的报道。第三部分:《大公报》西北开发言论的意义和影响。分析了《大公报》西北开发报道的特点以及造成这些特点的因素,并阐明《大公报》关于西北开发报道的历史作用及局限性,进而探讨政府行为对于《大公报》报道重点的选取的影响,以及《大公报》对政府决策可能造成的影响,探求其中存在的互动关系。

【Abstract】 Since the modern times, the Northwestern Region has received people’s widespread attention, the general men of insight state opinion in abundance, the intense appeal develops the Great Northwest, and proposed many development positions and the opinion, these positions and the opinion collected a formidable thought tidal current, impelled the government to promulgate and to implement has a series of developed Northwest and constructs the Northwest special operational policy measures. Beginning the Nanjing National government is founded determined that develops Northwest, constructs one of Northwest achievement important matters, take this as the turning point, the propaganda develops the Northwest each kind of magazine to begin publication one after another, each kind of newspaper also enlarges to the Northwest development construction report, in the theorists, under media’s impetus, China raised has developed the Northwest upsurge. In the 1920s-1930s,in the development process of the Northwest,Ta Kung pao has become a major advocate of the Northwest building,agitator and practice of supervisors,the development of the Northwest’s major news media .This article attempts before the Sino-Japanese War Ta Kung pao the publication about develops the Northwest opinion as a center, through the news media and the government achievement ad a perspective for a long-term inspection and the analysis to understood that Ta Kung pao develops Northwest states opinion has what characteristic, and develops the influence which to the Nanjing National government formulation of institute the Northwest policy possibly creates, seeks the news media and the government takes in develops in the Northwest process the interactive relations, thus deepens to the Nanjing National government develops the Northwest understanding and the understanding. The full text altogether divides into three parts:The first part: Ta Kung pao the evolution of the Northwest development report (1928--1932).Mainly discussed Ta Kung pao the center which reported in this time reclams from the immigration Northwest to provide reliefs the Northwest transformation and the reason.The second part: The upsurge in the development of the Northwest , Ta Kung pao report on the Northwest development (1932--1937). Introduced the development of the Northwest in the national set off when the high tide, Ta Kung pao on why develops northwest, how to develops the northwest report.The third part: Analysis of the Ta Kung pao,reported the Northwest developed the characteristics and the factors that led to these characteristics,and expounded that Ta Kung pao about the Northwest development report’s historical function and the limitation, then to Ta Kung pao reported the impact of the selection focus,as well as Ta Kung pao the influence which possibly creates to the government decision-making,and explore the interaction between them exists.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】G219.29
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】282

