

The Research and Analysis of Internet Marketing in Chinese Catering

【作者】 包蕾

【导师】 宋若涛;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济和文化水平的发展,社会民生中最重要者的饮食业也开始了自己蓬勃的发展,餐饮业从以前只为填饱肚子、单调局限的角色一变而为开始具有丰富文化内涵和社交功能的新型工具,日益高档的餐厅环境装修和逐步提高的服务水平使人们的日常就餐成为一种享受,一种文化的消费,消费者开始逐渐认同为好的就餐经历花更多的钱。而国外连锁快餐业的进驻带来了竞争之外,也给国内的餐饮业带来了全新的管理理念和成本控制经验。在拉动内需的层面上来讲,作为劳动密集型产业的餐饮业,在解决劳动力就业方面起到了非常重要的作用,另一方面餐饮业还是实施国家农业产业调整合理有效地解决三农问题的重要途径,是大幅度增加农民收入的重要行业。而科技的发展带来了全新的大众传媒工具---互联网,其所拥有的海量信息存储和丰富的多媒体表现形式迅速被各个行业用做到达率高而成本较低的广告宣传媒体,互联网即时的双向反馈功能则被用作最为快捷高效的通讯工具。在网络这一平台上,直接的B2C营销模式成为可能,对于中国广大网民来说,能够熟练的使用互联网上的信息,使用网络平台交易在某种意义上就意味着更便捷、经济、舒适,意味着能够享受更加多样化的生活。业内专家普遍认为,餐饮业行业本身比其他行业更适合发展基于互联网平台的电子商务,餐饮业以中小企业为主,电子商务可以帮助中小规模的企业提高管理水平,降低运营成本,增加效率和利润;而主要使用互联网进行的电子商务从本质上来说是服务经济,而没有其他行业比餐饮业更精通服务经济的,电子商务是一种个性化服务的生产方式,餐饮业未来的发展方向正是要转入更加个性化和多样化的生产服务,其对互联网的利用具有惠而不费的天然优势。近来,餐饮服务业已经越来越多的使用互联网这一新型的大众媒体开展网络营销,其中最直接的使用就是网上订餐业务来拓展新的盈利空间,不过就目前而言,餐饮业的网络营销在我国还处于形成期,包括餐厅搜索引擎网站、第三方预定餐厅网站和第三方订餐送餐网站在内的营销业态的数量虽多,但尚未充分发挥自身长处,充分挖掘网民消费潜力,未实现全面盈利。而国内外的专业的快餐企业,除了丽华快餐潜心经营利用信息化取得管理上的成功外,并无其他餐饮企业进行信息化成功建设的先例。可见餐饮业的对网络营销的应用,新型网站营销模式的发展尚有较大的进步空间。

【Abstract】 With the development of socio-economic and cultural level, the livelihood of the most important of the catering industry has also begun its own rapid development, catering only to fill his stomach from the previous, limited the role of a monotonous change and to start with rich cultural connotation and social functioning of new tools, more upscale restaurant environment, decoration and gradually increase the level of service to people’s daily meal an enjoyable, a culture of consumption, consumers are increasingly accepted as a good dining experience to spend more money. The presence of foreign fast food chain has brought competition, but also to the domestic food industry has brought new management ideas and cost control experience. Level in terms of stimulating domestic demand, as labor-intensive industries, restaurants, employment in the settlement of labor played a very important role in the implementation of the other restaurant, or adjustment of the national agricultural industry, the problem rationally and effectively solving the three important way to , is a significant increase in income of farmers important industry.The technological development has brought new media tools --- internet, they have massive information storage and rich multi-media expressions quickly get used in various industries and lower-cost high advertising media, the Internet two-way real-time feedback function was used as the most fast and efficient communication tool. This platform in the network, B2C direct marketing model as possible, for the majority of Internet users in China is able to skillfully use the information on the Internet, using the online platform trading means more convenient in a sense, economy, comfort, means being able to enjoy a more diversified life.Industry experts generally agreed that, food industry itself than in other professions for the development of Internet-based Platform for Electronic Commerce, catering by SMEs, e-commerce to help small and medium-scale enterprises improve management, reduce operating costs, increase efficiency and profits ; the main use of the Internet e-commerce is essentially the service economy, with no other industry than food industry more proficient in the service economy, and e-commerce is a personalized service modes of production, food industry is the future direction to be more personalized and diversified into the production of services, the use of the Internet has the natural advantage of benefits rather than costs.Recently, the food service industry has become more and more use of Internet this new mass media have launched a network marketing, the most immediate use is to expand online ordering’s profit space, However, at present terms and catering services network Marketing in China is still in formation, including the restaurant search engine sites, third-party booking sites and third-party ordering restaurant meals site, including the number of marketing business state are numerous, but not yet full play to their strengths and fully tap the potential of Internet users in consumption, did not achieve full profitability. The domestic and foreign professional fast-food enterprises, in addition to Lihua Fast Food concentrated business use of information technology management on the success achieved, there is no other catering enterprises in the construction of a precedent for the success of information. Shows that the catering industry on the application of network marketing, new website marketing model development and still has great room for improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】F719.3
  • 【下载频次】169

