

The Effect of Regulatory Fit on Consumers’ Repeat-purchasing Motivation

【作者】 杨许超

【导师】 刘金平;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究共分两个部分。第一部分以林晖芸的实验研究为蓝本,对Higgins等人的《调节性聚焦问卷》进行了验证性修订,以中国大学生为被试,探讨了特质性调节性定向类型的测定方法,为进一步的研究提供了可利用的工具。本研究主要是在措辞、项目表述等方面对Higgins等人的问卷进行了较大程度的修订,修订后的问卷结构与Higgins等的理论研究相一致,但是形成了与林晖芸的结论有一定出入的结果,部分项目有较大的修改。第二部分主要依据调节性匹配理论而进行,由两个实验构成。实验一采用本研究第一部分修订成的问卷以及根据调节性定向理论编制的两个表达同样信息的不同结果效价的情景问卷为工具,采用动机研究中自陈报告的形式,模拟现实生活中对牛奶的购买动机,探讨基于特质性的调节性匹配对个体重复购买动机的影响。本研究以初始购买动机为协变量,探讨调节性匹配组与不匹配组在重复购买动机上的差异。实验的研究结果与Higgins等人的研究结论有一定出入。实验二根据调节性匹配理论编制了四个情景问卷,以调节定向类型和结果效价不同的组合表达同样的信息。四个情景问卷(分别为促进定向-积极框架型、促进定向-消极框架型、防御定向-积极框架型、防御定向-消极框架型)用以对被试行为调节,从而比较匹配(促进定向-积极框架型和防御定向-消极框架型)与不匹配(促进定向-消极框架型和防御定向-积极框架型)条件下个体重复购买动机的差异。结果显示匹配条件下与不匹配条件下相比,个体重复购买动机显著较强,这与Higgins等人调节性匹配理论中“调节性匹配能够增强个体动机”的推论相一致。在整个研究中,第一部分对RFQ进行了修订,修订后的量表表现出了良好的信效度。在第二部分的研究中,实验一以第一部分研究修订后的量表为工具,通过对基于个体特质的调节性匹配的研究形成了与现有文献存在一定的差异的研究结果,而研究二中的实验二通过对基于情境的调节性匹配的研究基本上支持了调节性匹配理论。另外,本部分的研究模拟现实生活中的购买行为,通过特质及情境两方面的考察,不仅在理论上进一步丰富了调节性匹配理论的研究,同时可以拓展该理论的应用领域。未来的研究可以拓展到对其它消费品(如贵重物品)的重复购买行为的探讨,以更加深刻地了解消费者的重复购买行为。同时,未来的研究也应对情境性调节性匹配给予更多的关注,以便这一理论可以在行销实践中获得更好的应用。

【Abstract】 This research includes two parts.Taking Lin Hui Yun’s study as a main prototype, the first part revises the<the Regulatory Focus Questionnaire (RFQ)>,which was established by Higgins et al.In the first part, this study taks the Chinese university students as subjects to discuss the method of mensurating the type of regulatory focus based on traits, and provides tools for the further research. This reseach changes the expression of the RFQ on the great degree, and the structure of the revisionary questionnaire is consistent with the RFQ established by Higgins et al.,but the conclusion is different with Lin Hui Yun’s, so we revise the questionnaire revised by Lin Hui Yun.According to the theory of the Regulatory Fit, the second part includes two experiments.The first experiment uses the revisionary questionnaire coming from the first part and two scene-questionnaires which send the same information with different result valence. It simulates the purchase behavior to milk in the real life to research the effect of regulatory fit to repurchase motive by the means of self-report. Taking the initial purchase motive as the covariance, this research discusses the difference in the repurchase motive between the fit group and the not-fit group.This findings have certain discrepancy from Higgins et al.In the second experiment, we design four scene-questionnaires which send the same information by different combination with the type of regulatory focus and result valence. In the four questionnaires, the fit group includes the promotive-positive frame and the defensive-negative frame, the not-fit group includes the promotive-negative frame and the defensive-positive frame. The result demonstrates that the repurchase motive of the fit subject is higher than the not-fit subject, which is consistent with the theory of the Regulatory Fit established by Higgins et al.In the entire research, we revises the RFQ in the first part, and the revisionary questionnaire has higher reliability and validity. In the second part, the result from the first experiment is different from the literatures existent. However, the result from the second experiment is consistent with the literatures existent. The experiments results of the research support the theory of Regulatory Fit. Moreover, this research simulates the real purchase behavior, which could not only enrich the study of regulatory fit theoretically but also develop the application domain of this theory. Future research should involve the repurchase behavior to other consumables (for example,valuables), so that we could understand consumers’ repurchase behavior profoundly. At the same time, future research should pay more attention to the regulatory fit based on different scenes, so that this theory may obtain a better application in the marketing practice。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】F713.55
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】315

