

The Pharmacodynamics Research of Eucommia Ulmoides Male Flower Tea

【作者】 娄丽杰

【导师】 陈百泉;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 药理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 杜仲雄花茶作为一种新的健康饮品开始慢慢的被人们所接受,但目前国内外关于杜仲雄花的研究报道很少,2001年杜红岩将杜仲雄花茶申请为发明专利,并开始对杜仲雄花茶进行深入的研究。本论文对杜仲雄花茶的药效学进行了研究,为其作为一种健康安全饮品提供药理学和实验依据,并对杜仲雄花茶的药理学作用进行探讨。本论文分为三个部分:一.查阅国内外大量文献,对杜仲的化学成分与药理作用研究进展和杜仲雄花茶的研究现状进行了综述。杜仲的化学成分有木质素类、环烯醚萜类、苯丙素类多糖类、杜仲胶、黄酮类、氨基酸、维生素及微量元素、杜仲抗真菌蛋白、挥发性成分及脂肪酸等,主要药理作用有降压、调节血脂作用,骨细胞增殖作用,增强免疫作用,抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗菌抗病毒作用,抗疲劳和愈伤作用,以及利胆、利尿和保胎作用。杜仲雄花茶所含的化学成分和杜仲相类似,但含量有差别,目前对杜仲雄花茶的药理作用研究较少。二.从七个方面对杜仲雄花茶的药理作用进行了实验研究1.杜仲雄花茶对高钠饮食大鼠血压的影响用高钠饮食来造高血压模型,8周后测定各组大鼠的鼠尾血压,与模型组相比,杜仲雄花茶高、低剂量组均能显著的降低高钠饮食所引起的高血压大鼠的血压(P< 0.05)。2.杜仲雄花茶对高脂乳剂小鼠血脂水平的影响用高脂乳剂造高血脂小鼠模型,30天后眼眶取血,分离血清,测定指标,与对照组比较,模型组动物血浆中的TC、TG、LDL-C升高,HDL-C降低。与模型组相比,杜仲雄花给药高剂量组的TC、TG、LDL-C明显降低,HDL-C明显升高。杜仲雄花茶能在一定程度上预防高脂乳剂所引起的小鼠血脂升高。3.杜仲雄花茶对D-半乳糖所致衰老小鼠的抗衰老作用的实验研究用D-半乳糖连续皮下注射制作亚急性衰老小鼠模型,酶法测定各组小鼠血清及肝脏的超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)、谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的活力及丙二醛(MDA)的含量。杜仲雄花茶能有效提高小鼠的SOD和GSH-Px的活性,降低MDA的含量。从而减少小鼠体内自由基的产生,减少MDA的积累,起到抗氧化,抗衰老的作用。4.杜仲雄花茶对小鼠抗应激作用的实验研究昆明种小鼠随机分为四组,空白对照组,杜仲叶对照组,杜仲雄花给药高剂量组和杜仲雄花给药低剂量组,各组按设计剂量灌胃给药,连续14 d;末次给药1 h后进行耐低温、耐高温、负重游泳及耐缺氧的应激实验,并记录其存活时间。不同剂量的杜仲雄花茶均有明显的抗应激作用,能有效延长小鼠的耐低温、耐高温、负重游泳及耐缺氧的时间。5.杜仲雄花茶对小鼠的镇静催眠作用将小鼠连续给药14天,记录最后一次灌胃给药15min,30min,60min后,在5min内小鼠走动次数。用同样的方法,于末次给药后每只小鼠腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠40mg/kg,然后记录小鼠的睡眠时间和睡眠潜伏期。杜仲雄花茶可以减少小鼠自主活动次数,并可以缩短戊巴比妥钠诱导的小鼠睡眠潜伏期,延长其睡眠时间。6.杜仲雄花茶对蛋清诱导的大鼠足肿胀的抗炎实验研究在给药前用记号笔标记大鼠右踝关节浸水边界,排水容积法测量1次,作为致炎前大鼠右足排水容积。连续灌胃给药14天后,于末次给药30min后,立即于各组大鼠右后脚掌皮下注射新鲜蛋清0.1ml。测量给药后1h,2h,4h,6h时的大鼠足排水容积。杜仲雄花茶高剂量组可以极其显著的抑制蛋清所引起的大鼠足肿胀(P< 0.01)。7.杜仲雄花茶对四氯化碳所引起小鼠肝损伤的保护作用小鼠连续给药14天,于末次给药后,腹腔注射四氯化碳油溶液,造成小鼠亚急性肝损伤模型,通过对小鼠血清ALT、AST的测定,CCl4造成小鼠肝损伤后,血清ALT、AST水平有极其显著升高(P<0.01);各剂量的杜仲雄花茶水煎液均能够显著抑制小鼠血清ALT、AST水平的升高。杜仲雄花茶对四氯化碳所引起小鼠肝损伤的保护作用。三.对第二章所做实验展开讨论。

【Abstract】 Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea is accepted by more and more people as a kind of new health drink, but now there is little report about Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea home and abroad. In 2001 Hongyan Du applied eucommia ulmoides male flower tea to be an inventive patent, and beginned to study in depth. The pharmacodynamics of eucommia ulmoides male flower tea is researched in this thesis, and it provide a basis of pharmacology and experiment for it is to be a kind of new health and safe drink, and to explore pharmacological action of eucommia ulmoides male flower tea. This thesis is composed of three chapters.Chapter I Consults massive literature home and abroad, overview the researching-development of Eucommia’s chemical composition and the pharmacological action and the research present situation of eucommia ulmoides male flower tea. The chemical composition of eucommia ulmoides has research present situation, iridoids, the benzene third element class carbohydrates, gutta percha, flavonoids, amino acids, vitamin, microelement, eucommia ulmoides mycoprotein, evaporability elem and fatty acid; the main pharmacological action has the voltage dropping, the adjustment blood fats function, the bone cell multiplication function, the enhancement immunity function, the anti-tumor, the oxidation resistance, the antibacterial anti-viral function, anti-weary and injury the function, as well as advantage gallbladder, diuresis and fetus protection function. The chemical composition of eucommia ulmoides male flower tea is similar with eucommia ulmoides, but has differed content, now has little the research of ucommia ulmoides male flower tea’s pharmacologic action.Chapter II The experiment is studied from from the seven aspect pharmacologic action of eucommia ulmoides male flower tea.1. The influence of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on the rat of high-sodium dietTo make the model of high blood pressure by high-sodium diet, after 8 weeks determine the blood pressure of the rat’s caudae. In comparion with the model group both Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea high and low group could depress the rat’s blood pressure which is caused by high-sodium diet (P< 0.05).2. Regulation Effects of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on Lipid Parameters of Mice Fed High Fat EmulUse High Fat Emul to make the model of hyperlipemia mice, after administering 30 days, to get blood from fossa orbitalis, segregate the blood serum, determine index. Hyperlipemia modle group mice serum TC, TG, LDL-C step up and HDL-C step down in comparion with the control group. And it was found different in high dose group mice’serum in comparion with hyperlipemia modle group. Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea has a certain precaution action on mice’blood-fat caused by high fat emul.3. Anti-aging effects of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on aging model mice inducedAging mouse model was induced by injecting subcutaneously D-galactose. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in blood serum and liver were tested. Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea could increase SOD and GSH-Px activities and decrease the content of MDA significantly. Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea has certain anti-oxidative and anti-aging effects by reducing free radical and MDA.4. Anti-stimulation effects of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on miceTo study the effects of Eucommia ulmoides male flower on ability of anti-stimulation of mice. The mice were divided into four groups atrandom, control group, Eucommia folium control group, high dose group and low dose group, administration by gastric perfusion on design dose 14 days. Observing the impact on anti - stimulation action by mice’s common lower temperat ure-resistant test higher temperat ure-resistant test swimming test and anti-anoxia test ,and record the alive time. Eucommia ulmoides male flower took on the remark anti - stimulation action in the different dosages, Effectively extend the time of mice’s common lower temperat ure-resistant higher temperat ure-resistant swimming and anti-anoxia.5. Mitigate and hypnotize effects of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on mice Administration by gastric perfusion on design dose 14 days, record the ambulation frequency in 5 minute after the last administration 15min,30min,60min. Use the same method, after the last administration inject Pentobarbital intraperitoneally 40mg/kg, then record the hours of sleep and hypno-delitescence. Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea could reduce the mice’s ambulation frequency, and prolong the hours of sleep, shorten hypno-delitescence which is caused by Pentobarbital.6. Anti-inflammatory effects of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on forced foot of rat caused by albumenBefore experiment mark the right ankle of rat’s immersion bouncary, measure and record every rat’s drainage volume. Administration by gastric perfusion on design dose 14 days, after the last administration 30min, inject subcutaneously fresh albumen rat’s left- aboral sole of foot 0.1ml, measure the drainage volume after administration 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 6 h. Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea group could inhibit predominance forced foot of rat caused by albumen.7. The protection of Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea on mice’s Hepatic injury caused by CCl4Administration by gastric perfusion on design dose 14 days, after the last administration inject subcutaneously CCl4, determin the contents of blood serum AST, ALT. Eucommia ulmoides male flower tea group could refrain the contents of mice’s blood serum AST, ALT.Chapter III discuss the experiment in chapter II

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

