

Core Area of Grain Production in Henan Province and Construction Division

【作者】 王景莹

【导师】 陈常优;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 世界人口的增长,经济的快速发展加大对粮食有更大的需求,美国、巴西、欧盟等国家用了大量的粮食进行生物燃料生产,在较短时间内放大了粮食需求,粮食价格大幅度的增长,导致世界粮食安全面临挑战。虽然建国以来,我国采取了一系列发展粮食生产的政策措施,粮食产量逐年增长,保障了粮食的有效供给。但是我国人均耕地面积只占世界平均水平的1/4,经济快速发展,水资源紧缺,粮食结构发生变化等因素的影响,使我国粮食安全仍然面临严重的挑战。国家农业开发办等单位在农业综合开发的实践过程中,提出了粮食核心产区建设的新思路,受到国家领导人和专家们的认可。在2008年中央1号文件中明确提出,“实施粮食战略工程,集中力量建设一批基础条件好、生产水平高和调出量大的粮食核心产区”。温家宝总理在2008年新一届政府工作报告中再次强调“实施粮食战略工程,加快建立粮食核心产区,全面提高粮食综合生产能力和供给保障能力”。粮食核心区的建设是粮食安全的保障。如何合理的保护粮食核心区,建立完善的粮食核心区建设机制,成为我国研究的一个重要课题。研究粮食生产核心区建设具有重要的意义。本文以河南省辖区所有县为研究区域,对河南省粮食核心区划分与建设进行研究。其主要内容包括:(1)介绍粮食核心区建设的背景与意义;(2)全面阐述了粮食核心区的国内外研究现状和粮食核心区的内涵,粮食核心区划分与建设的原则及依据,粮食生产核心区划分与建设的理论依据;(3)分析了河南省粮食核心区的现状及划分与建设中存在的问题;(4)对河南粮食生产核心区进行划分,划分方法,粮食生产核心区的划分指标体系建立、选取,运用德尔菲法及层次分析模型确定指标权重值,把各个指标值进行无量纲化,得到河南省粮食核心区划分结果,对划分结果与河南省农业厅划分结果进行对比,指出其划分不合理处。最后,从政策建设、耕地保护与基本农田建设、生产基础条件建设等对河南省粮食核心区建设进行研究。

【Abstract】 Along with the world population growth, food requirements are getting big due to the rapid development of economy. At the same time, biofuel manufacturing in US、Brazi、EU are consuming massive grain. It causes heavy demand on food consumption in short time and rises up the food price. Ultimately, this situation will threaten the world food security. Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China has taken a series of measures to develop grain production with the result of increased grain output year by year. It has effectively ensured the food security of China. Nevertheless. China’s per capita area of cultivated land lags far behind the world’s average level, representing 25% of the world’s average level. China’s food security will still be threatened by the fast growing economy, the shortage of water, changing of food structure and so on. A new consideration has been proposed by National Agriculture Development Office and other relevant departments in practice of comprehensive agricultural development, which is developing core grain production areas in China. This new consideration has been acknowledged by state leaders and experts afterwards. China’s central government clearly points out in its First Policy Document for 2008 that China will carry out national food-strategy project to develop certain core grain production areas, having sound basic condition and high production and off-take level. Premier Wenjia Bao re-emphasized in the "Report on the work of the government" for 2008 that China would carry out national food-strategy project to speed up the development of core grain production areas in order to increase the comprehensive grain production abilities and food self-supply abilities. The development of core grain production areas is the guarantee of China’s food security. How to provide rational protection of core grain production areas and establish perfect mechanism in the developing of core grain production areas becomes an important national task. The research on this project will create important significance. This paper deals with the division and development of core grain production areas in Henan Province covered all counties in Henan. It has mainly the following aspects:(1) Briefing of the background information and the significance of the development of core grain production areas(2) A full exposition of the situation of study on core grain production areas in China and abroad, the definition of core grain production areas, the rules and principles for the division and development of core grain production areas, the theory evidence of the division and development of core grain production areas.(3) An analysis or review of the existing problems in the division and development of core grain production areas.(4) To divide the core grain production areas in Henan Province and the briefing of the means of this division, to brief the establishment and selection of the indicator system and how this indicator system take function to identify the standardized division result by using of the Delphi Method and the analytic hierarchy process models, to compare this result of the division with the result from Agriculture Department of Henan Provincial Government to identify its weakness of this division.Eventually, this paper will also make research on the policy creating, cultivated land protection and development, improvement of the infrastructure for grain production and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】F321.1;F326.11;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】327

