

Research on the Organized Ecology Balancing Mechanism of County Education Administration Organization in Our Country

【作者】 段恒耀

【导师】 孟庆琦;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010-2020年)中提出“健全统筹有力权责明确的教育管理体制”的我国教育管理体制改革目标,具体为“推进中央向地方放权、政府向学校放权,明确各级政府责任,规范学校办学行为,促进管办评分离,形成政事分开、权责明确、统筹协调、规范有序的教育管理体制。”而县级教育行政体制是我国教育管理体制的重要组成部分。本文以我国县级教育管理体制中的县级教育行政组织为研究切入点,分析其在行使职能、发挥作用及完成任务过程中面临的问题,以组织生态为视角,运用生态学与系统论的基本原理与方法,对我国县级教育行政机制进行生态化分析,探视我国县级教育行政组织的外部生态、内部生态及其两者之间的互动制约关系,以期通过建立我国县级教育行政平衡机制,实现我国县级教育行政组织的和谐教育行政生态。故此,本文从理论研究和实践研究两个层次,按组织外部生态平衡、内部生态平衡及两者动态平衡三个维度,运用系统分析法、结构功能分析法对我国县级教育行政组织的内外生态中内在变量间的互动机制进行平衡分析,并选取我国河南省**县教育局为例,从而透视我国县级教育行政组织生态的失衡问题。最后提出我国县级教育行政组织和谐生态构想及其实现的平衡机制,如沟通机制、保障机制、服务机制、合作机制、组织再造机制与问责机制。基于以上思路,本文分为以下四部分进行论述。第一部分,导论,主要介绍本课题的研究背景及意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法及可能创新之处。第二部分,我国县级教育行政组织生态平衡机制的理论研究,主要介绍我国县级教育行政组织生态平衡机制研究的核心概念、理论依据以及平衡机制的应有特点、结构类型与价值意义。第三部分,我国县级教育行政组织生态的现状及失衡问题分析,主要从现实层面透视我国县级教育行政组织生态存在的失衡问题。具体讲,本文以我国河南省某县为例,进行调查研究,探视内部和外部生态现状及存在的失衡问题,并分析问题背后存在的原因,已达到解剖麻雀,以小见大的归旨。第四部分,实现我国县级教育行政组织生态平衡的机制构想,本章提出我国县级教育行政组织和谐生态的构想及其实现的平衡机制。

【Abstract】 The reformation goals of China’s educational management system "Improving a sound education management system featuring effectively co-ordination and clearly specified powers and responsibilities" put forward in <the National Compendium on Long-term Educational Reform and Development Planning> (2010-2020),the specific contents of which are "Promoting the decentralization of central government to local, the delegation of authority to schools, clear responsibility of all levels of government, guide the action of running schools, promoting the separation of administration, management and judgment, forming a education management system of separating the functions of government from those of the institutions, rights and responsibilities clear, coordinated and orderly operation." And the county education administration system is an important part of the education management system in our country.This paper, basing on the county education administration organization in our country education management system, analyses the issues in performing the function, playing a role and accomplishing a task, from a vision of organized ecology, by using the theory and method of ecology and systematic theory, through the ecological analysis of county education administrative mechanism, study the outer ecology, interior ecology and the interactive restriction between the two, in order to establish the balanced county education administrative mechanism in our country. Therefore, this paper from two sides of theory and practice, according to the three dimensions of outer ecology, interior ecology and the interactive restriction between the two, using system analysis, structural-functional analysis, analyses the balance in the interactive mechanism between internal variables in the county education administrative organization, taking **county, Henan province as an example, reflects the unbalance of our county education administrative organizational ecology. At last, the paper brings forward a plan of constructing a harmonious ecology in the county education administrative organization, and the balancing mechanism such as communicating mechanisms, safeguard mechanisms, service mechanisms, cooperation mechanisms, reorganization mechanisms and accountability mechanisms. Based on the above thinking, this paper is organized as four parts as follows:Part one: Introduction.Summary of the background information and the significance for choosing the topic, the current study situation, objective of the research, contents, methods and the innovations.Part two: Study on the ecology balancing mechanism of county education administration organization in our country, mainly recommend the core concepts, theoretical basis, features, structure types and the value meaning of the ecology balancing mechanism study in county education administration organization.Part three: Analysis of the actuality and unbalancing issues of the county education administration organization in our country mainly in realistic aspects. Specifically, taking ** county in Henan province as an example, investigate and study separately from the interior and outer ecological actuality and unbalancing issues, and analyze the reasons behind the issue, to affording wide views in a small confined space.Part four: Realize the framework of the ecology balancing mechanism of county education administration organization in our country. In this chapter, the blueprint of ecological harmony and balancing mechanism to achieve are brought forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】229

