

Synthesis Study of Changyao’s Poetry from 1953 to 2000

【作者】 李海英

【导师】 张先飞;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,诗人昌耀得到学术界越来越多的认可,对其诗歌的研究也取得了一定的成果。但是由于文本变动、资料不准等各方面原因,引起一些研究者的误解,以至于出现不当的评价和明显的误读。针对这种情况,本文以昌耀(1953-2000年)整体创作为研究对象,从文本出发,分阶段考察昌耀一生的创作,分析其诗歌创作的独特风格,初步探究其诗歌艺术魅力形成的原因。论文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。引言部分主要介绍当前学术界对昌耀诗歌的研究现状,以及本篇论文的出发点和研究方法。论文的主体部分共分四章。前三章以昌耀的人生际遇和生存处境的变化为时序,把昌耀诗歌创作分为三个时段,分别考察各个时段创作的变化及特点。在此研究基础上,第四章主要探求昌耀诗歌艺术风格的独特性及成因。一、1953-1967年:时代洪流中的放歌。在这一部分,与其他研究者不同之处在于,本文是以50年代在期刊杂志上公开发表的作品而不是昌耀诗集中的文本为研究依据,然后对比分析昌耀在1970年代末到1980年代初重新发表的“旧作”与被昌耀改写后收入诗集中的“旧作”之间的差异,重新考察昌耀最初的精神路向和诗歌理想以及诗歌的艺术成就。通过对昌耀此阶段的歌创作的考察和分析,可以证实当前文学史和学术界对昌耀早期诗作的价值和成就存在着过高评价的不恰切之处。资料证明,昌耀早期的写作与他同时代的诗人并无不同,都是顺应时代主流的“颂歌”,此阶段的作品在艺术探索方面并未取得高于同时代诗人的成就。二、1978-1985年:新的意象和主题的锻造。本章主要从昌耀锻造“高原”意象和表达多重主题的方法入手,通过考察昌耀人生经历与他的诗歌创作之间的关系,展现昌耀诗歌创作的艺术魅力及独特价值。昌耀诗歌中的“高原”意象是由众多的自然、历史、人文意象共同构筑的总体“意象”,这一意象既是诗歌的有机组成部分,也是铺展诗歌主题的必要背景,这是由“诗人”与“高原”之间独特而复杂的关系所决定的。昌耀此时的诗歌主题具有多重性,既有对新时代的热烈赞颂,也有对历史的深刻反思,还有个人抱负的强烈表达,这既是昌耀在新时期实践努力其诗歌理想的表现,也是诗人个体深层的价值目标和精神取向的体现。此阶段,昌耀的诗歌逐渐摆脱早期写作的基调,而表现出富有时代特色的浪漫主义特征,诗歌艺术达到一个自由、高远的境界。三、1986-2000年:焦虑时期。本章主要从昌耀在1980年代后期为了坚守诗歌理想、挑战现实处境和写作困境时采取的写作策略入手,考察昌耀此阶段诗歌转向的原因和转向后的特征。此阶段,昌耀遭遇到的生活、经济、事业和感情等方面的多种困扰,对其写作产生了极大的影响,反映在作品里就表现为一种病态的审美取向和焦虑情绪。此阶段的作品,从诗歌外在的语言、形式到内在的情绪和审美,与前两个阶段的写作相比都有极大的变化。这既与诗人的现实处境与诗歌理想之间的冲突有关,也是诗人自身局限与时代需求之间的矛盾的体现,此时的作品普遍带有深沉、郁结、悲凉的美学特征,投射出一种理想追求、生命价值、历史意识与哲学精神相互纠结的焦虑诗绪。四、对昌耀创作分阶段的考察之后,在这一章中,从诗歌语言、意象的选择和组合、形式特征及诗人的艺术渊源等方面集中探究昌耀诗歌的艺术形式特点及风格形成的原因。结语部分在正文基础之上,对昌耀诗歌创作内容和精神流变进行分类和总结,分析“诗人”与“诗歌”之间的关系,进而强调在作家作品研究中不应忽视作家创作与文化动力、时代氛围、文学史之间的复杂关系,并纠正当下对昌耀诗歌研究的不当之处。昌耀的诗歌,是诗人以生命写就。因此本文在论述的过程中,力求将“诗”和“人”结合起来,通过对诗人的理解来考察其诗歌创作的发展和流变轨迹。

【Abstract】 The last decade, poet Changyao has got more and more recognition of the academia ,and study of his poetry has been made some achievements. However, due to changes in the texts, and inaccurate materials and other reasons, the misunderstanding of some researchers has arisen, so impropriety evalutions as often happen. In response, I would utilize the whole works of Changyao’s poetry as research materials, start from the original texts, study phased his works, analyse unique style and explore reasons for artistic charming of his poetry.Thesis is made of introduction, body and conclusion.Introduction part mainly explains the present situation of academic reasearch of Changyao’s works and the aims of this thesis.Body part includes four chapters. First three chapters are divided the poetry into three parts by Changyao’s life experience and life situation, and investigating changes and characteristics of creation during various periods. In the fourth chapter, seeking the reasons of unique of Changyao’s poetry.1. 1953-1967: Singing in era torrent. In this section, I study Changyao’s works of early period on basis of the texts that pubished in 1950s, no like other researchers those who study by the texts of Changyao’s collections of poems. Then, to anlyse the different with the“old works”of that published in the latter of 1970s to the early of 1980s and the rewritten“old works”in his collections, and to renewly inspect Changyao initial spirit and poetry ideal and achievement of poetry. I can confirm that there has been some inappropriate and inaccurate evaluations of Changyao’s early poems in the field of literature academia by reviewing and analysing of Changyao’s works in this period. The fact is that Changyao’s early writings and contemporaries were no different from the mainstream of all the times, also were "Carol", and he didn’t more outstanding than other poets of that times.2. 1978-1985: New images and themes of the forging. In the part, I mainly study the means of shaping of“Plateau”image and multiple themes and inspect the relationship of life experiences and writing, to show art and value of Changyao’s poetry. At this stage, Changyao forged a unique "plateau" image, which is composed of many natural, historical and cultural images, they are together to build the overall "image", which made by the complex and special relationship between“poet”and“plateau”. It’s an integral part of poetry and the background of poetry. Changyao’s poetry has multiple themes, includes the tribute to the new era, the reflection on history, and the expression of personal ambition, which is the embodiment that Changyao had been putting his ideal of poetry and sense of value into practice. At this stage, Changyao extricated himself from the mood of early period writing, instead of emboding the romanticism characteristics, so he scored brilliant achievements in art.3. 1986-2000: Anxiety period. In the part, I mainly study the reasons for the transformation of style by analysing writting tactics that changyao employed to chanllage the predicament of reality and writing when he standed fast his poetic ideal from the latter of 1980s. In the period, Changyao suffered a variety of difficulties, these problems originated from life, economy, career and emotion and so on. Reflected in the works, it was a morbid aesthetic orientation and anxiety. The poems written in this period, comparing to the works of the early two period, there was a clear change from language and style to mood and aesthetic standard. The reason was that Changyao couldn’t conciliate the contradiction between reality and ideal, which a contradictory expression between individul limitions and demands of times. So aesthetic features of works that written in this period were with deep, blues, sadness, and reflected an anxious mood that getting entangled by ideal and value and philosophical sense.4. In the chapter, from language, selection and combination of image, style and form of poem, and origins of the poet, focusing on the reasons for the formation characteristics and style of works.In Conclusion part, to classify Changyao’s poetry and summarize his spirit, analyse the relationship between of "poet" and the "poetry". Further stressed that researchers should not ignore the complex relationship among the writers’creation ,cultural power, times, and literary history in the study field of writers and works, also correct the impropriety study of Changyao’s works in current research. Due to Changyao’s poetry written with his heart, so, in the discussion process, trying to jion "Poetry" and "individual" together, looking into the development and the tracks of poetry by understanding poet.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】252

