

Research on Resilience, the Employment Mentality of University Students and Their Relationship

【作者】 刘虹

【导师】 丁芳;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,在就业大环境不是很理想的情况下,大学生面临着比之前更大的就业压力和挑战,表现出不同的焦虑程度。而他们自身具有的调节能力、认知、应对方式都会极大地影响其情绪状态。因此,本研究从心理弹性角度出发,研究大学生的就业现状,以期能够为大学就业心理辅导工作的开展提供新的视角。高校着力培养大学生积极的心理品质,造就大学生竞争性、应变性、稳定性等健康人格特质。研究一中,在访谈、半结构式问卷调查的基础上,编制了信度和效度较高的大学生就业认知评价问卷,并考察了目前大学生对就业的认知评价现状。研究二中,为确保样本的代表性,分别在江苏、广东、四川、山东、吉林五省抽取不同的大学,学校类型包含国家重点本科大学、省属一般类本科大学、独立院校和专科类学校。采用整群分层随机抽样的方式从选中的几所大学抽取在校大学生760人为研究对象,且确认所有被试近期内没有遭遇较大不幸或创伤。删除无效问卷后得到有效问卷为658份,其中以大三、大四学生为主。给被试施测心理弹性量表、大学生就业压力应对方式问卷、状态-特质焦虑量表和自编大学生就业认知评价问卷,以探讨心理弹性对大学生就业认知评价、就业压力应对方式和就业焦虑的影响作用及相互关系。通过本研究得出如下结论:(1)自编大学生就业认知评价问卷信效度良好。问卷由积极评价、消极评价和不确定评价三个维度构成。(2)不同人口学变量的心理弹性、就业认知评价、就业应对方式和就业焦虑均存在着不同程度的差异。(3)心理弹性与就业焦虑呈显著负相关,与就业压力应对方式和就业认知评价呈显著正相关。(4)心理弹性可以直接影响大学生的就业认知评价、就业压力应对方式及大学生的就业焦虑程度。(5)心理弹性和就业认知评价可以预测大学生的就业压力应对方式,积极评价起中介作用;大学生就业认知评价和应对方式可以预测大学生的就业焦虑,寻求支持起中介作用;就业压力应对方式在心理弹性和就业焦虑之间起中介作用。

【Abstract】 At present time, employment situation is sterner than before. University students get much anxiety when they are facing employment stress. The adaptability, cognitive appraisal, coping style of university students will influence deeply their mind health. In the paper, we start with resilience, in order to study the employment situation of university students. We are eager to give some useful guidance to the employment assistants, and then cultivate students’good attribute.In the first study, access to the interviews, we developed《university students employment cognitive appraisal scale》,which has good reliability and validity, and we reviewed university students present employment cognitive appraisal.In the second study, several kinds of university students was tested by《resilience scale》,《employment stress coping style scale》,《state-trait anxiety inventory》and《university students employment cognitive appraisal scale》. In this study we discuss resilience’s effect to other factors about employment and the relationship of university students’resilience, employment stress coping style, employment cognitive appraisal and employment anxiety.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:(1)The self-made questionnaire has good reliability and validity in general. The employment cognitive appraisal questionnaire is composed of three factors: positive appraisal, negative appraisal, uncertain appraisal.(2)Demographic variables can affect university students’resilience, employment cognitive appraisal, employment stress coping style and employment anxiety deeply.(3)An obvious negative correlation exists between resilience and employment anxiety;An obvious positive correlation between resilience and employment cognitive appraisal and employment stress coping style.(4)The level of resilience can influence university students’employment cognitive appraisal and employment stress coping style.(5)Resilience can predict university students’employment anxiety. There was a mediate effect of cognitive between resilience and employment stress coping style, there was a mediate effect of employment stress coping style between resilience and employment anxiety.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

