

Study on Direct Election of County and Country Deputy to the People’s Congress

【作者】 李彬

【导师】 方世南;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,是民主政治制度中的一项重要内容,而人大代表的选举是实现人民当家作主的开端。对于代表选举活动是否能按照民主和自由的方式进行,主要看它的选举原则、选举程序和选举监督机制制定和运行的情况如何。建立一套科学完备的选举制度是实现真正民主的重要保障,也是衡量一个国家民主化程度的重要标志。我国人大代表的选举产生有间接选举和直接选举两种基本方式。自1953年第一部《选举法》颁布实施以来,我国的直接选举范围从乡级扩大到了县级。与间接选举相比,县乡人大代表的直接选举更能体现人民当家作主的本质和要求,然而在具体实践过程中所面临的情况也更为复杂,同时选举的难度也更大,但是它所发挥的作用也是最基础、最重要的。因此,对于县乡人大代表选举问题的研究,始终是我国社会政治生活中的热点之一。我国县乡人大代表直接选举的制度建设,经过多年的实践探索,已经取得了很大的成就。但是,随着我国政治经济文化的快速发展,普通民众的民主意识和参政素质不断增强,对现行的县乡人大代表选举制度提出了新的挑战。笔者从选举原则、选举程序和选举监督三个方面就目前的县乡人大代表选举制度相关知识进行了系统的梳理,并对选举原则、选举程序和选举监督中存在的问题进行了归纳和总结。在此基础上,对县乡人大代表选举制度中的几个重要性的、典型性的问题进行了深入的分析,如城乡每一代表人口数的比例问题;选举组织机构中立性的问题;代表候选人的提名与确定问题;选举过程中的违法行为问题等。针对县乡人大代表选举制度中的这些问题,笔者提出了几点建议,如城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表;设立中立的选举领导机构;建立自荐竞选制度;建构完善的选举监督与诉讼机制等。

【Abstract】 The people’s congress system is China’s fundamental political system, and it is an important content of the democratic political system too. Whether the election of deputy can in accordance with the manner of democracy and freedom, it mainly depends on the development and implementation of the principle of election, the election procedures and election monitoring mechanisms. To establish a scientific and complete electoral system is not only an important guarantee for genuine democracy, but also an important symbol to measure the degree of democratization of a country. China’s people’s congress deputy elections are two basic ways of indirect elections and direct election. Since 1953, the first Election Law promulgated, Our scope of direct elections has been extended to the county level from the country, Compared with the indirect election, the direct election of county and country people’s congress deputy better reflect the nature and requirements of the people, but in practice in the process of facing the situation is more complex, while the election is also more difficult, but its role is the most basic and most important. Therefore, the study on people’s congress deputy elections of county and township level, has always been one of the hot for China’s social and political life.The building of China’s system of direct election of county and country deputy to the people’s congress, has made great achievements after years of practice and exploration. However, with the improvement of China’s political economic and cultural levels, the people’s democratic consciousness and political participation ability is rising, which bring forward new challenges to the existing electoral system. The author systematized the relevant knowledge of the electoral system from the principle of election, election procedures and election monitoring, and summed up and concluded the problems in which. On this basis, analysed several important and typical issues in-depth. such as urban and rural population ratio of each representative; The neutrality of the organization of elections; Nomination and identification of candidates; illegal act in the electoral process and so on. To solve these problems, the author put forward some proposals, such as urban and rural people’s deputies elected by the same proportion of the population; Establishing a neutral lead agency of election; Set up the candidate’s election mechanism; Constructing perfect mechanisms of electoral monitoring and complaints, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

