

A Hermeneutical Study of the Translator’s Subjectivity

【作者】 王姗姗

【导师】 王占斌;

【作者基本信息】 天津商业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【副题名】以Gulliver’s Travels的三个中译本为例

【摘要】 在传统翻译研究中,由于作者中心论和原作中心论,译者长期处于“隐形人”身份之下,其在翻译过程中的作用受到忽视。20世纪80年代,译论界发生的文化转向为翻译研究带来了新的曙光,译者的主体性成为中外翻译界关注的热点。而阐释学是一门研究理解和解释的学科,与翻译研究之间有着本质的联系。阐释学中“历史性”、“视野融合”和“效果历史”概念的提出体现了其对主体性的关注。阐释学翻译研究突破了传统的作者至上和追求唯一“标准”翻译的偏见,开始认识到译者身上存在历史性的合理性,以及译者在翻译过程中的积极作用。《格列佛游记》是爱尔兰作家乔纳森·斯威夫特的杰作,深受世界各国读者的喜爱。自从首次介绍进中国以来,《格列佛游记》多次被不同的译者翻译及重译。本文选取分析了三个译本:清朝末年林纾和魏易合译的《海外轩渠录》、20世纪90年代杨昊成译的《格列佛游记》以及21世纪初王维东译的《格列佛游记》。三个译本都具有较强的代表性,不同的翻译背景和较长的时间跨度使之成为较好的译者主体性阐释学研究的对象。本文从阐释学的角度对《格列佛游记》三个译本进行分析,意在解释同一作品在不同历史背景下有不同译本的合理性,并说明译者在翻译过程中的重要作用。

【Abstract】 In the traditional translation studies, the translator was always put in an invisible place and his function in the process of translation was also neglected because of the author-centered and source-text centered translation theories. In the 1980s, the cultural turn in translation theories bring a new light to translation studies and the translator’s subjectivity has become one of the hot issues concerned by western and Chinese translation communities. Hermeneutics is a discipline about understanding and interpretation. There is an intrinsic relationship between Hermeneutics and translation studies. The concepts of“historicality”,“fusion of horizon”and“effective history”in Hermeneutics embody its stress on subjectivity. Translation studies from the perspective of Hermeneutics no longer adhere to the traditional translation principle of“determinative author”or pursuit the“standard”translation, but begin to recognize the reality of historicality existing in any interpreter and the interpreter’s active role in the process of translation.Gulliver’s Travels, the Irish writer Jonathan Swift’s masterpiece, is liked by many readers all over the world. In China, it was translated for dozens of times by different translators since the first time it had been introduced to China. This thesis selects and analyzes three of these translation versions; they are Lin Shu & Wei Yi’s Hai Wai Xuan Qu Lu pulished in the late Qing Dynasty, Yang Haocheng’s Ge Lie Fu You Ji published in the 1990s, and Wang Weidong’s Ge Lie Fu You Ji translated at the beginning of the 21st century, and all of them are good representatives of their times. Different backgrounds of these translation versions and the long intervals between them make them proper objects of Hermeneutical study of translator’s subjectivity.By analyzing the three translation versions of Gulliver’s Travels from the perspective of Hermeneutics, this thesis tries to explain the reasonableness of the phenomenon that the same work is translated differently in different historical conditions and illustrate the translator’s important role in the process of translation.


