

The Analyse of Status of Research Papers and Dynamic in Competitive Basketball Active from 2004 to 2009 of China

【作者】 朱文华

【导师】 张宏成;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 竞技篮球作为同场对抗性集体球类项目,有其本身独特的魅力,其发展和实践离不开竞技篮球科研的进步,竞技篮球科研指导着竞技篮球的发展。随着我国体育科学体系和竞技篮球体制的不断改革和完善,竞技篮球科研也得到了较快的发展。本文主要采用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法和专家访谈法对2004-2009年我国体育类核心期刊上461篇竞技篮球科研论文从竞技篮球科研论文的数量、研究对象、研究方法、第一作者、立项项目、具体内容等方面进行分析,旨在揭示这段时间我国竞技篮球科研的特点和规律,找出其中存在的问题和原因,并提出一些合理化的建议。研究结果表明:1.2004-2009年我国体育类核心期刊上有关竞技篮球科研论文呈波浪形变化,每年略有变化。以《北京大学体育学院学报》、《武汉体育学院学报》、《中国体育科技》的发表数量最多。2.研究对象主要集中对CBA、中国男篮等方面;对后备人才培养、中国女篮、裁判、场地器材等方面的研究有待加强。研究方法上有了一定的突破,但还是以传统的研究方法为主。竞技篮球科研论文的第一作者以具有副高职称人员和讲师为主,体育类核心期刊上发表有关竞技篮球的科研论文是立项项目的少。3.2004-2009年我国体育类核心期刊上竞技篮球论文的存在的主要问题有:选题比例不平衡,雷同研究比较多;创新性的研究少;科研与实践结合不够紧密。影响因素主要有:对竞技篮球科研的重视程度不够;科研经费缺乏;科研队伍结构失衡。4.2004-2009年我国竞技篮球科研的特征有:综合运用多种研究方法、多学科研究;研究内容不断深化;现代科学技术应用与竞技篮球科研中。我国竞技篮球科研的趋势有:多学科、多领域、多层次研究;对基础性理论的研究并与体育实践密切结合;宏观研究、具有前瞻性的研究成为我国竞技篮球科研的热点领域;竞技篮球科研的高度综合性研究成为主要趋势。

【Abstract】 Competitive basketball games as a confrontation with the collective ball game ,Has its own unique charm,Its development and practice is inseparable from the progress of scientific research and competitive basketball,Sports Basketball scientific research to guide the development of a competitive basketball.As China’s sports science system and a competitive basketball structural reform and improvementCompetitive basketball research has also been rapid development.In this paper,using literature method、mathematical statistics、logic、analysis and expert interviews of the 2004-2009 core journals of sports athletic basketball on 461research papers scientific research papers from the number of competitive basketball, study, research methods, the first an author, project items, specific content areas such as analysis, This time to reveal the characteristics of China’s competitive basketball and laws of scientific research, find out the problems and causes, and put forward some recommendations for the rationalization and promote research work in competitive basketball healthy development, and scientific research to better serve the competitive basketball movement. The results show that:1.2004-2009 core journals in China sports athletic basketball research papers on the topics of the overall analysis: six years of competitive basketball published papers ups and downs, the largest number in 2005, the smallest number in 20062. The study is not balanced, mainly in technical and tactical, training, etc.; pairs of back-up personnel, referees, equipment, facilities, etc. needs to be improved. Research methods have a definite breakthrough, a number of high-tech means to be a certain application, but still dominated by traditional research methods. Sports Basketball scientific papers of the first author and lecturer with Fu Gaozhi that the main core journals published in sports athletic basketball project on fewer projects.3.2004-2009 core journals, China’s sports papers on the topics of competitive basketball The main problems are: the proportion of topics of imbalance, are more topics of repetition; innovative research less. Influencing factors are: the importance of the competitive level of basketball is not enough scientific research; research and a lack of funds; incentive mechanisms are inadequate, and so thin.4.2004-2009 competitive basketball in China R & D characteristics are: the integrated use of a variety of research methods, multidisciplinary research; research content specific; of modern science and technology scientific research and competitive basketball. Competitive Basketball in China R & D trends: multi-disciplinary, multi-field, multi-level research on basic theory research and practice, closely integrated with the sports; macro research, forward-looking research became the hot area of research and competitive basketball; Athletic Basketball comprehensive study of the height of scientific research as a major trend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

