

Towards an Integral Self

【作者】 黄泳

【导师】 王腊宝;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 戴·赫·劳伦斯(1885-1930)是20世纪英国文坛一颗璀璨的明珠。在其人生短短的45年里,他创作了13部长篇小说,70多部中短篇小说以及大量的诗歌、游记和文学评论。其创作核心力图表现西方工业文明破坏人与自然、人与人的和谐关系以及传统宗教、道德和社会势力对人性压抑和摧残的负面效应。他的作品不仅具有很高的艺术价值,也闪耀着一位严肃生活者的思辨光辉。本文讨论的三部小说------《儿子与情人》、《恋爱中的女人》、《查特莱夫人的情人》都以英格兰北部诺丁汉一带的矿区与乡村为背景,描绘在工业化和机器文明逐渐成为主宰一切的社会力量的时期,人们在精神上、情感上和社会关系上的变化,一定程度上反映了工业革命之后英国中产阶级以及工人阶级的生活现实。劳伦斯认为僵化的西方现代文明扼杀了人的个性,破坏了人与自然的和谐,造成了两性关系的严重失衡。只有发现自我,重塑自我,人类才能重新焕发生命的光彩。从他对三部小说中男主人公的刻画剖析,我们不难感受到劳伦斯对人的本能世界的探索和对完善自我的执着追求。劳伦斯笔下的男主人公或具自传性,或充当其哲学思考的代言人,或为其所批判的思想意识的代表。他的三部小说对男主人公的不同处理,反映了劳伦斯不断成熟完善的自我观。论文分为五个部分。第一章简要介绍劳伦斯的生平和自我观,说明文章布局。第二章以《儿子与情人》表现的“恋母情结”为线索,从相关人物出发剖析造成保罗个性分裂的因素,揭示小说家就工业文明和宗教势力对人性自然发展的束缚和压抑作出的批判。第三章结合小说《恋爱中的女人》对比了面对工业文明持不同人生态度的杰拉尔德和伯金自我的毁灭和新生,说明劳伦斯对自我发展的肯定。第四章结合小说《查特莱夫人的情人》展示劳伦斯笔下两种势力的冲突(以克里夫德为代表象征摧毁生命的机械力量和以梅乐士为代表象征创造生命的有机力量),并在此基础上解析劳伦斯理想中的人物梅乐士不断完善自我并孕育生命的人生哲学。第五章为结论,进一步分析和总结劳伦斯三部小说。通过对男主人公的不同处理来寻找并探索其完善自我途径的努力和发展轨迹。作为一个把传统和革新兼容并蓄的作家,劳伦斯批判压抑人性的工业文明,弘扬自我的回归,他通过创作来唤醒人类的危机意识,无疑具有非常积极的意义。

【Abstract】 D.H. Lawrence is one of the greatest novelists at the dawn of the 20th century in English literature. Sons and Lovers, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley’s Lover remain Lawrence’s most prominent works, which thread the writer’s thought-adventure while he strives for a solution to the problem of the increasingly divided self in modern society. The development of the self of the male characters in these novels is noteworthy for in it Lawrence sheds his own evolving understanding of the fulfillment of human beings in relation to nature, to society and to themselves.In this thesis I examine the parallel between his evolving philosophy about the fulfillment of the self and his development in the treatment of the male characters in the novels. Although Lawrence’s fiction has invited close scrutiny and abundant commentary from literary critics, and the writer’s unique philosophy related to the living self has remained the spotlight of his prolific artistic achievements and hence a focus of appreciation and study, few have traced the developing self in Lawrence’s male characters systematically. I believe those characters’ development of the self---their struggle for rebirth or their fall into depravity---reflects Lawrence’s progressive discovery of his creed of life, and hence a valuable focus in the study of the author. By tracking down the development of the self of those protagonists, we get a straightened record of the writer’s pilgrimage towards the full recognition of integrated humanity.The thesis falls into five parts. The introduction clarifies the intention, arrangement of the thesis with a brief review of Lawrence’s life and a general survey of his conception of an integral self. The second part is an analysis of the deficient self of Paul Morel, the protagonist in Lawrence’s autobiographic novel Sons and Lovers. Fatally entangled in the oedipal affection for his mother, Paul was faced with recurrent failure in his efforts to establish wholesome relationships with women and eventually drifting to an“intrinsic death”. With his creation of Paul, Lawrence achieved a painful catharsis for his own problematic self. The third part deals with Lawrence’s synchronic study of the state of man’s self in the spreading corruption of the modern age in Women in Love. The chapter contrasts the conflicting values of Gerald Crich and Rupert Birkin. While the former sought the death of the self through his active siding with the destructive forces of western industrial civilization, the latter attained the revival of the self by freeing himself from the flux of corruption. The fourth part examines the accomplished self of the ideal hero Oliver Mellors in Lady Chatterley’s Lover. With his“tenderness”and life-giving force, Mellors stood as an incarnation of Lawrence’s conception of a consummate self. The Conclusion offers a summary of Lawrence’s developing treatment of the diverse characters and his general view of the completion of the self.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】350

